on 20-05-2013 03:25 PM
Lately I have come across a number of sellers who just can't be bothered answering their questions on their listings.
If you don't add all the information I require and I'm interested enough to buying, I'll ask questions I need answered. But so many times these sellers miss out on sales cause they are just purely rude and won't respond.
I'm not about to fork out for goods that may not be what I'm after. In this day in age, you can't afford to waste money. Hence, if you're a lazy ass seller who can't be bothered putting in a few minutes to answer a potenial buyers question, you miss out! Like they say - plenty more fish in the sea.
But it pisses me off when sellers are so rude. Aren't sellers listing on ebay to sell - or are they purely for show??????
on 20-05-2013 09:36 PM
I recently had a browser ask me if I could sell him one of my items for 80% off the listed price.
I hope he wasn't terribly offended when I didn't get around to answering his inquiry. 🙂
on 20-05-2013 10:58 PM
l get a lot of questions asking for things that are already mentioned or shown on a listing.
Asked what is inside a handbag when the description states just that. Or asking for photos as the listing dosen't have any (say wha?)
A lot of questions l put down to the buyer being a phone user. They have to tap on the heading for description or scroll for photos...neither of which they do before sending a message.
l had a buyer request videos of a toy before they purchased, value of the toy? $9
One buyer asked 11 questions before purchasing a $12 vase and then turned into a NBP when they did buy.
Or on my book ID - questions such as:
Asking the ending of a novel. They only purchase 'happy ending' books (l have thousands of books, l don't read each one).
Asking if l'll accept $3 for a book, postage inclusive (when it has to travel in a satchel).
Asking if l'll photocopy parts of a text book to save them $$ as they are a poor uni student.
Asking if l would like to set up a book swap with them if they pay postage their end.
You know, some times questions go unanswered for those very reasons.
on 21-05-2013 12:12 AM
^ :^O
The ending of the novel is just priceless!
Well last night, I had to message a seller to ask about some canisters. All I wanted to know was if they were airtight. She responded ...
"What does airtight mean?"
I moved on.
on 21-05-2013 01:07 AM
I think there are certain things that really need good clear descriptions - like clothing and collectables - but sometimes getting more info out of some sellers is like getting blood out of a stone.
I am definitely going to ask for more info when the seller has posted the listing via a mobile/iPhone/some-other-inadequate-piece-of-electronic-equipment, and a para notifying potential buyers of that fact actually accounts for half the text in the item description.
Thankfully, recently many sellers I've contacted have replied, but it would have been better if they had spent some time describing the item better in the first place so I wouldn't have to ask. For those who didn't bother to reply....No Sale folks!
on 21-05-2013 02:39 AM
I usually just move on if a seller doesn't respond to my messages. But it really annoys me when I ask a question, and a seller replies with a rude comment or even an insult. I mostly buy DVDs or video games on ebay, and if a seller doesn't include a description beyond the title of the DVD/game, I'll ask what the region it is or what condition its in. Most of the time sellers are nice and accommodating. But some sellers have sent me responses like "can't be bothered to check" or "f*ck off and don't annoy me with stupid questions". It's really bizarre how rude some people can be for no reason at all. Don't they want to sell their items? o_O
on 21-05-2013 06:27 AM
I would say 90% of the questions I get are offers for a ridiculous amount (mostly less than half, sometimes 30% !!! ) of the listed price. 5% are questions covered in the listing. 5% are actually "questions" by someone with a specific requirement and they are checking that before they buy. I bend over backward to help that 5%. I often don't answer type 1 unless it's just too ridiculous and then I give them a spray and block them, it's against ebay rules to even make an offer when the "make an offer" function is not used, and I make sure they know this and will be reported if they do it with me again.
It's not all buyers you know. I just love a good question, and will absolutely bend over backwards even to the point of offering delivery or recommending other items, sellers or services if I can help. But some buyers are just shockers, and there's a whole lot more of them than there used to be :).
on 22-05-2013 12:56 AM
What I have noticed lately is that very few buyers get back to me after I have answered their questions. Makes me wonder whether messages are always getting through.
Many of my questions are requests for parts not listed so there is often several messages that go back and forth between myself and the customer. Lately though, I reply and never hear back from them.
I answer all questions, even though most of the answers are already apparent. Never get any sales, though.
But it's only a minute or so, so I happily provide the answers, sometimes without digs.
on 22-05-2013 02:11 PM
I totally agree with what you are saying. Its very frustrating when that happens.
As a seller, I have active ebay phone alerts on my phone. So if I am out, I will still get my messages and I will respond accordingly.
It costs time and money to list, so if you don't respond to your buyers, 1) its a waste of money, 2) time, 3) unprofessional 4) Buyers don't forget good customer service , BUT THEY DONT FORGET BADDDDDDDDDDDD CUSTOMER SERVICE.
I love good communication between bidder and buyer and if that doesn't happen, I get really peeved off. It is very rude for a person not to respond to any emails when it only takes a few minutes of your time.