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A safe place for all members with friends or family with ASD

Come and have a cuppa, share your joys, and vent your problems with other people who understand.

I don't know what normal is anymore
Message 1 of 2,234
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That is very frustrating Catmad - breakdowns in communication with the school can be disastrous for kids like ours. That is one of the reasons I homeschooled for 3 years and would never have sent my ds back into mainstream school (he went back for the final 3 years to a specialist senior selective). I just found for us it was much easier to deal with his issues without the added pressures of school, which is a pretty unnatural environment for any kid, let alone one with ASD. Even the most adept social butterflies can find themselves in strife in a school environment.

Unfortunately however, that is the nature of ASD - they don't know that are behaving in a way that will possibly annoy other kids. It certainly isn't bullying though, bullying requires a certain power motive on the part of the bully, and a kid with autism who doesn't even know their behaviour is annoying someone is not deliberately bullying someone, no matter how upset that other person gets.

I hope it all settles down for him and the social skills lessons with the psych prove to be helpful in teaching him what to look for, so he can have some idea of how his behaviour is affecting other kids and can change it before things get out of hand.
Message 1491 of 2,234
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Ah Bella, the poor girl! I hope the procedure goes well and she doesn't have to go through this again!
Message 1492 of 2,234
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HUGS Catmad, how hard for you and DS. I don't understand why the school didn't contact you or tell his special ed cw. I'm lost for words. Is it possible to have a meeting regarding these issues?

They really need to keep you informed. I really hope things improve Catmad, it seems like you've been through so much lately.
Message 1493 of 2,234
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Ah Bella, the poor girl! I hope the procedure goes well and she doesn't have to go through this again!

Thanks Island, I don't think she can go through this again, they will have to find another way. Poor princess, she still hasn't finished drinking the stuff :_|

The test is 4 1/2 hours away, so they just have to do it or I think I'll cry as its been so hard to even get her to understand whats happening.

Hopefully it'll go smoothly tomorrow, fingers crossed!!!!

Thanks also Sheepy for your well wishes ๐Ÿ™‚
Message 1494 of 2,234
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Hugs for everyone that needs them.... we really need an awareness campaign for schools don't we?
I cannot believe that we have had a great week, only to have it all fall apart this morning.
I was beginning to think we were on a winning streak.
I won't bore you with details but it involves my 11 yo niece, who is old enough to know better......and miss 4 has had 3 big tanties this morning.
She is having quiet time now with a dvd.....teddy and her comforter blankie.

Sheep, I disagree.....every parent has the right to expect things from the teacher and the school....and until we address it, it will not get better.
We have to make a start somewhere....and having been unaware for so long myself, I am on a crusade....:8} and I am probably annoying a lot of people.......
Within my own family, we struggle every day to understand this issue. I want them to "see" the differences they can make by being more open and aware.
At playgroup, the teacher (high school) has introduced a level of awareness in her classes....because until we went there, she had no idea about how to accommodate ASD children in a group.
Message 1495 of 2,234
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I know I havent added anything for a while but I do read all posts. ๐Ÿ™‚

We finally have an official diagnoses after 6+ years.

This is how the diagnoses reads
DS has been diagnosed as suffering from an Autistic Spectrum Disorder in additin to Juvenile major mood disorder Bipolar. He has an extremely volatile/hostile mood and is prone to severe anxiety in social settings such as large rooms etc.

It then goes on to say he will need ongoing support from school etc

The good news we have just got confirmation he has been accepted into an Autistic Unit in a different school and will be there until the end of year 6. Then we apply for an Autistic Unit for High school.
Message 1496 of 2,234
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Well done Lisa... I hope this diagnosis now gives you all the support you need to help you through..

Sheepy... I get what you are saying but disagree... even the teachers in the SEP said they should have heard about his fight. We are thinking that maybe it was not reported, they are trying to follow up on it and will call me back.

Azure, I think you get use that feeling like you are finally onto a path that is good... then it all comes crashing down. it does not take much to upset their world. It is also very hard to ask another child to be understanding of these kids "different" behaviour, as an adult I still find it difficult... lol

I admire your determination...
Message 1497 of 2,234
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Hello ๐Ÿ™‚
I haven't been in here before but thought it was time I did pop in & send my love & ((HUGS)) to all of you.
Message 1498 of 2,234
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"Sheep, I disagree.....every parent has the right to expect things from the teacher and the school....and until we address it, it will not get better. "

AZ, we may have the right, but trust me, I have been dealing with this for near on 12 years now, and it is just doesn't happen.

Yes, when you go and see them, they nod and give you lip service and pretend that they will do something, but the reality is that it is just lip service.

When I finally worked out to stop beating my head against the wall and accept that if I wanted anything of benefit to arise, that I would have to make it happen externally from both school and the public system, everyone was much happier.

I had no longer have expectations of the school so am never dissapointed, but my son continues to receive appropriate assistance for his circumstances helping him to develop.

i have been battling this system for so long now that I am exhausted and so too is my boy. The realities are that appropriate education is only made available for him and others like him at significant cost, both financial and emotional.

However, whilst our journey is almost complete, yours has yet to begin, so I do hope that things work out differently for you and yours.
Message 1499 of 2,234
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Sheepy... I get what you are saying but disagree... even the teachers in the SEP said they should have heard about his fight. We are thinking that maybe it was not reported, they are trying to follow up on it and will call me back.

Oh, I agree - they should have - but the reality is they didn't.

How often have you been to this school to alert them of your boy's struggles? and yet they still fail to notify even his SEP?

I hope that I am wrong, and I wish I could be more positive, but this is how it is. You may tell the left hand something, and you may tell the right hand something, and they both may agree to shake, but inevitably, they seldom do.
Message 1500 of 2,234
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