spam from Shopping Express

this is a bit off topic i suppose but i am a buyer Smiley LOL anywwayz, are others also getting spam email from a company called Shopping Express? i received 4 in the last week & i have never dealt with them before so i shouldn't be subscribed to any emails from them.


I notice i only got them on both the email addresses i have linked to my 2 ebay accounts, not on any other emails. So i am presuming ebay sold my details to them or the company is partly owned by ebay or something, i could be wrong though. If this is correct doesn't it violate some sort of privacy law?

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Re: spam from Shopping Express

i will be reporting mine but i can bet the majority of people who receive them won't, people can't be bothered/don't have time or are sheep & actually buy from them. Smiley Surprised They wouldn't bother spamming people unless sheep responded to them. Looks like they have been deliberately sneaky to hide who/where its actually been sent from.


In the case of ebay partly or wholly owning a company who is spamming then legally i wonder if they are breaching the privacy rules because technically speaking they are not passing on the email addresses to a third party? Cat Frustrated

Message 11 of 23
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Re: spam from Shopping Express

Please don't use my name in vain 😄 😄 :D!! Sheep are actually highly intelligent animals. In fact, it has been proven scientifically that they are smarter than dogs, dolphins and monkeys. 


I know what you're trying to say though and I reckon you are right. People see % discounts and can't click on the links quick enough thinking they are getting a bargain. These are the same people that can't hit the forward button quick enough when someone sends them a hoax email saying "send to everyone you know". They are the same ones who think they really have won millions in the UK lottery or that some Nigerian royalty has died and wants to give them money.


When you look at their privacy policy (shopping express), apparently they have strict policies on privacy. You will only receive their newsletters if you have subscribed to them. I call BULL DUST on that one!!!

Message 12 of 23
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Re: spam from Shopping Express

oops sorry LOL, i wasn't thinking! hmm i might have to give up eating lamb, we don't need to suck anymore intelligence out of the earth! Smiley LOL

You mean i'm not going to get that money the nice Nigerian man promised me?? Smiley Surprised I feel sorry for Nigerians, there must be many innocent Nigerians who have been given a bad name by the scammers.

Yes peoples common sense seems to fly out the window when it comes to grabbing a bargain, just look how many idiots lined up for hours for the Boxing Day sales, haven't they heard of online shopping?!

Message 13 of 23
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Re: spam from Shopping Express

Why give up eating lamb? I certainly haven't! I just prefer not to know my food LOL.


People are idiots when it comes to the Boxing Day sales. I have known people that will open the presents with their family in the morning, then instead of spending the rest of the day with family, having lunch or dinner, they get in the car and camp outside DJ's or Myers so they get pole position. They waste their entire Christmas Day so they can be first in line for the sales the next day. They are worse than those idiots who line up outside the Apple store when a new iphone is about to be released!


I read that a BILLION dollars was going to be spent between Christmas and new year at the sales, most being spent on Boxing Day. Thankfully, very few places are open here on Boxing Day. Surpercheap Auto, Autobarn and not much else so there wasn't that psychotic event like in the city.


The really sad part about the idiots hitting the sales is, majority of the purchases will go on credit and they'll spend the next (several) year/s paying it off with ridiculous interest rates. The others will get on A Current Affair complaining about how high the interest rates are, have the poor me attitude happening and tell everyone how their kids are missing out due to crippling interest rates. Probably hoping someone will feel sorry for them. I have NO sympathy!


I did all my Christmas shopping 2 days before Christmas. I didn't pay full price for anything except the packet of Allen's snakes that I put in my husbands stocking. Everything else was 40-60% off. I have checked the 'sale' prices of everything I bought and they are no cheaper at the post Christmas sales than what I paid for them before.

Message 14 of 23
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Re: spam from Shopping Express

I'm getting spammed by a company called Kogan. They sell on ebay. I blocked their spam, which worked for a few days over Xmas, but they're back again today & have got around my blocks!


I'd been getting 6 or more emails a day (to what is my ebay & PPal address) Maybe not the same company as your spammer, but most annoying nonetheless!

Message 15 of 23
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Re: spam from Shopping Express

yes i have learnt over the years a sale is rarely really a sale, i have even caught out stores claiming something to be on discount only to se the same thing when the 'sale' is over at the same price as the supposed discount. People who pay for Xmas on credit are fools, although having said that i guess i can understand parents wanting to provide their kids with the latest IT toy.


Theres alot of pressure to get the latest thing, usually an Xbox or something expensive, when i was a kid it was at least something a bit cheaper like a Barbie doll or toy cars. The in toy back then was a Baby Alive doll, but i was a tomboy & hated dolls & wondered why anyone would want a doll that you had to feed & it pooed LOL.


I am still getting the spam, i can't even see an unsubsribe link on it so i just keep reporting them, up to 8 now, i haven't heard back from the spam people apart from an automated reply but i guess they're on holidays. I wonder if anything will come of it eventually, i hope they get fined or something.


As for Kogan, they are a pretty well known online brand now, i;m kinda suprised they would spam. Just keep reporting them or unsubscribe.


Message 16 of 23
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Re: spam from Shopping Express

I haven't had any from them for a few days now. I forwarded on every one that I got. I'm not sure if it's coincidence or whether the spam people have acted (although I'm guessing they would still be on break until at least Monday).


I am always reluctant to use unsubscribe links because it shows them that the email address is both valid and active, so might be an invitation to send more, or at the very least, sell your email address to someone else.

Message 17 of 23
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Re: spam from Shopping Express

true about the unsubscribe links, although i've usually found with local spam they tend to work, its the overseas viagra spam etc where i wouldn't even bother with unsubscribe, but don't need to anyway as spam filters work very well nowdays.


I'm still getting the emails & still reporting them!

Message 18 of 23
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Re: spam from Shopping Express

I set up a 'message rule', which either deletes then without me seeing them, or bounces them back to the sender. I've not had any since I did that.

Message 19 of 23
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Re: spam from Shopping Express

i could do that too but then i wouldn't have the satisfaction of reporting them Smiley Very Happy I also decided to report them on this link as i'm able to provide more details including the fact i've never bought anything from them & i suspect Ebay may have given them my email address:

ACMA online complaints form

Message 20 of 23
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