on 21-08-2014 02:05 PM
(Personally I would prefer the left and labor voters to pay this debt)
In 2007, when Labor came to power, the Australian Government was COLLECTING more than $1 billion a year in net interest payments on the back of a positive net asset position created by the previous Coalition Government.
Now, we are forced to pay $1 billion a month in interest payments just to service all the debt accumulated by the previous Labor government.
That is means for every one of about 10 million working taxpayers across Australia has to pay about $100 in tax each and every month, or about $1,200 in tax every year, JUST to pay the interest on Labor’s debt
Solved! Go to Solution.
on 23-08-2014 01:55 PM
@alexander*beetle wrote:She-ele. Your grandson sounds like a fine young man. Please don't feel you have to explain his circumstances here. Some will try and bait you and it is not fair that you are being asked to justify his situation. You don't owe anyone an explanation. I feel for him and his family and he is lucky to have a caring grandparent such as yourself.
Thank you so much Alex, those kind words mean a very great deal to me.
I am very proud of my grandson. He is a caring partner, an awesome dad and a tough little battler (a true blue Aussie) It is not the first time that circumstances outside their control have kicked this little family in the guts - they have come through everything life has thrown at them with flying colours and I know they will overcome this setback.
I am very sorry that some of Nero's hard earned tax has to go towards paying his unemployment benefit, but I'm sure if he ever has the misfortune to cross her path he will step aside for her and tug his forelock with an appropriate degree of gratitude and humility.
on 23-08-2014 02:00 PM
23-08-2014 02:06 PM - edited 23-08-2014 02:08 PM
@the_great_she_elephant wrote:
I am very sorry that some of Nero's hard earned tax has to go towards paying his unemployment benefit,
NOT once have I ever said I object to paying for the genuine unemployed she el... and someone like your grandson who is actively looking for work deserves the payments he gets in his circumstances, he is genuine and from your words about him he doesnt expect the handouts and someone else paying for his living.
I have never ever said that I objected to this and the genuine people.
she el I object to the handout welfare socialist mentality that think we all owe them a lifestyle and a living.
Post #50 she el and have a read of what TB said and my response
on 23-08-2014 02:06 PM
@nero_wulf wrote:
100% agree MM12 and my Telstra shares are going great... and my other shares..... and I have a very good accountant.. 🙂 But then like you I work for a living and dont expect others to pay for my lifestyle and give me handouts....
You have no idea who works and who doesn't, or who takes "hand outs" and who doesn't either.
on 23-08-2014 02:25 PM
@nero_wulf wrote:
@the_great_she_elephant wrote:
I am very sorry that some of Nero's hard earned tax has to go towards paying his unemployment benefit,
NOT once have I ever said I object to paying for the genuine unemployed she el... and someone like your grandson who is actively looking for work deserves the payments he gets in his circumstances, he is genuine and from your words about him he doesnt expect the handouts and someone else paying for his living.
I have never ever said that I objected to this and the genuine people.
she el I object to the handout welfare socialist mentality that think we all owe them a lifestyle and a living.
Post #50 she el and have a read of what TB said and my response
Would you rather the system where we pay for the wealthy to move off shore to avoid their tax obligations and to pay for the right coloured pollies to attend weddings, paties and anything they fancy on the tax office dollar?
on 23-08-2014 03:46 PM
I don't where all the mememememememememe mentality types are, don't come across that "type" down my way but I have heard there is a bit of that around Sydneys North Shore - don't go there myself - too many undesirables such as tax cheats and greedy me, myself and I types.
on 23-08-2014 05:43 PM
@nero_wulf wrote:
@the_great_she_elephant wrote:
I am very sorry that some of Nero's hard earned tax has to go towards paying his unemployment benefit,
NOT once have I ever said I object to paying for the genuine unemployed she el... and someone like your grandson who is actively looking for work deserves the payments he gets in his circumstances, he is genuine and from your words about him he doesnt expect the handouts and someone else paying for his living.
I have never ever said that I objected to this and the genuine people.
she el I object to the handout welfare socialist mentality that think we all owe them a lifestyle and a living.
Post #50 she el and have a read of what TB said and my response
So I guess I would ask you this. Who judges who is worthy and who is not? You don't know every single person's situation. Would you deny someone who has been on unemployment benefits for some time? Maybe they are so shattered at the continual rejections that they don't have the wherewithall to keep trying. Maybe they grew up in a situation where work was not valued. Who are we to judge their reasons.
I pay income tax, payroll tax, company tax. I don't object to any of it going to people who are in hardship for whatever reason. I'd rather it go to them than the top end of town minimising their taxes, the dodgy deals done, the tax havens, the cash for jobs market, the politician's 'entitlements' who believe it is their 'right' to not pay what they should.
Being on the dole might be a lifestyle for some. But what sort of lifestyle could less than $500 a fortnight really be? It is certainly not living the high life.
I came across a young fellow last week. He has been out of work for over a year and has attended over 100 interviews. He is desperate. He has lost his car, his rental house and is now back living with his parents and is deeply depressed. He will do anything for work. He is, unfortunately, not very well spoken and has obviously endured a lot in his life. Why shouldn't we support him and his ongoing efforts to get work? Should we just cut off his payments and expect him to live on nothing? As a community we have a duty to have some compassion and support those whose life hasn't always been as easy as some others have had it.
It isn't always so cut and dried.
on 23-08-2014 06:49 PM
the real leaners.....this is the memememememememe, I'm entitled because I can mentality that I am sick of
The same government seeking to make existence even more marginal for those already doing it tough has been actively looking after the top end of town: it has reduced company tax rates, restored the car leasing tax rort (which, incidentally will allow high earners to avoid the debt levy, the so-called load-sharing measure for people earning over $180K), repealed laws requiring probity of financial planners and has resolutely avoided ending the biggest high-income rort of all: millionaires (and others) who pay no taxes whatsoever on incomes from their (tax subsidised) super funds if they have reached the age of 60.
on 24-08-2014 07:21 AM
on 24-08-2014 07:45 AM
In Response Too
tall_bearded01 wrote:
The Australia I grew up in had a social conscience. If you were able to look after yourself, and yours, then that what you were expected to do. If you couldn’t you could expect a hand up (not out)
Agree but sadly all we see now days is the memememe mentality all wanting a HAND OUT and do nothing at all for it
That is the way it was then. That is how it should be now.
Agree but sadly it isnt, its all about how much are you going to give me and I deserve it mentality... The left and socialist mantra is... "someone else should pay for my lifestyle"
100% agree MM12 and my Telstra shares are going great... and my other shares..... and I have a very good accountant.. But then like you I work for a living and dont expect others to pay for my lifestyle and give me handouts
So tell me. What's your distinction between a hand up and a hand is out.
Take my present circumstances.
Left school at aged 15, bummed around on a few unskilled jobs till aged 17 then joined the Army and served for 20 years – mostly Field Force postings as well as a couple of training units. Got out of the Army, unemployed for nearly a year but as the wife worked, no entitlement to unemployment benefits. Was at the time interest rates went through the roof and we nearly lost everything, including the house.
Then started a second carrier. Ended up in middle management and then came along the triple whammy. Got sick and couldn’t work, my wife was made redundant and the GFC gutted the super. And for the whole of that period I paid taxes, in some cases more than some people earned. Also did the usual community volunteering...
Now here we are. Our sole income is just a little over $1000 per F/N DFRDB comprising mostly my DFRDB and a with the wife getting a reduced aged pension because the DFRDB constitutes earnings. We, between us, need a shopping bag full of meds (mostly pain killers), some of which can’t be prescribed as” repeats” which means we have to go to the doctor once per month for scripts, and the scripts alone, without the health card discount would cost us well in excess of $300 a month. Symptoms are cyclic. Last few weeks have been bad, but they are on he improve, so maybe, in the next few days I might be able to help the wife with the housework. Mind you, she has who has health issues of her own so the place is not as it should be.
Now, before the wheels fell off we were fragile with what we earned. No credit cards, no personal loans, with the only debt being our mortgage which was paid out before the wife was retrenched. Because of that, we can get by on $26000 per year combined income, No luxuries, just the basics but the basics are enough. We pay our bill on time, and if we can’t afford it we do without. Therefore, as the car needed new tyres, this winter no heater.
So are you saying we looking for a handout, because if that is what you are saying, then you are also saying, you have served your purpose, and are now excess to requirements, So it’s time to go.
That is, you, in the past may have once been a productive member of the community, but now, as you are not, the only future for you is a shelter and soup kitchen, and hopefully for the good of society as a whole, an earlier than expected grave, all so that you can retain the lifestyle you deem you are entitled to.
That is not the country I was brought up in. But that is the country you and Abbott and Co appear to be hell bent creating,