on 04-04-2015 03:09 PM
A country where evryone has a right to be armed. Including those with a criminal history.
The ease in which things like this happen doesn't seem to worry them does it?
on 05-04-2015 09:23 AM
@i-need-a-martini wrote:
@idlewhile wrote:Guns, just another excuse to pour hate on a whole counrty.
And here is another one *eye roll*.
Where, oh, where did I say I hated the US? Please explain this to me idlewhite. I would like you to pinpoint EXACTLY where I have made any anti US comment on these boards on ANY post EVER.
on 05-04-2015 09:23 AM
Why are you trying to convince Australians..the majority of whom have never wanted to own a gun.
Not trying to convince Australians of anything, i didn't start the topic "American gun laws sure are neat" I do not think they are neat, i hate them. the 2ed amendment makes America's gun laws invalid, nul n void..
Repeal the 2ed if you want toban guns- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5ELyG9V1SY
I lived on a farm for 24 years and I had a gun all that time. I now no longer have a gun as I have no need for one...the same as the vast majority of Australians. I am not anti-gun by any means but I do not think that every Tom, Dick and Harry should have one simply because they want one.
Where did I say everyone should have a gun, I only believe everyone should have the choice. It's caiflled personal freedom and has nothing to do with a gun, it's about the right to have a coffie cup, if you want one, a bag of popcorn, if you want it and have the money or means, then you as a free human should have it. If you don't want a gun i will support that choice just as much, and will never endorse anyone forcing you to own a gun.
Personal Freedom yall
I think you have been watching too many science fiction movies and reading way too many conspiracy theories.
If true, wouldn't it be a matter of personal freedom to do so?
The main reason the police shoot people is because those people have or might have a gun,(or it may look like they have a gun as everyone is allowed to have one).
Everyone is allowed to have guns in America?, not even close, only police are allowed to have the guns, and take them away, and take homes, rape, rob, steal, abduct, abuse..
I support Austrailans right to not have a gun, but will never support their right to force others not to, just because they have no interest in them. Outlaw guns and you ensure that only criminals will have them, Go ahead, call police when an attacker has broken into your home and seconds away from killing you and, or your family. Lets see if they get there in the time it would have taken an armed and ready person looking out for themself.
In Australia, the police may be good, but they are not God, they can't respond in an instant, and when you need them, your gonna need then that instant. In America, the police are more likely to arrest me if I called them for help, they actually have done so several times when I've been the victim of attack. Not a single conviction and I'm the lowlife criminal scum.
05-04-2015 09:25 AM - edited 05-04-2015 09:29 AM
You think people are dying from guns now?, wait until police and military are the only ones with them.
I simply can't believe the ignorance displayed here..........most first world countries have had strict control over firearms foe decades..........except the United States. Name one country where civilians are being slaughtered.............only in the United States.
Yes, it's tragic when children get killed but you know whats even more tragic?, those children living as slaves to corrupt sadistic tyrants.
Please provide us with a list of those sadistic tyrants.........England-no, Germany-no, Australia-no, Japan-no, Canada-no, France, Spain, Italy....no, no, and no........
Using youtube to bolster that ignorance is so pathetic, it's ludicrous.........
with fusion centers, everyone having a social security number, tracking through implanted chips under your skin you must have before you can work a job, buy groceries, or put gas in your car.
You've been watching too much Hunger Games........once again, name a country where this has occurred...........
on 05-04-2015 09:41 AM
on 05-04-2015 09:41 AM
off topic here but Band. I have to apologise to you for how i acted when you first came here. I wasnt welcoming to you, but the more I see your posts the more I think you have some very good points to make and argue without put downs. So sorry for not giving you a chance from the start
on 05-04-2015 09:48 AM
on 05-04-2015 09:56 AM
Hell frozen over yet?
on 05-04-2015 10:05 AM
I truly believe you enjoy being a victim...it has become your whole word i don't understand what means
As much fun as that has been, as much as i love being robbed, raped, abused, I think i would prefer having my home, my personal belongings, guns included, and for Goddness sakes, I want my clothing, maybe a blanket in a freezing cold holding cell. can I at least have my underwear back? I'm not comfortable in an unsanitary display cage completly nude for all other prisoners to see, the same male prisoners I'm later thrown head first into a cell with.
It's not like the police don't know the truth, they just choose to ignore it, but thats going off topic, just addressing your obsurd remarks. Lets talk about how neat American gun laws are thats the topic title, lets talk about the bliss of slavery, that according to some here is the Australian way. I'm such a happy slave I want a lobotomy
on 05-04-2015 10:18 AM
on 05-04-2015 10:21 AM
You need one and I say that in the nicest way 🙂