on 01-06-2013 08:57 AM
see you have to comment
don't you
you know you want to write something
you just have to comment
resistance is futile
on 01-06-2013 04:22 PM
if you have ever seen dawkins debate a creationist he spends most of the time in mocking answers and personal attacks.
on 01-06-2013 04:22 PM
meep not sure who your post is for but Dawkins spends a lot of his time campaigning against something he believes doesn't exists. kind of a sad life if you think about it.
the images I posted were following my comment re the arrogance of some atheists ie "You KNOW its a Myth, this Season Celebrate Reason!"
on 01-06-2013 04:24 PM
If you want to teach science to all that's OK. If you want to balance that out with religion that's okay too. I personal choose evolution...
on 01-06-2013 04:28 PM
if you have ever seen dawkins debate a creationist he spends most of the time in mocking answers and personal attacks.
Yes, I have seen him debating. Have read transcript of his debate with Rowan Williams, i think it was... That was interesting 😄
on 01-06-2013 04:31 PM
As an evolutionist I also dislike Dawkins. I read the God Delusion and thought it was a very basic argument and I also think he is a bit of a arrogant "rottweiler" but my life as evolution still stands.
on 01-06-2013 04:32 PM
thankyou, meep and para for rationale intelligent answers. not used to it on here.
on 01-06-2013 04:39 PM
ellie, Darwin was in a long line of philosopher/thinkers going way back in history.
He may have been and it was certainly his Victorian Christian upbringing and way of thinking that led him to believe in the racial inferiority of "The children of Ham."
This belief didn't come to him as a sudden revelation when he discovered the secret of evolution though, it was already well and truly established in his psyche.
He may well have assumed that evolution provided proof of this preconceived idea, but if so then further studies have certainly shown him to be wrong in that particular conclusin. AND THAT IS WHAT SCIENCE IS ALL ABOUT.
on 01-06-2013 04:45 PM
ellie, it goes back to the Greeks [possibly further back], bible wasn't around then. Darwin copied from many others, he became the "one" because he was the first to have it printed.
on 01-06-2013 04:49 PM
the racial inferiority of the children of Ham is not scriptural [we are all created in the image of God]. it is used by racists [probably after reading Darwins book] to justify slavery.
on 01-06-2013 05:01 PM
dawkins doesn't speak for most people. its absurd to say not following a religion is a religion.
how can indifference be a spritual incentive, it makes no sense.