Advice for a newbie please

I am a relative newbie at selling on EBay.  I have started out just by listing stuff I or my kids don't want anymore. I have watched lots of YouTube videos about selling on Ebay. I have spent soooo much time on getting good photos with white backgrounds etc (the Ebay background remover isn't that helpful). I have tried to do SEO & done heaps of research for pricing my items. I have sold a couple of items over the last several months but most of my stuff isn't even getting any views. What am I doing wrong? 

With regards to white backgrounds, I have noticed a lot of product photos in Ebay stores don't use white backgrounds at all, so a bit confused about that advice.

Thanks in advance.

Message 1 of 42
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Re: Advice for a newbie please

Your photos are great, more than ebay acceptable! Unacceptable photos would come up blank

Message 11 of 42
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Re: Advice for a newbie please

My opinion only but here goes.


Postage charges are higher than they should be,   check them and make them realistic,  weigh you items, and use the Australia post calculator.   You can allow a little for packaging materials.


Some do give details on how they look as they are used,  others don't.


Prices seem very high to me for used items.

Message 12 of 42
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Re: Advice for a newbie please

I agree with Suga re pricing/postage costs.


As for pics -


  • Photos need to be at least 500 pixels on the longest side but we recommend you aim for 800-1600 pixels on the longest side. Our photo uploader can take images up to 7MB in size

Adding pictures to your listings | eBay

Message 13 of 42
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Re: Advice for a newbie please

It might be new, but eBay used to REQUIRE at least 1600 pixels on the longest side. I'd aim for that - bandwidth is cheap these days.


The higher the resolution, the better the prospective buyer can decide what, if any, flaws are present.

Message 14 of 42
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Re: Advice for a newbie please

I'm a buyer these days.

I am on a computer and your photos look good to me, they are clear and there seem to be several of them per item. I haven't looked at all your ads, just a couple . But I can't see that you are doing anything wrong as such.


You say you have done a lot of research into prices but the trouble is, while the internet might say that an item is worth X amount, it is like everything, it depends where you sell it. Have you compared some of the items to similar things on ebay? Or maybe you could try facebook marketplace in the vintage category, see how you go.

As a buyer, when I look at your ads what I notice first is a seller who appears to be relatively new & who has not sold many things. So you're not coming across as a professional seller of vintage items. Nothing you can do about that, I know, till you build up more sales.

I also wonder if, as a new seller, you are a bit over ambitious with prices because to me, they look quite high. Admittedly, I haven't done the research you have, but at first glance, none of your items look to be things that someone would buy on impulse.


One thing I do love about ebay is that buyers can see a range of vintage stuff, it is not just all new generic items from China (yet). So I am not trying to discourage you. Just that I think some of your items may not be what people are searching for and if you are only an occasional seller, maybe your things aren't popping up at the top of the searches.


PS I think some of your items eg the tin opener, would appeal to a limited audience, you're looking at a niche market there so don't be surprised if you don't get too many views. Clothes maybe more lookers but there's a lot of competition on ebay with those items.

Message 15 of 42
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Re: Advice for a newbie please

This is from a different thread but I just saw it and feel it may be relevant to you.


I'm still keeping one store stocked up pretty well and ticking over. What I have noticed is that ebay is really hitting accounts that dont have a lot of activity. ( more than in the past ) If you are not constantly listing, revising and selling, your items drop completely from searches pretty quickly at the moment. 

The economy is definately affecting sales, but there is still buyers out there for the right stuff.


So it does sound as if your items may not be top of the searches. I guess just keep at it and maybe consider the prices and postage, as others have mentioned, especially for items that don't move in a reasonable time frame.

Message 16 of 42
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Re: Advice for a newbie please

Overall I think your listings are good, also the photos.    If I was really picky I would tweak a few things, like sometimes the size is not in the title (really important);    and kitchenware items should always have the bottom photographed, even if there is no brand name.


I would also look at the smaller items which you advertise as postage of $5.   You can't post anything for $5 unless you are sending it as a letter and if so do they pass the 2cm test?    I can't see a spoon in a box being less than 2cm?


Which leads me to the clothing items.    If they are not too bulky, most clothes items will fit in a small satchel for $10.60.    I know you're allowed to add a little extra for packing etc, but in my experience buyers get quite narky if too much is added on.  


Selling is very hard at the moment, probably because of the economy news, so just hang in there.



Message 17 of 42
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Re: Advice for a newbie please

Thank you for your reply & I appreciate your opinion. I do check weights & sizes of my items & use the Australia Post calculator & then add a little on for bubble wrap etc. Can I please ask for an example item you are referring to?

My prices are probably high because being the perfectionist that I am 🙄, I spend so much time getting the photos right & the descriptions right & questioning if everything is ok with the listing. I want to try & earn some sort of living out of doing this, so figured the time I spend doing the listing, postage, ebay fees etc, making a couple of dollars from a listing isn't worth my while. I am also an overthinker !  Am I looking at all of this the wrong way ? I am determined to get it right & just need some guidance please. 


Message 18 of 42
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Re: Advice for a newbie please

I can totally relate, I'm also a perfectionist and overthinker trying to earn a living from ebay sales. I would advise you to do what I keep having to push myself to do, be less perfect. Instead of getting each listing just right, focus on getting more items listed. Use the "Sell Similar" function, and maybe Templates instead of starting from scratch with each listing. Don't worry about using white backgrounds, just have clear shots of your item (which you already do).

Message 19 of 42
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Re: Advice for a newbie please

I think your prices are a little too high.

Your Moroccan lealight holders can be purchased brand new with postage for less than your price plus postage. Some buyers consider items to be secondhand once they leave the shop.

I haven't checked all your pricing but generally items won't sell if prices are too high.
I would not charge postage on the dress at about $350, I would offer free postage at that price range.
How are you packaging and posting spoons for $5.00?

As for prices being high because you are a perfectionist won't make a difference to buyers.

Message 20 of 42
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