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I don't know what normal is anymore
Message 1 of 2,234
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Cat, your system is what I have always used with my own children.....and with this child as well. However, the Dietician is one who works with children who have these issues, so we thought her ideas had merit, especially the smell/feel/taste thing.
She would never eat from a platter of mixed fruit or veg though (so far). Hopefully the dietician knows what she is talking about........but after about 4 days, I think, it is showing some rewards.
I think the 15 minute rule is for us? so she gets used to planned meal times, no grazing, also a balanced diet.
Message 1971 of 2,234
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thanks Kiwi, that is a really good system and I bet your term was hell but the rewards from it will outweigh
Message 1972 of 2,234
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thanks Cat, yes will get psych to start work on this issue I think. We have been addressing so many other things but this has been a huge part of his life this year.

I don't fuss too much about food either. He is a really fussy eater but I cook things he likes and will eat. The last thing I want before bed is more anxiety, he hardly sleeps as it is. His twin sister who is NT is actually fussier than him!!!
Message 1973 of 2,234
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Az, I get the grazing issue.. it was one of the only ways Mr13 would eat for a while.. It never really bothered me as I just kept an eye out on what he ate and if it was a balanced mix over the day then that was ok with me.

In fact I think that was how we got onto frozen peas and corn. He would only eat the meat for dinner so as a snack in the hot weather I gave him a small bowl of them.. he loved them and I was happy as he was eating vegies.. lol

This just reminds us that every one of these kids are so different. What works for one will not work for another. Some aspie kids I know live tomato sauce over everything (as regular kids often do too) yet mine gags at the smell of the stuff..

I guess it depends on what the family routine is and trying to get our kids to fit in with it.
Message 1974 of 2,234
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So, morning tea went well, despite having to bring it forward by 1/2 an hour, because "I am really hungry"
Lunch....Pasta and sauce, chicken breast meat chunks, juice.
This chicken looks disgusting.
No, it doesn't, it looks fine to me.
well, not to me, I think it's the worst chicken in the universe
it is very yummy, trust me, just try it, it will taste good.
I can't trust you, it looks horrible and it will taste like that too
no, I am sure it won't.
I think it looks like really disgusting chicken
don't look at it and just eat it?
what if it tastes nice but still looks disgusting?
well, that won't matter will it?
I am sorry, I just can't do it.
you will be hungry if you don't and afternoon tea is a long time.
Trust me, I promise I won't

Oh my sounds like 99% of the kids we get in care!!! I like the 15 minute rule btw. I might try that!
Message 1975 of 2,234
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My child is one of them....sauce on everything he eats which isnt much by the way.

Tomato, BBQ, HP......Blerk ๐Ÿ˜„
Message 1976 of 2,234
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I cant stand sauces personally so I dont know where he gets it from...just him I guess
Message 1977 of 2,234
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Afternoon Ladies,

As some of you know our Master 13 has dyspraxia along with auditory processing disorder.

The teacher who has been a permanent sub in the class suggested that he has some signs of Aspergers and that we should perhaps look into this.

Help I've looked at a number of websites but they are rather confusing and seem more towards Autisim so can anyone head me in the right direction for some reliable info.

Also how do you get a 13 year old tested?

And since you've been talking about Sauce in the previous posts... imagine if I poured petrol all over your dinner and asked you to eat it ๐Ÿ˜ฎ because that is exactly how Master 13 has always reacted to having sauce put on his food ๐Ÿ˜ž

Everyone else in this family loves Tomato sauce - not on everything but sausages, a pie, stuff like that is soooo nice with sauce.
"Something wicked this way comes!"
Message 1978 of 2,234
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As I understand it Witches, the classifications have changed recently, so the Aspergers is part of the Autism schedule. I am not good at this, being fairly new to it. I think Catmad will probably have some advice for you re where to go with a 13yo but I would think your GP? and ask for a referral to a developmental paed? or call Autism NSW
Message 1979 of 2,234
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Afternoon tea today was a teddy bear picnic with cousins......pineapple was on her menu today, along with a cupcake and a wild bear biscuit, gluten free.
Apparently, pineapple is the worst colour in the world. :^O
Message 1980 of 2,234
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