on โ11-09-2016 05:17 PM
I just got this - invite only. Non stores 4/9 to 30/9
No insertion and final value fees on the next 10 items you list*
Won't help me - I got it on this account - but may help someone else
(If someone else has posted this yonks ago - sorry, I missed it)
on โ11-09-2016 05:19 PM
on โ11-09-2016 06:05 PM
Same here - invite only
on โ11-09-2016 07:05 PM
From the link:
This promotion is only available to you if you have received an invitation to participate in it directly from eBay via Facebook or email.
on โ11-09-2016 08:29 PM
I got it in My Messages a few hours ago, starting today and going till 30th September.....and I have never sold a thing in my life on any ID.
on โ11-09-2016 09:13 PM
@lyndal1838 wrote:I got it in My Messages a few hours ago, starting today and going till 30th September.....and I have never sold a thing in my life on any ID.
lyndal, dive in the deep end and have a go! LOL
I got it on another ID and will definitely list some items, especially some higher value items as no final value fees is a great offer.
Once again I feel for store holders . . . . . who also get shafted by not being able to access these offers/promotions unless they have multiple IDs and happen to get the offer on another ID.
on โ11-09-2016 09:53 PM
The last line in the T&Cs under the exclusions and other conditions is (my bolding๐
So, if you list in two categories you are no longer eligible for the no final value fees and need to pay insertion fees (if applicable).
Too bad if you get the offer/invitation in your eBay messages and accept without bothering to read the T&Cs and list in two categories.
on โ11-09-2016 10:40 PM
I think the two category thing means if you list one item in 2 categories, as opposed to 2 items in different categories.
I've only ever got these promotions when I've started a new account and not done anything with it. Because I've not done anything with them, I've not used them. I did use one of the unused ones last night to use the $20 off promotion using the app. I only got the email on that account and my newest selling account (that still doesn't have a feedback star yet).
Maybe they're hitting accounts that haven't sold anything to try and encourage people. I'll try this link on my active accounts, but I'm not confident it will work.
Thanks for sharing Stawks. There's usually a couple of people that these links always work for without getting the invite. I'm guessing if you run an auction and it auto relists the offer is removed from that item, so it would make more sense to list a BIN I think.
on โ11-09-2016 11:24 PM
@*tippy*toes* wrote:I think the two category thing means if you list one item in 2 categories, as opposed to 2 items in different categories.
yep, perhaps my post wasn't as clear as it should have been . . . . . you become ineligible if you have a second category in a listing.
I checked all the IDs used in my household and three of five got the offer/invitation. No facebook used in this household so offer/invitation only received through eBay messaging and NO emails about it.
on โ11-09-2016 11:32 PM
just so everyone can see the full T&Cs I will provide a screengrab here: