on 15-08-2014 10:27 AM
Hi, I think this is the link to the 150 free listings - http://sellercentre.ebay.com.au/promo/1935
on 15-08-2014 10:32 AM
As usual freebie auctions only offered for non-store IDs only
on 15-08-2014 10:39 AM
Such a long running promo and big fat nothing at all for store holders ??? 😞
on 15-08-2014 10:42 AM
Thank you,i never get invited & rely on the links from here
on 15-08-2014 11:01 AM
might have to bite the bullet and move some listings across to a non store ID ....
on 15-08-2014 11:24 AM
@thecatspjs wrote:might have to bite the bullet and move some listings across to a non store ID ....
Yes I'm seriously thinking of doing the same cats.
I've noticed when I spend the money on auctions lately, it's the luck of the draw for being 'switched on' at the right time.
Some items get multiple views and bids, others, not even watchers.
I've been doing this for too long now to not realise that I've spent the money for the auctions for nothing.
They aren't getting any exposure at all.
It will be an interesting exercise to see if we don't pay for them under another ID, if they will get any more exposure. I'm thinking not.
I'm thinking that it's just a ploy to get us all running around in circles, wasting our time.
I've noticed a couple of new sellers, selling similar things to mine, have started with auctions. Over the past couple of months, they've listed the same things over and over again, with very few sales. And I'm sure it's because whatever server they are on, is giving them very limited exposure.
on 15-08-2014 12:00 PM
thanks for that link, I never get an invite on this ID. happy selling everyone.
on 15-08-2014 12:01 PM
Well, I am going to make the move.
I just got my selling limits lifted on a newer account so I can now make use of all of the freebies for a catspjs clearance ID :and see how that travels cathappy:.
If there is no interest it just maintains the status quo in anyway.
on 15-08-2014 12:16 PM
I don't have a store & only do auctions but i have noticed the same thing.Some things i listed,usually hot selling brands that should have had/usually do well & have a lot of views barely had a handful & didn't do as well as i would have liked.Other sellers with similar items/brands & start prices had lots of bids.
I have noticed this for a month & it seems to be hit & miss at times.Thanks for mentioning that,i had wondered if anyone else was having an issue with it.Some weeks it's all W.A buyers, who knows what goes on in the eBay vortex.
on 15-08-2014 12:28 PM
I've noticed with my auctions, some things will barely get a page view, yet other sellers who have the same thing will have lots of bids and their item sells for a ridiculously high price, while mine relists with 1 page view. I wonder if their bidders are regulars who 'follow' them, so get messages about their items. Maybe my start prices are too high? I learned early in the peace not to start at 99c because that's what everything was selling for and I was effectively paying someone to take my items off my hand.
Other times I will have auctions relist and relist and relist and barely get a page view, let alone a watcher or bidder, then whammo, there will be a bidding war and suddenly there is all this interest in those chronically relisted items.
As you said, who knows how the eBay vortex works!!
I'm glad this latest offer goes for over a week because I'm working this weekend which will leave time for nothing apart from sleeping and working.....unless I want to list things at 2, 3, 4, 5am (depending on what time I get home and even then, due to needing sleep, time then will be limited). I probably won't be able to use all the 150, but I'll hopefully find some more things to list.