Fantastic Fiction

Anything relating to novels, short stories or other kinds of fiction.  


Recommendations on books to read.


Requests for recommendations on books to read.  


Reviews of books.  


Types of fiction YOU like to read.  





Message 1 of 46
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Re: Fantastic Fiction

Have just bought my first Richard North Patterson. I love my kindle.
Message 11 of 46
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Re: Fantastic Fiction

Ooooohhhhhhhh, which one?
Message 12 of 46
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Re: Fantastic Fiction

@icyfroth wrote:

I like thrillers, loved the Jack Reacher series and Stig Larssens "Girl That Kicked The Hornet's Nest".


Horror, the most recent one that got me in was "Skull Session" by Daniel Hecht and of course, Stephen King.


Fantasy, like Gene Wolfe "Shadow of the Torturer" series and Stephen Donaldson's Chronicles of Thomas Covenant series.

Also classics. Read all the Dickens books, some of Jane Austen, George Eliot (currently have "The Mill On The Floss" on the backburner), D.H Lawrence.

Message 13 of 46
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Re: Fantastic Fiction

Katy I bought Conviction. Was the earliest one listed.
Message 14 of 46
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Re: Fantastic Fiction

Community Member

Oh for short stories and the best humor it is Guy Gilpatric Heart and Mr. Glencannon!!!!  


The absolute best I've read for those categories if you can handle bits of the writing written in a very Scottish accent or brogue or whatever.  Hilarious and beautifully written.

"If it is once again one against forty-eight, then I am very sorry for the forty-eight." ~ Margaret Thatcher

“I predict future happiness for Americans, if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Message 15 of 46
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Re: Fantastic Fiction

Love most of them, Icy. My favourite Austen has to be P and P, but I also liked Northanger Abbey. My fave Dickens is Tale of Two Cities.

That's a good one, PCT, and some of the characters come up in other books.

Got to mention the Harry Potter books. I bought the first one for my son, and I got HOOKED.

Message 16 of 46
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Re: Fantastic Fiction

 As maybe mentioned elsewhere in the past, I am slowing discarding my library which I inherited from the family home.  (My Dad's father was a prolific reader and instilled the love of the written word to later generations.)   With English/History  teachers amongst the family throng, there is quite a collection of books.  And I don't think I will finish reading them all.  


Some are a little too heavy for my ageing brain and I don't think they are good for my late night contemplation.  Philosophy abounds with Bertrand Russell, Karl Marx. Friedrich Nietzche and Jean Piaget and the bookend is "The Thinker"Smiley Happy.


I am currently reading Aldous Huxley.  


To Icy,  I recently re-read The Mill on the Floss.  Appreciated it so much more than when we had to read it for our Reading List at High School.





Message 17 of 46
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Re: Fantastic Fiction

I always feel dreadful about discarding books. But, when I was leaving Darwin, I severely downsized. Not sure how many of those books I've bought again since then, LOL.

My Dad got a lot of old books (much the same collection) from his father ... in a way, I wish I'd kept a few of them ...

I've been meaning to re-read Brave New World ... and 1984 and Animal Farm. Never enough time ...

DEB, have you thought of listing them on eBay?
Message 18 of 46
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Re: Fantastic Fiction

My daughters keep telling me I should read Harry Potter. Maybe one day.

I had to get rid of my books when we started travelling. Had well over three hundred. Mainly gave them to friends and family.
Message 19 of 46
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Re: Fantastic Fiction

The respect for books instilled causes acute pain when I box them up for the Op Shop,  Wiill they be for another library? Will they be used as decor for a coffee shop?  I'm going through the plastic covered (by teachers) paperbacks first.  The hardbacks will need someone else (after I'm gone) to decide what to do.  


The hardbacks with inscriptions (especially pre-1920), I hope will go down the family line for our offspring to associate with the ancestors' mindsets.   (Especially  in regard to the Socialist philosophies pored over by my Grandfather.)



Message 20 of 46
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