on 19-05-2013 05:14 PM
I remember Paul Keating warned Australians what would happen under John Howard and he was correct to a degree. Do you think voters are being warned with any accuracy prior to this coming election?
My feelings are that we are heading for a more conservative future, I also believe that the libs will try and destroy the union movement.
Feel free to add how you believe things will change in Australia if there is a change in Government.
on 19-05-2013 10:08 PM
Demand it 🙂
on 19-05-2013 10:09 PM
They're not at school anymore LOL
on 19-05-2013 10:13 PM
You mean they could manage without a laptop??? 😮
Did they get the benefit of a school hall though when it rained
on 19-05-2013 11:51 PM
the libs will get in and stay for a while and then people will get sick of them and labour will be back and so forth. the way it always has been. i personally think both parties need a fresh start with fresh leaders. i also am sick of the two parties bickering for the sake of it instead of doing what is best for the country.
on 20-05-2013 01:38 AM
"Genuine labor supporters will die of shame the others will just get more shrill in their critisism,"
It would appear that the latter is in effect already within CS.
on 20-05-2013 06:24 AM
I'll vote for Imran Khan. I have his autograph. 😛
on 20-05-2013 07:20 AM