"Sheep, I disagree.....every parent has the right to expect things from the teacher and the school....and until we address it, it will not get better. "
AZ, we may have the right, but trust me, I have been dealing with this for near on 12 years now, and it is just doesn't happen.
Yes, when you go and see them, they nod and give you lip service and pretend that they will do something, but the reality is that it is just lip service.
When I finally worked out to stop beating my head against the wall and accept that if I wanted anything of benefit to arise, that I would have to make it happen externally from both school and the public system, everyone was much happier.
I had no longer have expectations of the school so am never dissapointed, but my son continues to receive appropriate assistance for his circumstances helping him to develop.
i have been battling this system for so long now that I am exhausted and so too is my boy. The realities are that appropriate education is only made available for him and others like him at significant cost, both financial and emotional.
However, whilst our journey is almost complete, yours has yet to begin, so I do hope that things work out differently for you and yours.