on 02-10-2014 09:23 AM
Great article in ecommercebytes.com .
Brief summary:
In baseball, there's a saying after a team has a bad season: You can't fire the team, you fire the manager
John Donahoe's team at eBay has had a bad season.
Today, eBay announced that it will be splitting eBay and PayPal into two separate companies..
No matter how John Donahoe's departure will be spun in San Jose,
This was not a decision by Donahoe to "spend more time with family”
The question is why the board stuck with him so long in the first place
Donahoe's lack of vision for the marketplace was severely out of place in an innovation-driven industry.
His disregard for eBay's most valuable asset - its small sellers
Donahoe's legacy will be a dysfunctional search engine …. a major security breach … preferential treatment of large-box retailers, both domestic and Chinese
The bottom line is that Donahoe was the wrong man for the job
When asked about leading eBay ... Former CEO Meg Whitman professed that "a monkey could drive this train"
Donahoe's tenure:. Fraud was a constant problem, fee circumvention by sellers was an issue, technical problems were frequent due to the site's ancient platform.
Six years later, are any of those issues any better?
The Donahoe Era was a disaster for small sellers
My comment ... Hopefully we might now see a return to the eBay we knew and loved
It is not over until the fat lady posts
on 02-10-2014 09:59 AM
Fantastic News, but unfortunatlely too late for me and so many other sellers. I have already commited substantial time and money, growing another business to replace ebay as my main source of income. It will still take another year or two to reach full production, but I have gone too far down the "leaving ebay" track to turn around now. It will take a huge amount of time and goodwill on behalf of ebay to rebuild trust with its small business sellers. ( and buyers )
02-10-2014 10:07 AM - edited 02-10-2014 10:07 AM
a lot of people tried to tell them they were moving in the wrong direction. As has always been the case, the small sellers are also the main buyers. Lose one and you lose the other.
Time for a major rethink eBay.
on 02-10-2014 10:24 AM
on 02-10-2014 10:29 AM
I think this is so true....
".....that took the eBay experience from one of being about Discovery, and made it mundane."
The best part of ebay was all those rare items that had been found in someone's attic somewhere. Not completely gone yet, but hugely at risk with the changes coming up.
Can shop anywhere for the chinese carp.
on 02-10-2014 10:30 AM
Don't be too hopeful on that 'cos the not so new guy is currently in charge of marketing & was one of his henchmen.
He already knows what he's in for 'cos he helped make it the way it is.
I think if eBay wanted to turn this monstrosity around & repair the damage that's been done then they would have got new people to run this rusty defective old ship.
I don't expect anything new but I am glad that the current head will be cut off.A bit like Medusa at the top of eBay,cut off one snake head & several others grow in it's place.
on 02-10-2014 11:13 AM
The addage "Ya can't reheat old cabbage" comes to mind!!! Possibly stir fry it though ? Me thinks, the damge has already be done.
on 03-10-2014 11:11 AM
I see that some certain posters are conspicuous by their absence
The ones who would defend every eBay decision to the end …
eBay can do no wrong was their mantra !
Well the guru you all so solidly defended
Has been sacked … so much for his direction in taking eBay to the bottom
Egg on your face springs to mind
Will the ebay employees who post here under the guise of “just being ordinary members” still post
Having nothing left to defend
It is not over until the Fat Lady posts
on 03-10-2014 08:26 PM
Hopefully there might be some positive changes, but I'm not holding my breath. Not many organisations change back to how things were. Once a change has been made, it stays, regardless.