on 11-06-2015 08:07 PM
I bought a jumper from the UK that cost me 5 pounds and Pitney Bowes charged me 15 pounds postage. I was a bit shocked, who are they and when did they take over from the Royal Mail?
As an expat from the UK, I occasionally like to buy stuff that I can't purchase easily in Aus but not anymore 😞
on 01-06-2019 12:31 PM
@davewil1964 wrote:
@4channel wrote:
@lyndal1838 wrote:How is it bullying to point out the truth?
Just because you don't/won't acknowledge that the GSP has it's place and that the GST is not the evil vile system that you think it is, it doesn't mean that you are being bullied.
Have you tried reporting the "bullies" to the Mods....see if they think you are being bullied.
Pointing out the truth is not bullying lyndal and I wasn't talking about this thread in particular. I'm talking about the handfull of bullies here who have baited, ridiculed and tried to intimidate the newbies that come here with their issues and just want to discuss things. And there is a female member here who has copped a bit or garbage from a couple of people for no reason and she is one of the most polite people here.
Some folks have to get it through their heads that people have a right to discuss issues here. It's a free world
The 'polite' person I believe you are referring to is a self-confessed bio-terrorist, who, almost every time she buys things from overseas, starts a new thread asking the same non-questions.
What's a bio-terrorist davewill1964? And even if such a tag is warranted, that doesn't mean she is not polite.
And for my (I'd still like to call him an amigo) co-ebayer further on down the thread from davewill's post, if she did say that she wanted to bite someone's head off, was it out of frustration?? Since I have been coming here for the last 2 years or so, I have seen baiting, flaming, goading and mocking . Oh and the occasional hit here and there of good 'ol fashioned trolling.
on 01-06-2019 01:14 PM
@4channel wrote:
What's a bio-terrorist davewill1964? And even if such a tag is warranted, that doesn't mean she is not polite.
I'll have a go at answering your question. Please excuse the wordiness of what I believe to be a definition of bio-terrorist (in this instance):
A bio-terrorist is someone who, by their deliberate actions and blatant disregard for bio controls, behaves in a way that puts at significant risk the biosecurity of the place they live (i.e. their state, their country, the agricultural industries of the whole country, the pets owned by regular everyday folk) after being informed numerous times by members here (and Border Force / Customs through item seizure) that the new and used items they are buying from overseas pose a definite risk despite the fact the risky items they seek to import are readily available here in Australia in safe form (pet food, used pet cages, pet play toys containing seed).
I could have given a one word definition, but that would probably get edited by someone else.
Anyway, never mind, so long as they are polite!
on 01-06-2019 04:24 PM
on 01-06-2019 07:56 PM
Of course you're right. Politeness cancels any and all faults. Like not being able to spell somebody's user name, for example.
Given your lack of attention to anything outside of your limited crusades, I politely suggest your experience of that particular member's politeness is limited and in no way indicative of the facts. I politely further suggest that there is no 'if' about it. She wrote it and it is still there if you bother to do some research into what she's posted in the past.
Ha ha, as if.
on 03-06-2019 12:39 PM
@k1ooo-slr-sales wrote:@4channel wrote:
What's a bio-terrorist davewill1964? And even if such a tag is warranted, that doesn't mean she is not polite.
I'll have a go at answering your question. Please excuse the wordiness of what I believe to be a definition of bio-terrorist (in this instance):
A bio-terrorist is someone who, by their deliberate actions and blatant disregard for bio controls, behaves in a way that puts at significant risk the biosecurity of the place they live (i.e. their state, their country, the agricultural industries of the whole country, the pets owned by regular everyday folk) after being informed numerous times by members here (and Border Force / Customs through item seizure) that the new and used items they are buying from overseas pose a definite risk despite the fact the risky items they seek to import are readily available here in Australia in safe form (pet food, used pet cages, pet play toys containing seed).
I could have given a one word definition, but that would probably get edited by someone else.
Anyway, never mind, so long as they are polite!
Well, there's a lot of BT's around then. I'm not one but it would seem that they could be as common as people who don't put the correct items in recycle bins.
Anyway, we're talking about the same person here. I've always found her polite. The bullies that have picked on her in the past (I don't count you among them), I find less than polite. Some goad and deliberately take delight in trying to wind up those who they don't agree with.
I do agree, politeless excuses nothing but there's not a lot to excuse it seems.
on 03-06-2019 12:45 PM
@davewil1964 wrote:Of course you're right. Politeness cancels any and all faults. Like not being able to spell somebody's user name, for example.
Given your lack of attention to anything outside of your limited crusades, I politely suggest your experience of that particular member's politeness is limited and in no way indicative of the facts. I politely further suggest that there is no 'if' about it. She wrote it and it is still there if you bother to do some research into what she's posted in the past.
Ha ha, as if.
No mention of names here but the core handful of bullies here who resort to charachter assasination in their ad hominem attacks may have pressed the buttons to get the reaction they want.
I myself and a couple of other members have found her to be very polite. Another member confided to me that he was disgusted by the way some others have treated her here. I'll do my own research as you suggested, when I have time. I doubt I would find much to change the way I think of her.
03-06-2019 02:10 PM - edited 03-06-2019 02:11 PM
The member concerned has posted of repeated attempts (by her) to import prohibited items into Australia - specifically into a part of Australia that is well-known for its pristine natural beauty and which values that pristine beauty and pest/disease-free status very highly.
The member has posted a number of times about importing - or attempting to import - items that are subject to quarantine, against Australia's state and territory regulations. I don't know for certain that anything that this member attempted to import (and which was against those regulations) actually made it through, but if we take what this member posted as factual, the member attempted more than once - KNOWING that the attempted import was against regulations - to import the desired items. Some of the member's attempted imports were seized by customs, and it was suggested by members on this board that the member in question stop trying to import items that she knew were against regulations - if for no other reason than concern for herself, since the items seized would have resulted in her name being put on a watch list by customs.
Of course, it is possible that the member in question is simply posting wind-up posts (at least in connection with the apparent flouting of Australian quarantine regulations - and who knows? Perhaps the posts concerning parcel deliveries and so on are also a leg-pull.) If they are, the member has maintained the gag in an enviable fashion. Alternatively, perhaps the member posts legitimate posts with the certain knowledge that she is causing outrage and concern when it comes to the posts about prohibited items, delighting in causing just that. (That would make the poster exhibit some aspects of an internet troll, since to troll, according to the ODE, is to ❝make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them.❞)
To get a better picture, I suppose you would have to go back to the member's very first posts, to see the initial responses from other members. You'd see some blunt replies which are nonetheless constructive, a ream of polite and helpful responses, and a gradual escalation of disbelief and shock and then a mental throwing up of hands as the member's posts displayed the things I've mentioned.
I myself have had little interaction with the member concerned. I have drawn my own conclusion, but I can say that, reading over the history of that member's posts, my eyes have done a lot of ocular sit-ups...
on 03-06-2019 03:03 PM
Countess, there is very little to be gained by looking back over the members old threads....most of them have been very heavily edited by the Mods leaving her looking pure as the driven snow.
on 03-06-2019 03:46 PM
I was still able to de-snow some of them...
But oh! for an unbowdlerised edition!
04-06-2019 12:32 PM - edited 04-06-2019 12:34 PM
@countessalmirena wrote:The member concerned has posted of repeated attempts (by her) to import prohibited items into Australia - specifically into a part of Australia that is well-known for its pristine natural beauty and which values that pristine beauty and pest/disease-free status very highly.
I myself have had little interaction with the member concerned. I have drawn my own conclusion, but I can say that, reading over the history of that member's posts, my eyes have done a lot of ocular sit-ups...
I've edited out most of what posted as I want to make my reply fairly brief. Some of what you said makes sense, for sure! Anyway, I'd just like to say that I'll have a look at what she has posted in the past, assuming we're talking about M that is. What I have seen and what another member has seen, and said to me about how she has been picked on does not relate to her importing or trying to import products that may not be allowed here. Anyway, they get stopped my customs. I once had a food item that was stopped by customs. I got a letter saying it was disallowed. I contacted theem and pointed out that the item was allowed and they apologised and sent it to me. Sadly because of their overkill, it didn't arrive for Christmas like it was intended.
Anyway, back to this lady, with the thread I saw her attacked on with some degree of character assasaination, she had done nothing to deserve this!! And if it's a revenge for her past (supposed) goings on, then it's not a cool thing.
I have been a witness to bullying here, bullying and intimidation of newbies who come to talk about certain matters and after some unfair and some stupid remarks and mocking, they don't come back. That needs to stop and the few who do it here need to realise that they don't own these forums.