on 19-05-2013 05:14 PM
I remember Paul Keating warned Australians what would happen under John Howard and he was correct to a degree. Do you think voters are being warned with any accuracy prior to this coming election?
My feelings are that we are heading for a more conservative future, I also believe that the libs will try and destroy the union movement.
Feel free to add how you believe things will change in Australia if there is a change in Government.
on 19-05-2013 06:42 PM
Well, I reckon one of the big changes will be (should Liberal win) a leadership spill for the Libs and Turnbull will be the new leader.
on 19-05-2013 06:48 PM
Well, I reckon one of the big changes will be (should Liberal win) a leadership spill for the Libs and Turnbull will be the new leader.
i dont agree. i think a more far-right figure is what they have in mind. the small l liberals are a thing of the past.
on 19-05-2013 06:52 PM
As for changes to the community.......the rich will get richer and the poor even poorer.
This concerns me greatly.
This opinion comes from a poster who is quite comfortably off.
on 19-05-2013 06:55 PM
As for changes to the community.......the rich will get richer and the poor even poorer.
This concerns me greatly.
This opinion comes from a poster who is quite comfortably off.
this one i agree with.
on 19-05-2013 07:00 PM
As for changes to the community.......the rich will get richer and the poor even poorer.
This concerns me greatly.
This opinion comes from a poster who is quite comfortably off.
So nothing changes then?
on 19-05-2013 07:08 PM
on 19-05-2013 07:12 PM
and iof you are not around i will send yo a special invite 🙂
on 19-05-2013 07:13 PM
on 19-05-2013 08:09 PM
Well Donna, the riches in Australia belong to everyone equally, not by those granted mining rights.
on 19-05-2013 08:14 PM