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I don't know what normal is anymore
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messaging you my details again now bella
Message 1931 of 2,234
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through ebay
Message 1932 of 2,234
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Sheepie, thank you thank you thank you:-x

Update for us, disaster has struck re the two older girls schooling. We had a specialist from the region visit and basically the eldest girls anxiety and depressive levels are at climatically levels. It was so bad the worker had tears in her eyes ๐Ÿ˜ž This sadly means she can no longer continue in a mainstream school setting. Meaning both girls will need to be removed. So 1 will be sick to the end of the term for emotional reasons and the other will be at school two days a week for 4 weeks and end then.

On top of that I am homeschooling an extra atm So it'll be four kids for a while. For my eldest I think I will at least drive once a week to the special school for a day a weeks input for social reasons. For the middle girl it'll be tafe by distance (simple course she can complete as a focus on strength based skills). The third will continue with Distance Education.

I will need to change my life once again to accommodate the needs of my girls but then thats what a mum does, just overwhelming atm. But hey I'm sure I'll find a way to break through.
Message 1933 of 2,234
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Bella, I am so sorry you have had this outcome.. but I am so proud of you for doing your best to give your girls the best possible start in life..

I am sure that in the long run with a mum like your your kids will have a wonderful future..

Message 1934 of 2,234
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Thanks Catmad:-x:-x you know the lady that visited was extremely encouraging. I was so proud of my girls for opening up to her. They have come such a long way, its just such a shame we couldn't have made it work with schooling.

btw I was just laughing at 'climatically levels' that was supposed to be clinical levels. I'm tired I think its time for bed!!!
Message 1935 of 2,234
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Oh Bella, I know exactly how you feel hearing those words. When I was told C's anxiety was at pathological levels I was devastated.

But it is wonderful that the specislist gets it IYKWIM. (I always have to find the silver lining)

I wish I lived closer and could actually do something practical to help. Instead all I can do is offer my good wishes. :-x

You don't have to be crazy to be here, but it helps.
Message 1936 of 2,234
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Thanks Kiwi:-x

Well DD 17 decided to go and tell the welfare officer she was leaving. Very brave I must say. But there is some good news, I think. DD14 told the school that the aide needs to be open to her ideas and be more aware of what she can do rather than the constant focus on what she can't do.

Now they are going to try her in with some year 7s. This will be the last straw though, if it doesn't work she will just do her Tafe course and that will be it.

Sheepy I will get back to you soon, its been really really busy here. I think I am past the point of exhaustion. Hope everyone else is doing well.
Message 1937 of 2,234
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I love the sound of your girls - you have done very well raising them. :-x

Why else would they be standing up for themselves? Most "normal" kids couldn't do it.

(I really hate that N word X-()

You don't have to be crazy to be here, but it helps.
Message 1938 of 2,234
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typical....I try to use that now.
Hi everyone, Bella, it does sound like your girls are doing well. :-x
My troubles are small....miss went back to kindy today, going tomorrow too but today did not go well. Another episode of being hit..... and 3 meltdowns.
but, the hit was just a little one and she wasn't hurt ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
I mean, seriously, what training do these people have? ๐Ÿ˜ž
Message 1939 of 2,234
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For those interested.

The Adam Scott Foundation Autism Grants Program has been designed to provide young people living with autism, the access to Apple iPads and their innovative Autism specialised applications. In these early stages, Apple iPads are already proving to be useful tools for children with Autism to improve communication skills. The Adam Scott Foundation Autism Grants Program is available to young people, aged 6-16 as of 16 November 2010, with an Autism Diagnosis across Australia. To be eligible you must be a permanent Australian resident.

The Adam Scott Foundation Autism Grants Program


You find the application form link just down the page a bit. i can't link the form as it is a PDF

Well worth applying I think

I am considering applying but Mr 13 has this thing against iPads and anything Apple... there would be a chance he would refuse to use it just because of it's brand
Message 1940 of 2,234
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