on โ20-07-2012 05:15 PM
I sold a boat,(buyer" bought it now")without ANY communication.
I get to talk to buyer who claims the right of inspection before payment. Dispute registered, relist the boat and am experiencing exactly the same situation.Am hoping it turns out alright this time!
People indicate "buy it now", find it hard to contact them, then try to claim they have the right to inspect before paying, MEANWHILE THE SALE IS IN LIMBO, no one can offer/offers are cut off. People think there is something wrong with your item.
I also indicated that sale is Pay immediately on "buy it now" and same after discussion and agreement on" offers" also.
No one wants to put themselves out to arrange inspection, THEN, buy or offer.
THEY want to freeze your sale, don't pay(breaking a contract) then suggest they have been ripped off by others,so I AM THE SAME.
Not this little black duck.
What do ebay sellers/buyers think?
on โ20-07-2012 05:21 PM
Buy it now means to me to be I agree to buy it now .... Inspections and questions can be asked before comitting to buy.
I honestly don't understand how someone can think otherwise. JMO
on โ20-07-2012 05:31 PM
Buyer of any item that is "pick up only" has the right to inspect and pay only if they are satisfied it is as described.
With posted items, the buyer has a right to claim refund if the item is SNAD. The same thing; buyer does not have to accept item that is not as described.
on โ20-07-2012 05:34 PM
Thanks for the back up my friend,but these people state that they didn't understand. They end up swearing and blaming you ,one fellow stated "how can you expect me to put money in your account,when I don't know you," Beyond me, they are wanting to scam you down without other bidders competition.
on โ20-07-2012 05:37 PM
IF, the buyer inspects BEFORE "buy it now", that certainly is the case. NOT AFTER/PICK UP ONLY.
on โ20-07-2012 05:45 PM
Stomper you have it all wrong. With items like a boat the buyer has the right to inspect it before paying and NOT paying if it is not as described.
No way can you expect a buyer to pay you before inspecting.
I suggest you do a bit of reading about selling pickup items.
on โ20-07-2012 06:07 PM
As I stated in post 4 here ,inspect first, then buy as I indicated, nothing to do with pick up only, that is moreso the reason to inspect first. As you wrongly stated I AM RIGHT . Regards, stromper-gd
on โ20-07-2012 06:24 PM
with cars / boats / bikes and other pick up items, the buyer clicks buy it now, then comes to your house/place of business, inspects the item and if as described pays you Cash and takes item away
if item is not as described, they do not pay, and you arrange with them to do a Mutual Cancellation of the transaction, -- that is just how eBay works for cars / boats / bikes and other pickup items
no putting money into accounts, no paypal, just inspect and pay One of the reasons sellers of cars bikes etc. do NOT have to offer paypal.
on โ20-07-2012 06:25 PM
Regardless of anyone being "wrong" or "right", it is standard practice on eBay with pick-up items to Buy It Now, then inspect and pay on pick-up.
No one in their right mind would pay without inspecting a pick-up mind, and I see you don't expect that...unless they've hit the BIN option, but people do it this way so that no one else BINs the item while they are in the process of inspecting it, thus (formally) having no claim on it if they actually want to purchase.
The format conducive to the way you want to sell (Classified [with best offer], where the sale wouldn't occur until agreed upon by both buyer and seller) no longer exists, so you are actually going to have to find a way to compromise between the way you think things should be done, and the way the majority of buyers are used to things being done.
on โ20-07-2012 06:56 PM
If you find a buyer who is numpty enough to put money into your account before inspecting/taking posession of a pick up item please let me know as I have a nice bridge I can offer them, I will even throw in a matching opera house!