on 19-05-2013 05:14 PM
I remember Paul Keating warned Australians what would happen under John Howard and he was correct to a degree. Do you think voters are being warned with any accuracy prior to this coming election?
My feelings are that we are heading for a more conservative future, I also believe that the libs will try and destroy the union movement.
Feel free to add how you believe things will change in Australia if there is a change in Government.
on 19-05-2013 05:49 PM
Donna have you skipped over post #6?
on 19-05-2013 05:51 PM
on 19-05-2013 05:52 PM
Is it Paul Keating remembrance day or something today?
on 19-05-2013 05:53 PM
Ineteresting, thread less than an hour old. Some posts not what you want to hear, but they're not REAL thoughts and everyone is apathetic.
on 19-05-2013 05:59 PM
Donna, how about you revive this thread in say a month or two after the election 🙂
on 19-05-2013 06:00 PM
Please don't:|
on 19-05-2013 06:00 PM
If Mr Abbott becomes our next Prime Minister ( heaven forbid )
His conservative catholic views will throw the ideas and aspirations of this nation backwards by 20 to 30 years.
I predict a massive recession within 12 months of an Abbott led Government.
It's not about Mr Abbott running the country but Mr Abbott getting the job, nothing more nothing less.
on 19-05-2013 06:15 PM
i dont think he's conservative enough for the right of the liberal party. i'm fairly certain that the party will split down the middle sooner rather than later. the ensuing spat will create a situation like the one in victoria. disunity will bring them undone eventually.
on 19-05-2013 06:20 PM
If Mr Abbott becomes our next Prime Minister ( heaven forbid )
His conservative catholic views will throw the ideas and aspirations of this nation backwards by 20 to 30 years.
I predict a massive recession within 12 months of an Abbott led Government.
It's not about Mr Abbott running the country but Mr Abbott getting the job, nothing more nothing less.
Not sure why *heaven* would care.
Massive recession? Isn't that a good thing (Keating told us it was)
And Gillard only got the job because she's a woman, first female PM, nothing to do with if she could do a good job. She was a patsy from the get go.
on 19-05-2013 06:26 PM
Donna, after some of the comments here, if you dont revive this thread I certainly will 🙂
I'll even bring the salt and pepper, I am told the crow is easier to swallow with added salt and flavoured with a bit of pepper 🙂