on โ09-03-2013 06:49 PM
I find it very frustrating, I pay money for an item only to discover seller doesn't have product in stock & then have to wait 11 days to get same??
Sellers should not be able to list if they don't have item in stock..
It has happened twice with one particular seller, I think I will buy these elsewhere from now on!!
on โ26-03-2013 08:21 AM
My apologies Moorna, I would like to interact with you on the boards as I do with many. But it is difficult at times as you seem to be set on telling all and sundry how eBay works, and all they can do to make it better, then turn around and impress once again on us all that you do not use eBay as a selling venue (except that once). I did misunderstand about the mobility things, sorry and see your point re the cost of delivery, that is one of the biggest headaches for all sellers, postage/delivery costs.
The biggest reason you are being less than accepted by some, is simply because you are always singing your own praises, and for many on here who are struggling it can come across as condescending. I think I remember a post of yours in the March Sales thread asking some sellers 'Why do you bother' then proceeding to blind us all with your selling prowess and huge monthly income via the markets or something.
Surely even you can see that this is not going to endear many on the boards to you. A lot come here to vent, to seek help to ask opinions - of other eBayers, and any so called advice or opinion from you on how useless some of us are, and how much better we could do elsewhere is down right rude.
As for the truce, I agree.
But please, just a little more thought before you bound in with your helpful business idea's.
Thank you for your honest thoughts and reply.
They've given me something to think about regarding how I say and do things, or how they may be perceived by others in writing even when meant kindly.
That's the problem of speaking without face to face contact, it can always be taken a far different way to how it was meant.
For instance, my comment about "Is it all worth the effort" or words to that effect .... that was actually meant to be read as something like, "You put so much hard work into it to gain so little return, surely there has to be an easier way to make the money for you" or something far more sympathetic, I can't recall my exact thoughts of the time, but I certainly never intended it to come off as you took it, so I appologise for that.
I can't say that anything was intended to sound like I was telling Ebay how to do their job, but yes, I was telling people that trading on markets is another good way to extend their income, and a couple or so have decided to give it a shot as they tell me by PM, but at least one of those was close to doing so long before I came along.
As for my singing my own praises I will not deny that to a large extent, but that's because I'm pretty damned proud of the fact that through sheer hard work and determiation over many years I turned myself into a fairly wealthy man from an ex-army truck driving squaddie, so that pride in my own achievements is bound to shine through, just as it would if the same people it now upsets were in my boots instead. It's natural I would think.
Anyway, truce it is, but I can make no promises of not being taken the wrong way at times, or even when being taken the right way that it won't cause someone here upset of some kind. I'm only human after all, and the pride in my self achievement isn't likely to lessen lol.
on โ26-03-2013 08:44 AM
I am afraid I have been in fault here a couple of times. Usually because I also sell to retailers and have a local website here in my own country and the last item was sold by staff before stock was reordered. With times being bad every were these days , I do not carry as much stock as we used to. I try and put the item for E-Bay to one side, but a sale is a sale and I always ask if the customer is ready to weight when this has happened. Some items are one off off these are always kept under lock and key till them item is sold or melted down.
But the time factor of delivery is another question really,every item we send is track and trace courier from NZ, but, this doesn't sometimes work in the USA, as as you know even in your own country USA. there can be discrepancy in this factor, State to State. From us we try for 7days from NZ, as we use Air, but we find that when the packet reaches LA, we run in to some big delays, even parcels lost. We also have an agent in New Hampshire for some product and Texas. It is nothing for items to be delayed to them for 3 weeks.But, rest assured England has the worst mail system we have come across.Parcels can disappear for ever there. Charm Affair.
on โ26-03-2013 01:13 PM
me too, very bad form
No stock = customer frustration trying to get your $$$ back from the dodgy sellers
on โ26-03-2013 04:46 PM
moorna - in case you missed it, as it seems to have been written in invisible ink, I thank you for accepting my apology in the vein in which it was intended and let's both ignore my pet peeve that trots along behind me where ever I go pushing little buttons;-)
on โ16-07-2013 02:11 AM
this problem is now getting increased day by day . i have tried to buy 6 items so far in last 3months. all are out of stock. our money gets stucked at seller side for 15 days.