Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?


Gosh, I had no idea that she was the daughter of media tycoon Robert Maxwell 


Heck, where have I been?

Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?  Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich | Netflix
May 30, 2020
15.6M subscribers
On one hand, Ghislaine Maxwell was known as a graceful socialite. On the other, according to her accusers, she was a woman who lurked at the edge of high society, scouting and procuring young women to give to Jeffrey Epstein. Here's the enduring mystery of Ghislaine Maxwell. Watch Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich, Only on Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/title/80224905 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/29qBUt7





Message 1 of 91
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Re: Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?

@4channel wrote:

@tasfleur wrote:

Excuse me 4channel, please forgive me for the interruption, but I think you should stop accusing imastawka of being a troll or trolling you.


That is something that poster has never done, and has never been in the years she has been posting.


She is a respected member of this forum, just like you are.  Please don't misinterpret her opinions as being that of a troll simply because she does not always agree with you or you disagree with each other.


We're here to discuss, debate and share ideas, even sometimes with a sense of humour which may or may not be appreciated, that's just how it is.


I appreciate your posts 4channel, and I think you have a lot to share, but I wanted you to know that you are wrong about imastawka, she is not a troll and neither are you ... Smiley Happy  Heart




Hello tasfleur. I just asked the question on this thread. not an accusation!. Best I just ignore the member in question and not take the bait. You're entitled to your opinion which I respect.


You too. Have a nice weekend.

You - literally accused.

Message 41 of 91
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Re: Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?

Post # 31 looks interesting now

Message 42 of 91
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Re: Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?

@imastawka wrote:

Post # 31 looks interesting now

Sorry Stawks - I'm on an Android - post munbers don't gell - can you quote it. TIA LOL

Message 43 of 91
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Re: Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?

Sure.  Why  not


@4channel wrote:

Sorry, I'm not going to interact with you on this subject.

For others interested. There seems to be a link between the conduct and integrity of presidents that have associations with nefarious people such as the Epstein-Maxwell types.

But that's all I'm allowed to say on the matter.   Scroll back for more detail.

Message 44 of 91
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Re: Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?



@twyngwyn wrote:


Yes, thanks twyngwyn.for the link to Lisette Voytko's interesting article, "Photos Allegedly Show Bill Clinton Receiving Massage From Jeffrey Epstein Accuser"

 Quite an interesting read! With all of the commotion going on, people could be forgiven for overlooking the association between Ghislaine Maxwell's partner in crime Epstein and past presidents such as William Jefferson Clinton.


@supermussolinibros wrote:

bill clinton claimed that he visited 2 or three times - aeroplane records show he actually visited 27 times and hillary clinton also visited a number of times- she was also involved with this cabal.  Eppstein also had a large painting of bill clinton in female clothes at the entrance inside his new york mansion


Bill clinton not around for 11 years-what, just saw him and hillary on the tv at the democratic convention

Gosh supermussolinibros, that's certainly a big difference! He says 2 times, records say 27. Thanks for pointing that out too. Shows that some folks have convenient vague recollections when the spotlight is shone. I was trying to indicate this with an example in another post but never mind.  That painting would have a certain value. I wonder if Ghislaine Maxwell would have any access to funds from her partner's estate? Anyway, she'd have enough funds of her own I dare say for her ongoing legal costs.

Message 45 of 91
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Re: Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?

She certainly had - funds - check out her father - Robert.


They were all there - but it's history - as news goes.


images - 2020-08-21T215426.938.jpeg


images - 2020-08-21T215537.046.jpeg


images - 2020-08-21T215637.933.jpeg


etc etc etc.


You indicated - absolutely - nihil - nothing - zilch.



Message 46 of 91
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Re: Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?

@4channel wrote:

Well I'd like to know how many times this perfect gentleman visited the island. He wasn't known for his gentlemen traits in and  around Arkansas.

I do not think there is any evidence Bill or Hillary visited the island.  That is just something made up by the Russian trolls, along the claims that they sell children from basement of Pizza Shop.  Although Bill did travel on Epstein's plane to the Caribbean, accompanied by 1/2 dozen of his staff, both male and female, following earthquake or some other catastrophe, when his charity was providing aid.  While these sorts of allegations have been around social media NONE of the newspapers picked them up.  Ever wonder why? 
Yes, Bill had numerous affairs, none with anybody anywhere near underage. 


That is the problem; Epstein was well known philanthropist, he donated heaps of money, sent his jet to help with aid relief, and hosted numerous fund raising functions.  While, some of the people he associated were involved in his illegal activities, thousands who knew him, were not. 


Of course, none of that excuses Epstein raping children, none of that excuses Ghislaine for her involvement, but lets make this clear, the reason this all is now coming out in open is because handful of the women claiming they were trafficked by Epstein want to get their hands on the still substantial Epstein estate.  I do realize that legally having a sex with child is considered a rape, but these girls were not "sex slaves" in the way that the Asian or East European girls, who are brought in illegally  with promise of factory or domestic position jobs, only to be raped and beaten, given drugs and kept locked up until they "pay off the debt" for being smuggled into the western country.  The Epstein girls were paid thousands of dollars; at least that is what Virginia  Giuffre said.  She claimed in an interview she got $12 000 for having sex with Prince Andrew.  By then she was nearly 18, and she claims she was being trafficked since she was 13; there must be very many very powerful man she had sex with when she actually was a child; so why the only one she is constantly bringing up is the prince?  I am not particularly fond of the RF, actually I am a republican (although looking at the various leaders of countries, somehow having the Queen is rather reasuring), but I feel there is something else going on.  

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Re: Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?



sorry clinton admitted to being on the plane to eppsteins island four times but when company aircraft records were examined it was 27 or 29 times.  The recent untruth is that Bill Gates visited multiple times.


The recent netflix documentary i guess is a russian troll effort, but even that documentary tries to cover things over to make it look less worse.


Washington(bezos) post/NY Times has been trying to defend clinton (wonder why?cash for comments?) they both hate trump and love the democrats


Eppstein even donated money to the clinton foundation.


And what about Abramovic and the clintons - you don't find it a bit strange going to her functions, as did obama.

Message 48 of 91
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Re: Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?

lets bring abramovic home to meet grandma and grandpa, she's a lovely family friendly individual

Message 49 of 91
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Re: Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?

Oh, please.  Marina Abramović is a Serbian conceptual and performance artist, philanthropist and art filmmaker. Her work explores body art, endurance art and feminist art, the relationship between performer and audience, the limits of the body, and the possibilities of the mind.

It's amazing how easily Trump supporters believe that anybody connected to the Clintons is a Satanist, yet they think Trump is a saint.  Yet there are accounts of his abhorrent behavior over the years everywhere.  He was living in full public view.  There are dozens of photos of him with Epstein, and he even said in some interview that he knows him well, and that E. is a great guy.  Then there are many photos of Trump with his very young daughter that look rather inappropriate.  But let's talk about Bill Clinton, who has been out of public office for... how long exactlt?  Speaking somewhere does not count. 


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