Australians with disabilities need some positive help

Seems like they are being punished instead and life is going to be made harder for them.



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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

@*crikey*mate* wrote:

@donnashuggy wrote:

@*crikey*mate* wrote:

Donna, did you read this link?


Easy access to welfare is over: Andrews


Mr Andrews confirmed the budget, to be delivered on Tuesday night, will introduce rules that mean some people collecting the DSP disability support pension will be reviewed for capacity to work.


That will apply to some 10-20,000 people who had gone onto the DSP in the last 5-6 years but not yet assessed under new impairment tables.


"If they are capable of working, whether it is full-time or part-time, then our expectation is that they should be working," he said.

Nothing there about positive help, no jobs...NUFFIN


Hopefully you will get the jist of the thread soon 🙂

I've got the jist Donna, I just don't believe in the expectation that the government should do everything but wipe my bum for me.


There are already a LOT of things in place where those with disabilities wanting to work are assisted. Independent job agencies where the government pays them to find them jobs.


One young man, his employer is paid a fee to compensate for his disability, extra money for time needed for doctors etc. They even provide the money for clothes for the interview, resumes and then, in the case of one example, (a category 3???) was provided with $1000 to buy the tools and equipment he needed to start his apprenticeship as a chef.


another young lad, they paid for 80 hours of a driving instructor so he could get his drivers licence so he could work as a delivery driver.


You're just looking at a small portion of this Donna, you're not looking at what help is out there and already provided.

No, I am actually speaking about people with disabilities NOT fraudsters, nothing small about that. You haven't got the jist yet.

Message 41 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

ummmm Crikey you must be living on a different planet to me or prehaps the clients you mention have a case manager which isn't available to the majority.   None of that help here.

Message 42 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

Why do posts just keep disappearing?



how long you been here again? lol

Signatures suck.
Message 43 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

Bella, Fiona Kumari Campbell.


There is another example for you.


I know this isn't applicable to everybody and neither I or the government are saying that it is.


They are just saying that there are SOME to whom this is applicable.


and BTW, I doubt neither that lad or Ms Campbell view themselves as "the most vulnerable in society"


Who will employ a disabled person? Maybe ask Ms Campbell.


Every person, even with the same disability is different. Ms Campbell is one tetraplegic who is abole to work. I know another, who whilst she shares the same diagnosis, is not able to, IS restricted to institutional living and needs to be where she is.


Two people with the same diagnosis, both "entitled" and deserviong of all the support they can get. One IS capable of working. The other is not.


It is my belief that the govt is focused on those who ARE capable of working.

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 44 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

12 out of 34 at a cost of nearly half a million.


That is just the ones that have landed in court, 1/3 were convicted.


I have no doubt that because of apathy and not wanting to be labeled a "dobber" there are thousands who are getting away with fraud at taxpayers' expense 

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 45 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

@paintsew007 wrote:

Well as the OP thread heading states:Australians with disabilities need some positive help.


Where is this 'help' then???? Because at the moment the proposed agenda of this coalition MOBSTER lot is to put this targeted group of people through absolute HELL.....again. Don't you think these people have already been through enough?

I provided you examples of how there is help.


My brother's girlfriend works at an employment agency that assists those with disabilities to find a job, all payed for by the government.

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 46 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

@*crikey*mate* wrote:

@paintsew007 wrote:

Well as the OP thread heading states:Australians with disabilities need some positive help.


Where is this 'help' then???? Because at the moment the proposed agenda of this coalition MOBSTER lot is to put this targeted group of people through absolute HELL.....again. Don't you think these people have already been through enough?

I provided you examples of how there is help.


My brother's girlfriend works at an employment agency that assists those with disabilities to find a job, all payed for by the government.

Reassessing them is demeaning and expensive, money better spend creating jobs for these people, maybe poddy has a job offer for them?

Message 47 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

tell them to post could end up saving tax payer dollars Woman Sad

Message 48 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

@bella_again wrote:

ummmm Crikey you must be living on a different planet to me or prehaps the clients you mention have a case manager which isn't available to the majority.   None of that help here.

I don't know Bella. I was just talking with my brother's girlfriend about this the other day, and she was telling me the stuff she does. She prreviously worked for the Endeavour foundation, this is a newish job for her.

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 49 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

@donnashuggy wrote:

@*crikey*mate* wrote:

@paintsew007 wrote:

Well as the OP thread heading states:Australians with disabilities need some positive help.


Where is this 'help' then???? Because at the moment the proposed agenda of this coalition MOBSTER lot is to put this targeted group of people through absolute HELL.....again. Don't you think these people have already been through enough?

I provided you examples of how there is help.


My brother's girlfriend works at an employment agency that assists those with disabilities to find a job, all payed for by the government.

Reassessing them is demeaning and expensive, money better spend creating jobs for these people?

hey, I do agree with this bit to an extent.(I just believe that for some, it is possible to create your owen job and don't need the Gov to do it for you)


I guess i am looking at it like this though.


That lad i mentioned, well he could have believed the experts, but he has defied them and I believe he leads a better quality of life than he would have if he just accepted what he was told.


same for Ms Campbell. I can iomagine that she finds the journey her life has taken to be quite rewarding, and SHE was a huge contributor to Negligence law and the proposed NDIS (not the one we got) so by her working, she has not only benefited herself, but thousands of others too - everyone with wehom she has shared her knowledge and research.


And what a better place the world is because of it, eh?


Ms Campbell is an inspirational woman.

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 50 of 118
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