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Awesome security........NOT!

I must admire and praise the absolutely MAGNIFICENT security afforded to all of us who use PayPal.


Whilst admitting to be possibly one of the least computer savvy individuals I know I find it utterly astounding that my wife, whilst attempting to create a PayPal account for her mother-in-law (my mother), quite seperate to either of ours, was provided access to MY PayPal account by following a couple of very simple steps as prompted by the PayPal account set up process.


Even though she had no idea of my password she was able to change it quite easily, change the phone number listed and link it to a different bank account.


Luckily, she reviewed all of the information as she went and prior to committing to the account creation, had a "What the.....???" moment and stopped the process as she realised the account name was mine and not the one she had been attempting to create.


We tried it a few more times together after that with the same result each time.  Fantastic security?  METHINKS NOT!


Needless to say, I had to then create new I.D.'s, passwords, link all the changes on both eBay and PayPal and, just when I thought everything was hunky dory, have discovered that two sales I made on the weekend have still got the link to the OLD PalPal I.D. which now no longer exists so I now have to inconvenience the Buyers, get them to cancel their payments so I can send them an invoice from PayPal.


What an absolute cluster!  All because the stupid systems want to automatically link everything the instant there is a single similarity in the information which, in this case, was only the surname on the bank account and the bank. 



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Re: Awesome security........NOT!

Honored Contributor

I'm far from techno savvy,  but......


Did she use the computer you always use?  that is,  the same isp address?


Have you told your computer to remember all your info - id, passwords, etc?


Just askin'      Otherwise,  dunno


(I'm sure someone will now come and laugh at the stawka - bring it on)

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Re: Awesome security........NOT!

Stawka, that is not so silly.

When I registered a second ID I did not have to do automatically connected to my paypal account.  After opening the new ID I bid and won an item...I automatically hit Pay Now and immediately thought what an idiot I was as it was not connected to paypal.  To my surprise it went straight to my paypal account.

Both my laptop and desktop have my passwords etc saved as I am the only one here that uses them....OH has his own computer and does not know how to use ebay....I have to do it for him.

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Re: Awesome security........NOT!

Yay!  I accidently got something right,    maybe      super happy dance emoticon

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