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Coronavirus update

Coronavirus update: Formula One Grand Prix called off, Trump announces travel ban, Tom Hanks tests positive

Message 1 of 3,689
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3,688 REPLIES 3,688

Re: Coronavirus update

seems like the S.A. government has taken your advice david. Some bakers allowed to open 


No News stories on the internet yet, but the premier has just announced relaxation of restrictions on exercise.


Its nice to live in a state where a government is listening to its constituents and is willing to change things when possible, rather than simply dogedly holding onto questionable policy just to save face.

Message 3001 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

When NZ was in strict lockdown earlier this year, there were similar issues with bakeries, butchers, fruit and veg shops etc not being allowed to open.  The explanation there was that the supermarkets, who were allowed to open, could supply the items that bakeries and butchers and fruit and veg shops stocked.  It wasn't necessarily fair to the smaller shops but was done to limit people's movements.



Message 3002 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

@davidc4430 wrote:

wow, 98%

and the 2% who dont get a friend to shop for them



Its a simple fact of life that the vast majority of people who live in very small rural towns without services either drive themselves or have close relatives or community care workers ( such as NDIS ) who drive them to the next major town to access shopping.


Those who cant drive or don't have access to others who drive, usually just don't live there. They move to a larger town that has a supermarket and a post office. This is very common with retiring farmers. They move to a nearby larger town to retire. 


Nothing to LOL about about david, just plain, simple, common sense. Something that seems to be severely lacking on the forums of late with too much alarmist pedantry at the expense of rational, basic common sense.

Message 3003 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

From what I just heard, the lockdown will be lifted early - on Saturday I think they said.  It appears someone lied to the trace trackers.  Said he was a customer at the pizza place when actually he was working there.  


The idea of a customer passing the virus to a worker at a pizza place was the main reason for the lockdown. Now that they know it was a co-worker it isn't quite so dramatic.  And the penalty for the person who lied and caused soooo much trouble?  Zero!!

Message 3004 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

@chameleon54 wrote:

seems like the S.A. government has taken your advice david. Some bakers allowed to open 


No News stories on the internet yet, but the premier has just announced relaxation of restrictions on exercise.


Its nice to live in a state where a government is listening to its constituents and is willing to change things when possible, rather than simply dogedly holding onto questionable policy just to save face.

it wasnt my advice


ive been saying from the moment this lockdown was anounced i'm fully in favour of it


but seeing as this govt had a good 6 months to nut out an action plan for a lockdown if it was required

this lockdown has been pretty poorly planned


some of what they announced right off the bat just made no sense


didnt they do any brain storming during the 6 months of us being the 'state that was doing great'


the testing stations were unable to cope from the begining before the stay home anouncement was made

when they announced they were locking us down they gave the public some 12 hours to run out and fill the supermarkets dhoulder to shoulder and strip things off the shelves

then amongst the what you can do and cant do were to me silly things 


hardwear stors open but bakeries closed

you can walk to the shop WITH your dog but you cant walk your dog

Message 3005 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

@chameleon54 wrote:

seems like the S.A. government has taken your advice david. Some bakers allowed to open




It means wholesale bakeries can now operate โ€“ but only if they do not see, supply or sell on a retail basis to members of the public.


No News stories on the internet yet, but the premier has just announced relaxation of restrictions on exercise.


Not yet.


The government faced a backlash from some in the community after the directions banned any exercise in public, including taking pets for walks.

โ€œExercise will be the first restriction that we will remove,โ€ Mr Marshall said.


โ€œWe just still need some more time with the stay-at-home rules.โ€


Its nice to live in a state where a government is listening to its constituents and is willing to change things when possible, rather than simply dogedly holding onto questionable policy just to save face.

Maybe try reading the actual link before posting false information and giving people false hope.stubborn_smiley_by_mirz123-d4bt0te_zps12f1a5a3.gif


And your continual attacks on Vic and Dan are getting and bit monotonous and obviously politically motivated


whilst obviously the SA government can't do anything wrong but that's mainly due to lessons learned from


other states and countries that have gone through it on a larger scale yet you try and make it sound like SA came


up with it.shok.gif


Vic didn't rule the exercise out because it was a necessary part of getting through the lockdown so why did SA?


It's always easier to control something on a smaller scale then something more than four times that size.Angry head bang.gif

Message 3006 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

Just another example of why its so important for Governments and members of the public to show a bit of honesty. Things can get out of hand pretty quickly when people start telling porkies and try to cover their tracks. Another valuable lesson learned from previous outbreaks and their handling.

Message 3007 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

i have just heard the news on the lifting of stay home restrictions tomorrow night



Message 3008 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

@davidc4430 wrote:

i have just heard the news on the lifting of stay home restrictions tomorrow night



btw, i did break the rules and took leroy out at 11pm last night so he could do his thing

i was taking him out every hour or so all day into our little walkway where he pees but he would not do poops there


we got just outside the main gate to the weed covered area and away he went, then we came straight back

got up at 5 am and did the same

saw no one

felt ill i was doing wrong but i had to do it

Message 3009 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

@chameleon54 wrote:

seems like the S.A. government has taken your advice david. Some bakers allowed to open 


No News stories on the internet yet, but the premier has just announced relaxation of restrictions on exercise.


Its nice to live in a state where a government is listening to its constituents and is willing to change things when possible, rather than simply dogedly holding onto questionable policy just to save face.

You better hope and pray that statement doesn't come back to bite your rrrse.


I think re-opening too soon is a mistake.


But then, we Vics make the mistakes, don't we?  groooansmileyf.gif


SA can do no wrong.


Tired of the continuous bagging, Chameleon.


Give it a rest

Message 3010 of 3,689
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