on 14-04-2015 08:39 AM
on 14-04-2015 04:54 PM
I think Pauline Hanson is a Harpy, cant stand the women.
on 14-04-2015 04:57 PM
@lionrose.7 wrote:I think Pauline Hanson is a Harpy, cant stand the women.
there is more than one?
on 14-04-2015 05:03 PM
@*julia*2010 wrote:
@lionrose.7 wrote:I think Pauline Hanson is a Harpy, cant stand the women.
there is more than one?
the coveted five laughy-face award
on 14-04-2015 05:22 PM
@am*3 wrote:
@icyfroth wrote:
@debra9275 wrote:Halal certification and terrorism
Financing terrorism is a criminal offence in Australia, with a penalty of life imprisonment.
Except Australian Security wouldn't know if their backsides were on fire. They let Khaleed Sharrrouf slip through their net and let associate Mohamed Elomar's sister funnel millions of $$$ out of the country.
Fact Check has also produced a fact file on how authorities monitor the financing of terrorism.
A spokesman for the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) - the government body that monitors money laundering and terrorism - told Fact Check that it had no information to indicate there are links to terrorism financing from halal certification fees.
The Australian Crime Commission issued a statement in November 2014 saying its taskforce with AUSTRAC and the AFP had identified links between organised crime and terrorism funding.
"However, the Australian Crime Commission is not aware of any direct links between the legitimate halal certification industry and money laundering or the financing of terrorist groups," said the commission's chief executive Chris Dawson.
that part is interesting too, if it were true that Halal certification was funding terrorism then the certification would be shut down by the govt. not encouraged by them as per Tony abbott's letter of encouragment to the Halal Expo
I'm pretty sure any such terrorism funding would be cloaked under all sorts of complex business transactions. You think they'd be so transparent?
icy wrote: I'm pretty sure any such terrorism funding would be cloaked under all sorts of complex business transactions. You think they'd be so transparent?
Actually, you don't know anything at all about terrorist funding, let alone be 'pretty sure'. If you only skim read factual articles then that says a lot.
Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) - the government body that monitors money laundering and terrorism
You must consider this govt body 100% incompetent as well.
Did you know they tracked millions that left this country to fund terrorism sent by family of Khaled Sharrouf?
It was pretty stupid that he was able to do the things he did, but they've tightened up security heaps since then, now stopping suspects at the airports, so hopefully it should never happen again
on 14-04-2015 05:29 PM
@*julia*2010 wrote:
@lionrose.7 wrote:I think Pauline Hanson is a Harpy, cant stand the women.
there is more than one?
There is if you count the pantsdown version 😄
on 14-04-2015 05:32 PM
I am glad that gave you a laugh Julia and ele, better then picking on others 🙂
on 14-04-2015 06:41 PM
From the article:
There are no regulations compelling Australian companies and organisations that certify halal foods to disclose their fees publicly.
Few food manufacturers who sell halal-certified foods in Australia or for export, or the organisations that certify them, were willing to tell Fact Check how much they pay, or are paid, for certification.
That fills me to the brim with confidence. Would the same rule apply to where the money goes?
My question is how on earth we survived in earlier times before our food had to comply with halal certification.
on 14-04-2015 06:44 PM
@debra9275 wrote:
I came across this the other day and i thought it was kind of controversial
I thought the PM was an habitual liar. Please make up your mind.
on 14-04-2015 07:01 PM
I have made up my mind.... but.. please explain what that has got to do with him sending a letter of support to the halal expo.
Are you implying that he's lying to them by offering his support??
on 14-04-2015 07:23 PM
@debra9275 wrote:I have made up my mind.... but.. please explain what that has got to do with him sending a letter of support to the halal expo.
Are you implying that he's lying to them by offering his support??
The bloke is an habitual liar. Why would you get suckered in by a note from the PM? He hopes it rains all day during the halal expo which will keep crowd numbers down. He's a serial pest.
debra, please read your missive to me and think hard on what you said.