The thread to complain about everything you don't like about the Photo challenge/chat threads

Have at it folks....

Message 1 of 154
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153 REPLIES 153

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stawka - I seem to remember you complaining about the building thread, building after building was boring, you couldn't be bothered even going through the thread etc. Why is your complaint ( personal views)  any different from some that others may have?


It's not


 Express them, move on.


I did and I am. 

Message 101 of 154
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*quietly walking away,and hoping the challenge sticks around..not directed at anyone in particular,i'm just...tired*

taste my religion! nibble a witch! ๐Ÿ˜„
Message 102 of 154
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@imastawka wrote:


stawka - I seem to remember you complaining about the building thread, building after building was boring, you couldn't be bothered even going through the thread etc. Why is your complaint ( personal views)  any different from some that others may have?


It's not


 Express them, move on.


I did and I am. 

So did I (from comments in the photo chat thread)  and others. Until this thread was started.....



Message 103 of 154
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Yeah, but I get bored, look,  pretty,  shiny >>>>>> runaway smiley.gif

Message 104 of 154
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Message 105 of 154
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Hmmm I vote in the photo challenge thread every week, I have posted pics in the past, I have been asked to run the challenge thread for a week but I am not allowed to make any comments on it..........


I have also been a psoter on CW and CS for 7 years but I am not allowed to start a thread???


Perhaps those who have taken such umbrage should think about why that is??

Message 106 of 154
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And by the way...the photo chat thread has been a nicer palce since this thread was started...THAT was the reason I started the thread...not to drag up past issues..that has been done by other posters...

Message 107 of 154
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 The complaints in this thread, as well as comments such as Pudds rarely posting pics, does the photo thread a diservice. I rarely contribute  pics in the photo thread but when I did , I was chastised for posting pic of rodents which were actually baby possums, going by complaints made in this thread, pics of pets and flowers were  frowned upon as well posting too many pics. One person's interpretation of the photo topic can be quite different to another's. I only joined in as respite from this **bleep**hole called life.


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 108 of 154
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Every one stop moaning and go and take pictures ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 109 of 154
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You know what BlueCat, you post whatever you like, as I said the other day, you can't please everyone, I love flowers so that's what you get a lot of from me I'm afraid, I don't like insects so you won't get many from me, I've learnt to quickly scroll past stuff I don't like.

Don't take stuff to heart if you can help it, it's not worth the angst.

Message 110 of 154
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