Woke up from the dead

Community Member

Finally back here after long time. So many things have changed here๐Ÿ˜

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Re: Woke up from the dead

Blows it's trumpet about being respectful, decent and wanting high standards, yet refers to some others as muppets and morons. No regret, no remorse, nothing. The fun and friendliness shared by the so called muppets and morons is what attracts many people to the board. It is those who resort to provocative, unfriendly comments with name calling to gain any form of attention who turn people away.

Message 61 of 110
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Re: Woke up from the dead

@chameleon54 wrote:

@ she -el In past times, while I rarely agreed with you,  I respected your opinion as one of the more thoughtful posters who would debate the issues, rather than crawl into the gutter by engaging in snide remarks and personal attacks.


Unfortunately as the standards of this forum have slipped due to the continual derogatory interjections of a few it appears you have allowed your standards to slip to engage in the pile ons and personal attacks that a few here delight in.


You've just done it again.


And just to save you ( and the little group ) the trouble of typing it, I am also guilty of the same thing. When confronted with the continual bullying behaviour and pile ons that I and one or two others have had to endure,  I have been dragged into engaging in a form of combative personal debate that I am not always comfortable with. 


You've made most of your posts personal - family - earnings - property - sales - employment - assets - both near and far - etc etc etc 


Those who value this forum as a place to discuss and debate issues in a respectful and intelligent way and hold higher standards than normally occur on social media , need to take a stance against the few who continually engage in the derogatory memes and hijacking threads with interpersonal disputes. No kudo's for their memes, ignoring or discouraging the constant derogatory interpersonal attacks and generally holding the community to a more mature, respectful standard. 


Please allow all those who - post - to form their own opinion and their choice to kudo or not.


All of those who don't post -  PM''d - messaged - got in touch - speak for themselves.


I,m willing to move on and give it a try if others with some standards of decency such as she -el  are willing to reciprocate. It will only work if the majority ignore the disrespectful memes and derogatory comments of the few who are currently dominating and ruining this forum for everyone else. If standards of all of us dont improve this forum will continue down the road to become an  abandoned ghost town inhabited by a few trolls disrespectful posters left behind to fight amongst themselves. ( As is already rapidly happening )

As for the derogatory comments - have another read.

Message 62 of 110
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Re: Woke up from the dead

Oh - and if I want to throw in a meme or 3 - I darn well will.

Message 63 of 110
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Re: Woke up from the dead




Message 64 of 110
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Re: Woke up from the dead

Chameleon posted:

"@ she -el In past times, while I rarely agreed with you,  I respected your opinion as one of the more thoughtful posters who would debate the issues, rather than crawl into the gutter by engaging in snide remarks and personal attacks.


Unfortunately as the standards of this forum have slipped due to the continual derogatory interjections of a few it appears you have allowed your standards to slip to engage in the pile ons and personal attacks that a few here delight in"


Chameleon, what you have posted here to and about She Elephant (as well as other posters) is undeserved and really spiteful.  It is uncalled for, untrue and reflects on you really badly as the gentleman I thought you were.   I would not have expected it from you and I would like to think you will offer her an apology immediately.


In my opinion, perhaps you could take a long break away from this forum and come back happier and more accepting of us mere mortals.  You will find posters are really very forgiving and friendly.





Message 65 of 110
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Re: Woke up from the dead

And take note who the mod has singled out.

Message 66 of 110
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Re: Woke up from the dead

**replying to my own post so that nobody will feel I am singling them out**


I feel that participation on the boards dropped off when the community link was removed from the menu bar across the top of each eBay page.


Some members who had helped many members on the boards stopped posting when threads from those needing help dropped off dramatically.


Also, when the boards were run by a particular company there were mods who were very inconsistent trigger happy mods when dishing out suspensions.  I think that reduced poster numbers considerably.


Then the format of the boards changed.  We were promised that the changes would reinvigorate the boards, with eBay hosting some Q&A threads among other things.  Big on promises light on delivery, a terrible format (too much dead space on every page).


Some members who have returned after the changes were made don't recognise the place and don't hang around long.


Then there is the ages of posters who post a lot.  Many are old (make of that what you will, but know I consider myself old - early 60's).  These posters come from a time before Social Media and are more likely to plain-speak when someone comes along with a petty gripe or complaint during a pandemic like "my seller hasn't marked my item as posted, it has been 2 days".  What some call bullying responses others call tough love.



Message 67 of 110
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Re: Woke up from the dead

If early 60's make you old, then I've got one foot in the grave.


"I don't believe it" - Victor Meldrew


And I believe you're right about the boards.

Message 68 of 110
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Re: Woke up from the dead

@tasfleur wrote:

Chameleon posted:

"@ she -el In past times, while I rarely agreed with you,  I respected your opinion as one of the more thoughtful posters who would debate the issues, rather than crawl into the gutter by engaging in snide remarks and personal attacks.


Unfortunately as the standards of this forum have slipped due to the continual derogatory interjections of a few it appears you have allowed your standards to slip to engage in the pile ons and personal attacks that a few here delight in"


Chameleon, what you have posted here to and about She Elephant (as well as other posters) is undeserved and really spiteful.  It is uncalled for, untrue and reflects on you really badly as the gentleman I thought you were.   I would not have expected it from you and I would like to think you will offer her an apology immediately.


In my opinion, perhaps you could take a long break away from this forum and come back happier and more accepting of us mere mortals.  You will find posters are really very forgiving and friendly.





Thank you, Tasfleur. ๐Ÿ’–

Message 69 of 110
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Re: Woke up from the dead

" In my opinion, perhaps you could take a long break away from this forum and come back happier and more accepting of us mere mortals.  You will find posters are really very forgiving and friendly. "


Its unfortunate that a call for higher standards of interaction is treated with such disrespect by so many posters. Many here are obviously very happy to continue to condone and participate in the bullying, derogatory personal attacks and group pile ons that have become an increasing problem here and have already resulted in so many regular posters leaving.  


Its not something I find healthy or fulfilling and I doubt that the continued decline in standards  is really doing anyone else much good either. I'll post where I like when I like, but it will be on my terms, not dictated by others. 


All I can say is when the tumbleweeds are rolling down the deserted forum streets, and the rats are fighting over a few scraps in the dark corners it wont take Einstein to work out what went so wrong. 



Message 70 of 110
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