A few things I've wondered about since I got back...

Community Member
where did everyone go?
what are kudos?
what is the solution?
where did everyone go?
do people still lurk here?
how do you get back to the page showing all the threads?
did I just see a tumbleweed?
where did everyone go?
Message 1 of 362
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Re: A few things I've wondered about since I got back...

kudos is similar to a like button.

I use it to say thanks or to let others know I have read their post. Or if someone posts something really good they get the thumbs up.

Solution is available to the OP, it means if there is a long thread a reader can go to the first post and click go to solution rather than having to read the whole thread.

Don't know where everyone went but it's a lot quieter than before.

image host
Message 2 of 362
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Re: A few things I've wondered about since I got back...

Community Member
You press up. I figured out how to get back to the first page of threads.
Message 3 of 362
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Re: A few things I've wondered about since I got back...

Honored Contributor

@mloreason wrote:
where did everyone go?
Elsewhere or nowhere

what are kudos?

If you agree, like or just want to acknowledge that you've read the post
what is the solution?
If you think that post is the answer to you problem them accept it as the solution
where did everyone go?
Banished probably

do people still lurk here?


Yep lotsa lurkers methinks
how do you get back to the page showing all the threads?


Down the bottom of the thread 'message listing' or just hit the back arrow
did I just see a tumbleweed?


Image result for smiley tumbleweed animated 
where did everyone go?


Not everyone went


Some stayed, changed dresses.


Some stayed and just lurk


Over moderation is the answer as to why no-one's here


Message 4 of 362
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Re: A few things I've wondered about since I got back...

Community Member
Thank you for answeing kopenhagan5. 😊
Message 5 of 362
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Re: A few things I've wondered about since I got back...

Community Member
Yes a tumbleweed but maybe not quite a ghost town after all. Thanks. Things can only get better.
Message 6 of 362
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Re: A few things I've wondered about since I got back...

Haven't seen a mod post in yonks..

Have they lightened up?

Message 7 of 362
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Re: A few things I've wondered about since I got back...

They're around.


Usually find them on a political thread - if you can find one

Message 8 of 362
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Re: A few things I've wondered about since I got back...

Community Member
I don't know how it works anymore. I used to know. So many warnings and then suspended. So many suspensions and then suspended for years. You would see the mods around from time to time. The board has never looked more different than it does now.
Message 9 of 362
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Re: A few things I've wondered about since I got back...

Don't know that they count warnings anymore.


Posts are edited and nothing is said - unless it's really bad - then bye bye forever

Message 10 of 362
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