feed back time limit.

I placed an order from overseas and I wish to leave feed back for two items ( not yet received) of an order of three. The third item has been received and feed back left.Due to staff not being at work (lockdown), suppliers not being able to deliver stock to the seller because of COVID19 The time for me to give feed back is about to expire. Will feed back still be active because the seller has been unable to send my items. I did pay for these on 16th Dec 2020. I normally leave feed back once the items have been delivered to me. James

Message 1 of 32
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Re: feed back time limit.

Yes and good examples of times you gave.  Yes, Europe can be tricky. And kudos to you for mentioning ...  "The world is a big place when it comes to the delivery of parcels." That says it alll actually.


Well, I think eBay should do this restoration.



Message 11 of 32
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Re: feed back time limit.

eBay tends to base its decisions on a majority need / demand basis, or (probably more so), whether it is of benefit to them - if there is no strong demand for something to change, and the change wouldn't benefit eBay (or it would affect them negatively), change is unlikely to ever happen. I think given that it's been nearly a full year since things really hit the fan as far as postage times etc go, and eBay has implemented a vast range of policies and procedures to deal with the fallout, the liklihood of an extension to the time allowed to leave feedback would appear to be of extremely low priority, if it has even been a consideration.


Never say never, I suppose, but feedback hasn't really been an integral part of the site for a long time, no matter how integral it remains to an individual. i.e. It remains important to some people, I'm not denying that, but the number of people who consider it important enough to leave at all is getting lower every year - eBay also abandoned the idea years ago that it is an effective tool for assessing sellers in a meaningful way (by which I mean eBay used to use feedback, including the star ratings, as part of a seller's performance assessment, now they have no effect / impact in that regard whatsoever). 


If you want feedback to be as meaningful as it used to be, which in turn would be more likely to make eBay seriously consider whether there's a need to extend the time to leave it, then you need to convince the millions of other users - not eBay - that it's an integral part of a transaction, and frankly I expect that is an impossible task. 

Message 12 of 32
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Re: feed back time limit.

i agree with you ..this happens too much

Message 13 of 32
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Re: feed back time limit.

@dvd.horder wrote:

i agree with you ..this happens too much

What a shock.


Maybe buy from other sites where feedback, rather than goods, is most important.

Message 14 of 32
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Re: feed back time limit.

@dvd.horder wrote:

i agree with you ..this happens too much

Have you ever had slips put in your parcel with the seller asking to please leave feedback?

Message 15 of 32
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Re: feed back time limit.

On occasions I have had these.

Message 16 of 32
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Re: feed back time limit.

Well, I'm not the only one. It's more common than people think and FB is an integral part to many a buysiness.

Message 17 of 32
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Re: feed back time limit.

Most buysiness(sic) don't expect it, though.


I often get asked, but rarely respond.


I'm one of the silent majority that just want they bought, at the price they agreed to, in  a timely manner.

Message 18 of 32
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Re: feed back time limit.

@4channel wrote:

Well, I'm not the only one. It's more common than people think and FB is an integral part to many a buysiness.



So where are all the businesses asking ebay to extend the time for a buyer to leave feedback? I haven't seen one, and that goes for within these forums as well as the seller groups I participate in off eBay. If sellers think it's so integral, don't you think there would be at least a couple of similar threads posted by a seller by now? 


I told you before, it's a marketing tactic - they don't care if you don't leave feedback, they only care that you leave positive feedback if you do leave it, they are planting that idea in your head.  You claim to have been in sales, yet you have remarkably naive beliefs surrounding the sales / marketing tactics sellers use. 


If you don't believe me, look at this much more blatant attempt at manipulating how buyers leave feedback someone made years ago, in "comic" form. This is basically a "please leave feedback *smiley face* " note on steroids, i.e. literally shaming buyers into either giving full stars or none at all.


You'll notice "no stars" is a perfectly acceptable outcome for sellers, even during a time when they could dramatically affect their selling account. ๐Ÿ˜‰ 


r/Ebay - Leave a 5 Stars or None at All when Rating
Message 19 of 32
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Re: feed back time limit.

Sorry friend but this is getting  a bit silly now. I hate to say this but you remind me of a more gentle minister of propaganda during the era of Joseph Stalin  in a parallel dimension. You do enjoy these discussions / debates.  That's obvious!  You have a bag of tactics that you reach into quite often, no crime in that. I guess we all can do that to a degree.

Message 20 of 32
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