Bye bye Tony, Tony goodbye

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Woo Hoo
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Re: Bye bye Tony, Tony goodbye

maybe he can get his old job back?


View solution in original post

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Re: Bye bye Tony, Tony goodbye

Image result for image of scales of justice


Bye, bye Abbott.

Message 2 of 60
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Re: Bye bye Tony, Tony goodbye

maybe he can get his old job back?


Message 3 of 60
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Re: Bye bye Tony, Tony goodbye

Just as happy to see the end of Fraser Anning.
Message 4 of 60
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Re: Bye bye Tony, Tony goodbye

Someone left Tony's onion out in the rain

Message 5 of 60
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Re: Bye bye Tony, Tony goodbye

Bye Bye  BILL...............................woo hoo

Message 6 of 60
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Re: Bye bye Tony, Tony goodbye

@gutterpunkz05 wrote:

Bye Bye  BILL...............................woo hoo

At least now that Bills gone ( or has he ??? ) Labor can now elect some-one with a bit of substance to provide a decent opposition. Having just lost the unlosable election, the biggest mistake Labor could make now,  is to install Albo as leader. Nice bloke, but not PM material.


If Labor can take one thing away from this devestating election loss it is that one of the things voters are votong for is a Prime Minister to represent us on the international stage, not just a bumbling, " good bloke "


Bill Shorton was one of the main reasons Labor lost so badly but has pledged to stay on in parliment. He also has a long record of undermining and knifing past Labor leaders in the back.. The worst result for Labor and the nation would be if he sits there white anting the new leader and becomes the new Tony Abbott. With his past record and untrustworthy nature, this is a frightningly real possibility.

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Re: Bye bye Tony, Tony goodbye

One thing  I noticed (unrelated but a political comment) was that time was being given online to the tweet of some TV star on the project, who stated that the election results showed that Australians were stupid and greedy.


Excuse me? Just because an election doesn't go the way an individual wants doesn't mean everyone who disagreed must be an idiot.

And why should TV stars, on their high wages that other normal mortals can only dream about, feel they have the right to call anyone else greedy?

Sure, people might vote for what they think will be best for them or best for their wallet, but why shouldn't they?

I find that often these stars are very vocal about topics eg climate change, where they are very willing to tell everyone else what they should be doing but they don't necessarily do without themselves or put themselves to any inconvenience.

Message 8 of 60
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Re: Bye bye Tony, Tony goodbye


with our system of voting we get a pretty good result of what the people want

is it perfect, no

but do we see elections in other countries doing it better, not often.


so scomo has won and we get 3 more years of his tightly knitted team running the country,

will the world end? no

it prolly wont get better but it wont end.


it proves running a small target strategy works.

we saw very little from anyone except scomo during the capaign, the man like tony has a rubber suit, things just bounce off.

where as labor had multiple voices out pounding the airways spreading the word and getting caught up in deatails they couldnt defend.


look at bob hawke, he was a rubberman too, he could cut down a reporter from a hundred yards with one stare.


labor must find another rubberman or face opposition for a long time.

if he could be popular thats a bonus.

Message 9 of 60
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Re: Bye bye Tony, Tony goodbye

@springyzone wrote:

One thing  I noticed (unrelated but a political comment) was that time was being given online to the tweet of some TV star on the project, who stated that the election results showed that Australians were stupid and greedy.


Excuse me? Just because an election doesn't go the way an individual wants doesn't mean everyone who disagreed must be an idiot.

And why should TV stars, on their high wages that other normal mortals can only dream about, feel they have the right to call anyone else greedy?

Sure, people might vote for what they think will be best for them or best for their wallet, but why shouldn't they?

I find that often these stars are very vocal about topics eg climate change, where they are very willing to tell everyone else what they should be doing but they don't necessarily do without themselves or put themselves to any inconvenience.

I suspect the highjacking of the media by the left ( and the ABC & The Project is a blatant example )  is one of the reasons the opinion polls got it so wrong. Those on the left side of politics have become rabid in shutting down debate, ( unless it favours their side.)  and anyone who dares to challenge the left ideaology is torn to shreds in both the established and social media.  The result is most people just quietly keep their opinions and intentions to themselves............Until polling day.


We saw this in America with the Trump election and now in Australia with the LNP victory. Until balance is restored in our media, this will continue to be a problem.

Message 10 of 60
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