Yep. American gun laws sure are neat.

A country where evryone has a right to be armed. Including those with a criminal history.


The ease in which things like this happen doesn't seem to worry them does it?

Message 1 of 123
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Re: Yep. American gun laws sure are neat.

Guns are built in order to cause death. it's their primary purpose


Not true, if it were true, guns would have never been popular in America. But the fact is the USA has a heritage and culture built on the idea of armed citizens who would not be subject to tyranny, not from their own government or outside governments. Japan never attacked our main land directly because to hear them tell it, they were afraid of a gun behind every blade of grass.


If we lose our guns (and it probibly will happen as i've lost mine) we lose ourselves, our country and freedom. The 4th amendment is ignored by our own police, the 2ed is attacked. This is what America was built on. we are losing it, I don't know what I gonna tell the angry founders if and when i ever meet up with them.


I'm sorry George, listem Tom, try to understand what I was up against. I tried to get the message out, your message, your warnings. I just wasn't willing to kill, to use guns in order to keep them.


So my question is, does Australia have a heritage?, a proud culture? What would you think if i was to start attacking and underminding that?


They will, through false flags and staged events, undermind and make irrelivant the other 8 amendmends in the bill of rights. After the 2ed is completly destroyed, they will, I garentee, promise, they will go after the 1st in a full on assault. Then jump directly to the 13th and apply it to all Americans. Forced Relocations, Corraled into citys where they can keep wath on their property on the false primise that we need to save the earth by using less resorces. That won't be their real reason, but the one they give.


I think it's a combination of TV from an early age, GMOs in our food, MSGs, Aspertaine, Then fluoride and lithium in water, then perscription drugs, ect.


I have no guns, they were taken and probibly sitting in a sheriff's collection, i don't plan on getting any more only to have them taken as well, Right now, all I have is the 1st, and i know that will last only as long as some people in the US has guns. When they disarm usall , they will ban the 1st, and start the killing they plan to do. Look at the first video in my second reply.


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Message 21 of 123
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Re: Yep. American gun laws sure are neat.

Guns are built in order to cause death. it's their primary purpose


Not true, if it were true, guns would have never been popular in America.


Absolute balderdash...........From day one, the American frontier employed guns for hunting (death to animals) defense from various tribes (death to the red man)  and even in the "untamed west" they were used to uphold the law.


I doubt if there were very many "collectors" or  "target shooters" around those days........most folk were to busy surviving.


Quit pushing an unsupportable agenda.........

Message 22 of 123
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Re: Yep. American gun laws sure are neat.

I doubt if there were very many "collectors" or  "target shooters" around those days........most folk were to busy surviving.


I never said there were, and most folk would have never survived without guns. Take them away, and you endorse our own slavery and death. Again, first video in second reply.



I'm only defending personal freedom. Yes, people kill and get killed with guns, they also kill and get killed in many other ways. But killing and getting killed with guns seems to have more of a magnifying glass over it. Now I ask you, who's the one pushing an unsupportable agenda?


Do you think the police, or troops, whoever it might be, are really destroying all the guns they take or that get turned in? Melting them down or whatever. They are gonna destroy a Weatherby 460 Magnum lazermark 5? No, They will destroy a few cheap guns for show, say they melted them all, and the really expensive pieces goes into their collection. Being a cop might not pay well, i deon't know, but you can't deny the side benifits of keeping the spoils of one's misdeeds. I can post video proof on that as well.


So Police and military should be the only ones who can have guns?, What makes them so responsable or accountable? I've told you in the past what they have got away with with me, and with so many others.. Like Kelly Thomas. Were they using guns responsabally when they shot John T Williams for carving on a piece of wood. This man was an artist making wood sculptures. Perhaps art of any kind should be banned, outlawed, and the offenders killed without trial. ??


I don't understand


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Message 23 of 123
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Re: Yep. American gun laws sure are neat.

@softail-joanie wrote:

Yes, people kill and get killed with guns, they also kill and get killed in many other ways. But killing and getting killed with guns seems to have more of a magnifying glass over it. 


Have you ever used that little brain of yours to consider why that would be? I know you have problems "understanding" what appears to be even basic principles but, go on joanie, have a think about it. 


No? Still hasn't dawned on you? Need someone to spell it out for you?


Perhaps KILLING of INNOCENT people because some idiots thinks owning a gun is more important than anothers human life is the REASON it is scrutinised.


Perhaps it is scrutinised because there is something intrinsically SICK in a society that doesn't care how many innocent CHILDREN die in violent acts involving a gun.


Perhaps it is scrutinised becaues it is MORALLY wrong that the lobbying of a minority who defend guns is MORE important than the majority of ordinary people affected who realise MURDER is caused by guns.




Message 24 of 123
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Re: Yep. American gun laws sure are neat.

I agree but some seem to like denigrating other countries laws whils all the time bagging out our laws and our government.


and...some people just hate America.

Message 25 of 123
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Re: Yep. American gun laws sure are neat.

Again, I refer you to the first video in my second reply. it defeats your argument. You think people are dying from guns now?, wait until police and military are the only ones with them. Hitler's reign of terror, will look like a sunday walk in the park with the modern guns only in the hands of corrupt and sadistic police. There will be no hiding from tyrants and their minions, not with fusion centers, everyone having a social security number, tracking through implanted chips under your skin you must have before you can work a job, buy groceries, or put gas in your car.


Yes, it's tragic when children get killed but you know whats even more tragic?, those children living as slaves to corrupt sadistic tyrants. Sad thing is, they won't even realize their used to be freedom, human rights, they will think their slavery is normal, it's all they will know. Many times, I see it going on right now, in the here and now, these things aren't being taught. There goes personal freedom, as we welcome our own slavery.


Fun Factor : Now you have a choice in chat, factor that
Message 26 of 123
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Re: Yep. American gun laws sure are neat.

@softail-joanie wrote:

Again, I refer you to the first video in my second reply. it defeats your argument. You think people are dying from guns now?, wait until police and military are the only ones with them. Hitler's reign of terror, will look like a sunday walk in the park with the modern guns only in the hands of corrupt and sadistic police. There will be no hiding from tyrants and their minions, not with fusion centers, everyone having a social security number, tracking through implanted chips under your skin you must have before you can work a job, buy groceries, or put gas in your car.


Yes, it's tragic when children get killed but you know whats even more tragic?, those children living as slaves to corrupt sadistic tyrants. Sad thing is, they won't even realize their used to be freedom, human rights, they will think their slavery is normal, it's all they will know. Many times, I see it going on right now, in the here and now, these things aren't being taught. There goes personal freedom, as we welcome our own slavery.

Why are you trying to convince Australians..the majority of whom have never wanted to own a gun.


I lived on a farm for 24 years and I had a gun all that time. I now no longer have a gun as I have no need for one...the same as the vast majority of Australians. I am not anti-gun by any means but I do not think that every Tom, Dick and Harry should have one simply because they want one.


I think you have been watching too many science fiction movies and reading way too many conspiracy theories.


Message 27 of 123
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Re: Yep. American gun laws sure are neat.

HAHAHAHAHA joanie you are hilarious.


also you lost the debate by mentioning hitler PMSL Robot LOL

Message 28 of 123
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Re: Yep. American gun laws sure are neat.


Message 29 of 123
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Re: Yep. American gun laws sure are neat.

i think joanie has a point when she says that guns are not for killing.


they are for fondling and cuddling because they are so cute and fluffy.





or was that bunnies?

Message 30 of 123
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