on โ20-09-2013 10:19 PM
Check out what this mum has done to get back at her child! Not sure how to add links so I am putting the listing title...hopefully thats ok.
4 X one direction tickets sydney Friday 25th October
My girls would kill me!!!
on โ21-09-2013 08:33 PM
I wonder if the daughter has a brother ๐
on โ21-09-2013 09:06 PM
Now there is a mother who makes a stand and does not find excuses for her daughter/friends behaviour.
There should be more of it.
The mother rocks !
on โ21-09-2013 09:10 PM
If it is true, of course.
on โ21-09-2013 10:50 PM
@daydream**believer wrote:"Its my job to raise a responsible adult..not nuture bad habits in my teen age child "
I don't think humiliation is a good way to develop a good relationship or responsible adults.
on โ23-09-2013 08:56 PM
Update: eBay closed the auction on these tickets due to too much
publicity. Bidding was up to $37,200.00!!!!
Gotta hand it to Mum
on โ24-09-2013 10:37 AM