150 free listings

The usual one is around again .......



Message 1 of 41
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Re: 150 free listings

Thank you for sharing 🙂

Message 21 of 41
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Re: 150 free listings

Community Member

Copy of questions I put on the Ebay facebook site last night.

Took up the 150 Free Listings on the 19th Dec Started on the 21st Dec
Listed 50 items to start at 2000 Hours Fine. Then the 59 Items I had on Auto 3 FREE Relisting's commenced at 2010 Hours. Guess what Auto 3 Free listings taken from my 150 Free offer so now only have 41 Left. Great Offer Not!!! Spoke to Ebay Customer Service at 8am this morning and they advised just list the 100 you have not used and Speak to us again at the end of the Month and we will Wipe Fees. I said send me an email to that effect so I have some proof what they said was correct sure will send within 2 hours almost 12 Hours later no email.
Customer Service Rating Nil. But they did confirm this is an ongoing problem with this offer. WHY HAS IT NOT BEEN FIXED????????


Later last night added further


In addition I now see the remaining 41 Free Listings I had are also now Gone used by the 3 Auto Relisting's Fault. Get your act together why give 150 Free Listings when your System is Faulty and then takes them back. No wonder Sellers are losing all Faith In the Ebay system. Go onto your Discussion Boards and find out.


Recieved the usual response send more details and Ebay will do a Mirror Job (Look into it). Sent more details including the Ebay Customer service record number. Further response from Ebay to date Zero.  


So if you have been able to use the 150 Free Listings check your account to make sure you have not been charged.

Message 22 of 41
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Re: 150 free listings

Exactly the same thing happened to me. I lost the majority of my 150 free listings to auto relists before I had a chance to use them. This has happened to me on a previous free listings offer also, so it has been going on for a while.


Message 23 of 41
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Re: 150 free listings

Make sure you ring Ebay and get credited for what you have lost. If enough Sellers annoy them maybe they will fix it.

Message 24 of 41
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Re: 150 free listings

The key to using the 150 is not to accept the offer until you're ready to use them, or to have a heap of listings ready in scheduled or unsold that you can relist straight away as soon as you accept the offer (before anything else has a chance to relist and come off the 150).

Yes, it should be fixed, but until it is it's better to plan to work around the problem of relists coming off the 150 than to have to waste time ringing ebay.


If enough people annoy ebay about it they may just withdraw the offer.  Just saying...

Message 25 of 41
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Re: 150 free listings

@goodchinagalore wrote:

Exactly the same thing happened to me. I lost the majority of my 150 free listings to auto relists before I had a chance to use them. This has happened to me on a previous free listings offer also, so it has been going on for a while.


I do wonder if this is not working as ebay planned it. I have suspected for awhile that the offer is possibly meant to compensate sellers who do not recieve the 3 free relists. This is the only explanation that makes some sense of the way the whole thing works. ( or doesnt work   Smiley Very Happy  )


My guess is that like many things on ebay it has not been set up very well from a technical point of view and some people who get the 3 free relists are able to access the offer when it was not initially designed for them. Ebays solution may be to take the relists from the offer, rather than fix the problem that allowed free relist people to access it in the first place.


I realise this is not likely to be a popular suggestion, but just trying to make sense of it all.

Message 26 of 41
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Re: 150 free listings

This has been an ongoing issue with this particular promotion for several years. I doubt they'll bother fixing it now. Most of the regulars know that it's been an issue for awhile and often mention it when they post the link. Sometimes they forget. Remember for next time!

Message 27 of 41
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Re: 150 free listings

Thank you for sharing, no luck here

Message 28 of 41
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Re: 150 free listings


I have managed to get the offer every month except one month when I had not used many of my 40 regular freebies.

This month I delibrately relisted a few items and used some of my 40 freebies a couple of days before I thought I would be eligable for 2664 so that the account had some recent listing activity. This seemed to work as I still have 27 of the 40 regular freebies left, but again was fortunate to be able to activate 2664.


When I recieve this offer I always use the whole lot, either for listing reasonable numbers of new listings and also relisting unsold items. My monthly sales are above the threshold to recieve the 3 free relists, although they are down around 25% this month on the normal average. I plan to do around 50 - 60 new listings in the next week or so including auctions and would expect a number of these to sell. I have had some good results ending auctions on the days between christmas and new year in the past, so will be fully listed and active over this period.

Just thought it worth following up on this bit. I had a number of auctions finish tonight with some outstanding results. Some of the best for quite awhile. One item started at $25 had nearly 20 bids and sold for over $200. I have a few more auctions finishing tommorow night and a number of those have bids and quite a few watchers. A lot of people have the Christmas - new year week off of work and many sit around the house getting bored. I suspect they spend more time browsing on ebay than normal and it is a very good time to finish auctions.

Message 29 of 41
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Re: 150 free listings


Like you chamelon, I have been getting this offer each month, sometimes with the invitation but on the months I don't, I keep trying the link until I do.


December has been the quietest month in the history of my selling on eBay, (I must admit, I scaled right back when I went on holidays in early December).   Just before Christmas, my balance went down to zero.   I didn't expect any movement for a week or so, but yesterday I had some bids and a few more watchers.   I agree, maybe once Christmas shopping and the big day is over, it's holidays for a lot of people and they have more time to browse.


Great to hear you're having a good selling time .... hope it continues in 2017 for you  Woman Happy

Message 30 of 41
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