on โ13-10-2012 06:09 PM
Just want to confirm something.
When a post is removed and appealed does the letter acknowledging your appeal state
Regardless of the outcome of this review, the post will not be reinstated?
I got a message from another person telling me a post would be reinstated if it was found to have nothing wrong with it.
If as a seller you had feedback you did not like and boasted about it going to be removed and it was removed then the buyer that left that feedback appealed the decision stating there was nothing there to breach FB policy and so it was then reinstated, would you as the seller be annoyed at ebay or the buyer?
on โ14-10-2012 01:57 PM
One is left to wonder why one rep would see the feedback as removable yet another does not and can see it should not have been removed so puts it back.
Perhaps as a power seller they pressured their account manager to do it for them,
it wouldn't be the first time that sort of thing has happened. ๐
on โ14-10-2012 03:02 PM
Well I guess in this case the Account Manger will be annoyed as will the bragging seller LOL.
Some think they are so much better than average person and are only too willing to tell others how full of self importance they are by saying something like people love them instantly (must be my irresistible nature), and am genuine and very friendly and CLASSY.
But the mess from the tickets falling of them self is not so classy.
on โ14-10-2012 06:03 PM
There was a high profile power seller that used their account manager to deal with forum issues for them and get member sanctioned, the account manager was eventually sacked I believe when written complaints were lodged about what was going on.
on โ14-10-2012 08:51 PM
No they never reinstate a post after it's been removed irrespective of whether or not the slap was overturned, they just don't reinstate the post.
on โ14-10-2012 08:53 PM
There was a high profile power seller that used their account manager to deal with forum issues for them and get member sanctioned, the account manager was eventually sacked I believe when written complaints were lodged about what was going on.
Yes I do recall that one and the circumstances surrounding it and rightly so that the account manager was dismissed.
on โ15-10-2012 12:49 PM
Hi to all, back to to work after a super fab weekend - one of those that you'd wish would never end!
Browsing here through the lunch break, just spotted this - we also had a similar case last week, but with one difference.
Requested from Ebay addittional comment removal as it wasn't accurate in one of our latest bad f/backs - but they removed the whole thing.
For some reason my boss didn't want that f/back removed at all (we never do as all buyers can look at everything, good & bad and make a more informed decisions that way)
Then it tokk them few days last week to have it re-instated, minus the comment - so everyone is happy now.
If feedback is removed which does not qualify for removal, it will be reinstated when it is appealed by the person who left it in the first place.
The above isn't correct, according to Ebay, same info from several managers, once they decide on removal it stays that way unless the recepient requests any changes - and even then is almost impossible!
Our accountant bought something few months ago, left pos. f/back but with bad stars - then wanted that corrected - pleaded and pleaded with Ebay to no avail - f/back stayed. He still feels bad about it to this day.
Happy Ebaying to all, JHS
on โ15-10-2012 01:08 PM
on โ15-10-2012 01:18 PM
If you keep on telling yourself that then you will believe it JHS. I know that the feedback was put back because it did not qualify for removal in the first place...nothing to do with what your boss wanted.
on โ15-10-2012 01:48 PM
If you keep on telling yourself that then you will believe it JHS. I know that the feedback was put back because it did not qualify for removal in the first place...nothing to do with what your boss wanted.
And how can you be so sure?
I was here at the tail end of the call, heard them say they didn't want entire f/back removed, only the comment, and that is how it is now.
Rang Ebay just now, minute ago to check again if buyer can influence and demmand re - instatement of f/back and the answer again was a resosnt NO.
Wanted to know just in case I'm personally ever in that situation.
on โ15-10-2012 02:00 PM
If feedback is removed which does not qualify for removal, it will be reinstated when it is appealed by the person who left it in the first place.
The above isn't correct, according to Ebay, same info from several managers, once they decide on removal it stays that way unless the recepient requests any changes - and even then is almost impossible!
I guess it would depend on who you speak to in eBay land? Because I know it did happen and was just wondering if it did happen to other sellers would you blame ebay or the buyer for appealing it?