I just discovered this thread while I was searching for another and just had to read through it. I'm supposed to be in bed by now but have done a quick scan through all the posts. My father's cousin wrote a great book about my maternal grandmother's family - The Eldridges who came from Battle and the ones who migrated nearly all ended up in Bankstown NSW . We visited there (Battle) in 2000 - would love to go back if we could afford it and do a bit more research.
My OH's father's family came from Greenock - went there also and saw his house.
My paternal great grandmother was married to a John Noble - her mother died on the boat coming from New York and John married her sister when they were in Melbourne which was where the ship docked. Saw Noble on your list Col - have to look into that.
The Nobles eventually settled in Mosman and their house is still standing - quite an impressive house.
Finally found my mother's sister death registration yesterday after looking for ages - it was under her de-facto's surname.
I've done quite a bit of research using Ancestry.com.au and Genes United but worked out expensive - my OH has also bought lots of Birth & Death certificates. I find it very addictive and had to stop for a while and get back to eBay lol!!!
Strange how people have already found connections here - this could well become a free ancestry thread!!! Funny if we find out lots of us are related. Many thanks darkie for starting it - I'll be back. Now to find the thread I was looking for and off to bed before I turn into a pumpkin.
The Important Things in Life Aren't Things