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Anyone here into living simply?

If so how does it work for you and are you all out living simply or combining the concept with modern day luxuries?  For me its been baking, sewing, growing vege and doing what I can to leave less of a carbon footprint on the planet (although admittedly I have a long way to go!)  What is it for you?

Message 1 of 32
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Re: Anyone here into living simply?

Bella, I don't think we'll ever be totally self-sufficient, I'm not one for making my own soap, etc.


I don;'t think you need to be self sufficient to live simply. Although that is a nice dream.


We've taken the view that as long as we think about everything before we buy, eat, do then we are making informed decisions about how it affects our lives or the planet.


For example we do recylce. But we don't have much to recycle because we buy things with as little packaging as possible, we resuse as much as we can (egg cartons as seedling starters etc) and we give away what people need (like our plastic shopping bags go to the local Vinnies for their customers).

Message 21 of 32
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Re: Anyone here into living simply?


Monsters do you live in a bushy area or a rolling hills type area?

Message 22 of 32
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Re: Anyone here into living simply?

Hi Monsters,

Were you asking where I lived? I'm in the Alpine region of Vic but not on lots of land, just a good sized back yard or were you responding to the other person that said they were nearby?.  Wow just reading about your medical condition, its nice that you have a life style you enjoy.  I think that's so important!  You sound like you have a wonderful OH that helps you to get things done but you also sound very resourceful!


I've been busy decluttering today and harvesting the remainder of my tomatoes/beans from the vege patch.  I also brought some Australian Butter pumpkin seeds from the diggers club which I planted 3 months ago, they've produced some beautiful looking pumpkins.  Looking forward to pumpkin soup and lots of roasted pumpkin in the coming months.  I think I'll be supplying my neighbors too lol!!


So nice to throw away the study for a few weeks and just do some of things that need doing ๐Ÿ™‚


Anyway take care ๐Ÿ™‚


Message 23 of 32
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Re: Anyone here into living simply?

I don;'t think you need to be self sufficient to live simply. Although that is a nice dream.



That's a good point Martini ๐Ÿ™‚  I think its important to do what you feel you can do and make it a process that you enjoy. I was talking to someone today about a lady I read about who recycles old prams, brings them up to standard and gives them away.  She puts a tag on each one asking the person to pass on the pram to someone else when they have finished. Great idea.


On another note have found the Aussies living simply forum again, some great ideas on there and a good community of resourceful and knowledgeable people.

Message 24 of 32
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Re: Anyone here into living simply?

Shhh, more a bushy area. we're in a valley so still have some rolling hills (and some very, very steep hills!), but lots of bush as well. 


Bella, no, wasn't asking where you lived, someone above thought they were near me, so I asked where they were.  Your vegie patch sounds lovely. 


Re the pumpkin soup, my mum told me this last night; drop a few scallops into your pumpkin soup just a few minutes before serving. The heat cooks the scallops and apparently imparts the most delicious flavour to the soup. Haven't tried it yet, but sounds scrummy!

Message 25 of 32
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Re: Anyone here into living simply?

good for you martini, I wish more people would buy australian made.



at my old place I used to recycle the water from the washing machine. I would catch the rinse water in  garbage bins and then use it for the wash water for the next load. All our used water went out on to the lawn. 

I tried growing vegies but never had much luck.



Monsters you sound like the Goods from The Good Life, I loved that show


Scarlet, am I reading this correctly? You would save the dirty rinse water in garbage bins and reuse it to wash the next load? And used soapy water on your garden? No wonder you never grew any vegetables!

Message 26 of 32
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Re: Anyone here into living simply?

You can definitely reuse your soapy water for your garden. Even your vegetable garden. Some vegies don't like soapy water (like pumpkins) but most are OK with it.


Even your greasy dishwashing leftovers can be used so long as you water the soil only and not the fruits/vegies.


As for reusing washing machine water for another load, this is surprisingly clean water once it does a round through the machine. You can keep reusing this for ages before it starts to even look 'grey'.

Message 27 of 32
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Re: Anyone here into living simply?


I have a couple of chooks, a vegie garden which is a work in progress and Ive been dehydrating vegies.

I would like to do more but money isnt available to do it

Message 28 of 32
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Re: Anyone here into living simply?

I would like to do more but money isnt available to do it


It's frustrating, isn't it?  I could save a whole lot more, if I had more to spend :^O

Message 29 of 32
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Re: Anyone here into living simply?

Grrr, try again!



I would like to do more but money isnt available to do it


It's frustrating, isn't it?  I could save a whole lot more, if I had more to spend :^O






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