The matter of self-quarantine

Self-quarantine , a noble undertaking , consideration to one's neighbour and community , a civic duty - but how diligently completed ?


Consider the rate in which driver's are busted for speeding , year after year ..... and the rationale for.



Message 1 of 49
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The matter of self-quarantine

We have the considerate and diligent.

Then on the other end of the scale we have the non-thinkers or rule breakers.


That is why we have locks, money, police etc.

Something that will always be part of life unless......................................................I better not say.


Speeding may be considered flauting a fine, COVID19, lets hope people realise it's life or death, like speeding but faster.

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Message 2 of 49
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The matter of self-quarantine

@kopenhagen5 wrote:

We have the considerate and diligent.

Then on the other end of the scale we have the non-thinkers or rule breakers.


That is why we have locks, money, police etc.

Something that will always be part of life unless......................................................I better not say.


Speeding may be considered flauting a fine, COVID19, lets hope people realise it's life or death, like speeding but faster.

My point was consider how many people flaunt the speed limits when driving , then consider unsupervised self-quarantine.....

Message 3 of 49
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The matter of self-quarantine

Yes, I know.

Like I said, some are responsible enough but many are not.

And because of the Bondi beach people, thanks to them we went into a second phase of restrictions.

If authorities find many more ignoring self isolation, the government will have no choice but to lockdown everyone.

(alwyas the few that spoil it for the rest)


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Message 4 of 49
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The matter of self-quarantine

I can tell you now there are many, many people who are not obeying the 14 days of self isolation.

I was reading a report by someone who came over from US & she said the announcement was made about it on the plane but it was really just so much background noise. She was surprised it was not impressed on people. To her, it smacked of Australia not taking it too seriously, and I think she was right.



On a more personal level, I have a sister who works for Mercedes. (sales are going gangbusters at the moment, with Chinese rapt in the low aussie dollar). About 3 or 4 weeks back, she had a few people from China through, fairly fresh off the plane. Definitely breaking their supposed 14 day self-isolation.


Unless something is enforced, you'll never get total cooperation. Just a fact of life. It reminds me of a classroom. 80% or more of students will do the right thing if you ask them, just because they want to do the right thing. But there will always be one or two in any class who won't.

Message 5 of 49
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The matter of self-quarantine

@springyzone wrote:

I can tell you now there are many, many people who are not obeying the 14 days of self isolation.

I was reading a report by someone who came over from US & she said the announcement was made about it on the plane but it was really just so much background noise. She was surprised it was not impressed on people. To her, it smacked of Australia not taking it too seriously, and I think she was right.



On a more personal level, I have a sister who works for Mercedes. (sales are going gangbusters at the moment, with Chinese rapt in the low aussie dollar). About 3 or 4 weeks back, she had a few people from China through, fairly fresh off the plane. Definitely breaking their supposed 14 day self-isolation.


Unless something is enforced, you'll never get total cooperation. Just a fact of life. It reminds me of a classroom. 80% or more of students will do the right thing if you ask them, just because they want to do the right thing. But there will always be one or two in any class who won't.

While some of the one or two in each class will go on to become anti social, pain in the a$$e$ in adult life, a percentage of these non conformists will also go on to become our best and brightest. The arts are full of non conformists as is the business sector. If everyone dumbs down to the lowest common denominator of social conformity, life will become very bland, boring and unproductive very quickly.


Hail be to the non conformists !

Message 6 of 49
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The matter of self-quarantine

@chameleon54 wrote:


While some of the one or two in each class will go on to become anti social, pain in the a$$e$ in adult life, a percentage of these non conformists will also go on to become our best and brightest. The arts are full of non conformists as is the business sector. If everyone dumbs down to the lowest common denominator of social conformity, life will become very bland, boring and unproductive very quickly.


Hail be to the non conformists !



You are comparing the Einsteins, Newtons and da Vincis to the grubs  who break quarantine in a matter of life and death?

They are simply non-conformists?

They are criminals. 

That you can't see the difference shows a troubling  flaw in your thinking. 



Message 7 of 49
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The matter of self-quarantine

@bright.ton42 wrote:

@chameleon54 wrote:


While some of the one or two in each class will go on to become anti social, pain in the a$$e$ in adult life, a percentage of these non conformists will also go on to become our best and brightest. The arts are full of non conformists as is the business sector. If everyone dumbs down to the lowest common denominator of social conformity, life will become very bland, boring and unproductive very quickly.


Hail be to the non conformists !



You are comparing the Einsteins, Newtons and da Vincis to the grubs  who break quarantine in a matter of life and death?

They are simply non-conformists?

They are criminals. 

That you can't see the difference shows a troubling  flaw in your thinking. 



Calm down, you have misunderstood my post and have completely twisted it in a direction which is clearly not intended. I would appreciate it if you and your Kudo friends would go back and have a more careful read. .


If you look at the sentence in Springies post that I highlighted and responded too it was about the children in schools who do not conform to societal expectations. As noted in my post it is these children who often go on to become our leading artists, scientists and social leaders.


I noted that a percent of the non conformists go on to become anti social, pain in the a$$e$ in adult life and it is this element that may well place others in danger by not complying with social distance and  isolation. I am in no way endorsing their behaviour, just saying the non conformist kids in schools are often some of our best and brightest thinkers. Society just doesn't appreciate them until they start shining in later life.

Message 8 of 49
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The matter of self-quarantine

@chameleon54 wrote:

@bright.ton42 wrote:

@chameleon54 wrote:


While some of the one or two in each class will go on to become anti social, pain in the a$$e$ in adult life, a percentage of these non conformists will also go on to become our best and brightest. The arts are full of non conformists as is the business sector. If everyone dumbs down to the lowest common denominator of social conformity, life will become very bland, boring and unproductive very quickly.


Hail be to the non conformists !



You are comparing the Einsteins, Newtons and da Vincis to the grubs  who break quarantine in a matter of life and death?

They are simply non-conformists?

They are criminals. 

That you can't see the difference shows a troubling  flaw in your thinking. 



Calm down, you have misunderstood my post and have completely twisted it in a direction which is clearly not intended. I would appreciate it if you and your Kudo friends would go back and have a more careful read. .


If you look at the sentence in Springies post that I highlighted and responded too it was about the children in schools who do not conform to societal expectations. As noted in my post it is these children who often go on to become our leading artists, scientists and social leaders.


I noted that a percent of the non conformists go on to become anti social, pain in the a$$e$ in adult life and it is this element that may well place others in danger by not complying with social distance and  isolation. I am in no way endorsing their behaviour, just saying the non conformist kids in schools are often some of our best and brightest thinkers. Society just doesn't appreciate them until they start shining in later life.

Nothing misunderstood or twisted.  You are clearly drawing a parallel between the gifted, which has nothing to do with this thread, and people seriously breaking the law in this present situation,  which is trivialising it.  .   If you meant otherwise 'you' should have made it clear. 

Message 9 of 49
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The matter of self-quarantine

@bright.ton42 wrote:

@chameleon54 wrote:

@bright.ton42 wrote:

@chameleon54 wrote:


While some of the one or two in each class will go on to become anti social, pain in the a$$e$ in adult life, a percentage of these non conformists will also go on to become our best and brightest. The arts are full of non conformists as is the business sector. If everyone dumbs down to the lowest common denominator of social conformity, life will become very bland, boring and unproductive very quickly.


Hail be to the non conformists !



You are comparing the Einsteins, Newtons and da Vincis to the grubs  who break quarantine in a matter of life and death?

They are simply non-conformists?

They are criminals. 

That you can't see the difference shows a troubling  flaw in your thinking. 



Calm down, you have misunderstood my post and have completely twisted it in a direction which is clearly not intended. I would appreciate it if you and your Kudo friends would go back and have a more careful read. .


If you look at the sentence in Springies post that I highlighted and responded too it was about the children in schools who do not conform to societal expectations. As noted in my post it is these children who often go on to become our leading artists, scientists and social leaders.


I noted that a percent of the non conformists go on to become anti social, pain in the a$$e$ in adult life and it is this element that may well place others in danger by not complying with social distance and  isolation. I am in no way endorsing their behaviour, just saying the non conformist kids in schools are often some of our best and brightest thinkers. Society just doesn't appreciate them until they start shining in later life.

Nothing misunderstood or twisted.  You are clearly drawing a parallel between the gifted, which has nothing to do with this thread, and people seriously breaking the law in this present situation,  which is trivialising it.  .   If you meant otherwise 'you' should have made it clear. 

You read what you want to read, especially if you can twist it to villify and denigrate a poster you may not agree with............Quite  nasty in the current circumstances and not helpful to open discussion ! I,m doing my best to mind my P,s & Q's and not upset anyone at this difficult time, it would be helpful if others could do the same.....


OK....... I meant otherwise,...........yes going off on a tangent, just pointing out that some ingrained social attitudes about non conformist kids are not justified and in fact are repressing highly talented future leaders in their fields, .... not referring to those who deliberately place other people at risk by not adhering to social distancing etc......Clear enough ?

Message 10 of 49
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