Who Should Pay

Granddaughter's Ex want their son to go to the most expensive Catholic College in the area. He said as he is paying child support she should pay the school fees. She has offered to sent the boy to the local Catholic school and they both pay half of the fees. But if he wants the boy to go to the college he should pay all expenses over and above those of the public school. The Ex didn't go to a private school, he went to the local public school as did the Mother.
Message 1 of 37
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Re: Who Should Pay

Some parents of lower socio economic means save hard and make sacrifices to send their children to the school of their choice, private or public. You will find all levels of children in all schools.

Message 31 of 37
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Re: Who Should Pay

It turns out the main reason the father wants the boy to go to the private (which they both can't afford) is that he has been advised that it will be easier for him to get shared custody. He also states that the college is well know for its achievements in sport especily Rugby Union. Since they separated the father has moved 60 kilometers away from the mother and his son and refuses to move back into the area this makes the shared custody impossible. The father has to have the mother permission to enrole the boy at the school.
Message 32 of 37
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Re: Who Should Pay

(which they both can't afford)


If neither can afford the school then whats the problem, the father cant force her to materialise money out of thin air.

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Message 33 of 37
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Re: Who Should Pay

lol, well, he has been badly misinformed, hasn't he?

I think shared custody might have different criteria.

Personally, unless abuse is involved, or neglect, shared custody is the best thing for most children.

If neither can afford the school, how would they pay for it?

Message 34 of 37
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Re: Who Should Pay

With shared custody both parents are expected to reside within the same school catchment area. Or very close.
Message 35 of 37
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Re: Who Should Pay

@grandmoon wrote:
With shared custody both parents are expected to reside within the same school catchment area. Or very close.

Still irrelevant if they cant pay for the school.


And if he wont shift back, is he expecting her to shift closer?


I think she is making a mountain out of a molehill, nobdy can  make her pay for a school with money she doesnt have and nobody can make her shift to suit them. Tell her to stop worrying about it.

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Message 36 of 37
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Re: Who Should Pay

@*elizabeths-mum* wrote:
I read something recently, no idea where sorry, that child support was being/had been changed a little so a non custodial parent paying the support has more say in how it is spent. I think that was to ensure the money was used for the child though.

  I'm so glad my grandchildren have grown up.   Their self-employed father had no

income 'on the books' and was graciously paying the minimum of $26 per month

for three kids!!  And they would let those types have a say in how it was spent?

Message 37 of 37
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