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Buyer refused to return the item, but requested refund, eBay favored the buyer

Hey guys,


Lately I've got a negative feedback from a suspicious buyer. The buyer contacted me claiming that the item didn't work, but no proof at all, no photos, no nothing, just statement. Then I proactively communicated with him and provided troubleshooting instruction and told him that if the item still has issue, return for refund or replacement. 


Then the buyer left me a negative feedback immediately after I sent him the resolution message. Although eBay's policy stated clearly that leaving negative feedback for requesting refund before the buyer send the item back to the seller is not allowed, and is considered feedback extortion, eBay favored the buyer and refused to remove the feedback.


I think eBay is not fair for sellers at all, when seller has done everything fulfilled element on the transaction, why we still need to be the one who is bullied and accused? 


Do you guys have any similar experience or maybe suggestions on this?

Message 1 of 25
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Re: Buyer refused to return the item, but requested refund, eBay favored the buyer

Yes, the buyer has scored an own goal.Smiley Very Happy

if I were the seller, I'd be laughing as i think most people looking at the neg will just note the excellent seller bit but think the rest a bit strange.


It's a numpty who can't even spell rubbish.

Message 11 of 25
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Re: Buyer refused to return the item, but requested refund, eBay favored the buyer

@*tippy*toes* wrote:

Excellent seller to sell rubies? What a tosser! I wouldn't worry about that neg. Any half normal people can see it was a complete numpty who left it. I wouldn't even entertain the idea of a refund. Stuff them!

Yes, I initially thought OP must be a seller of precious stones. 


Perhaps the buyer equates red dots with rubies? 


In any case, any other buyer can clearly see that this buyer is a muppet and OP's response is reasonable and professional, so no harm done. 

Message 12 of 25
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Re: Buyer refused to return the item, but requested refund, eBay favored the buyer

In fact, you could always make the argument to eBay CS that the feedback should be removed because the buyer has left it for the wrong seller, as you do not sell rubies.


Back this up with the fact that you said you were "confused" in your reply.


I'd give it a shot.

Message 13 of 25
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Re: Buyer refused to return the item, but requested refund, eBay favored the buyer

I suspect predictive text has a lot to answer for.

People should really double check before they press send.Smiley Very Happy

Message 14 of 25
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Re: Buyer refused to return the item, but requested refund, eBay favored the buyer

Ahhhh yes, the numpty stuffing mix. I haven't made it for awhile, so will see if I can remember it. Depending on the size of the numpty, you might have to make a little extra. They breed them big these days.


5kg quick set concrete

4.5kg Himalayan rock salt

4 tea towels (must be the cloth ones, not the toweling type ones)

3 jars of mixed herbs

3kg crushed glass (preferably green if you can get it)

A pair of smelly socks

A bottle of out of date milk (preferably at least 2 weeks out)

2 litres of water

3 bottles of really good wine.


Mix all the dry ingredients in a large bucket or wheelbarrow.

Pour a glass of wine and drink it.

Tip in the wet ingredients.

Pour another glass of wine and drink it.

Using a large wooden spoon, or a shovel, mix everything together, until it is around cake mix consistency.

Pour 2 glasses of wine and drink them.

Remove the numpty's head from its rear end, severing it if you have to.

Finish the first bottle of wine.

Stand the numpty on its head and pour the stuffing in.

Open 2nd bottle of wine and have a glass.

Baste the skin of the numpty if you have any mixture left.

Drink remainder of 2nd bottle.

Put basted and stuffed numpty in the large industrial sized oven that you hired from Bunnings

Skoll 3rd bottle of wine and go to bed.

By morning, the numpty should be cooked.


Bon apetite!

Message 15 of 25
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Re: Buyer refused to return the item, but requested refund, eBay favored the buyer

Love it ๐Ÿ™‚


Should be on eBayโ€™s home page ๐Ÿ‘

Message 16 of 25
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Re: Buyer refused to return the item, but requested refund, eBay favored the buyer

Although tempting, waaay too much hard work.


They now come in pre-prepared bite sized bars.


Related image

Message 17 of 25
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Re: Buyer refused to return the item, but requested refund, eBay favored the buyer

Thank you for your information! 


You were quite right about that, most of the buyers on eBay are nice and kind, but can expect a small part of them are not. 

I felt much better after reading you guys replies, I will move on doing my buseinss. Smiley Happy

Message 18 of 25
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Re: Buyer refused to return the item, but requested refund, eBay favored the buyer

Smiley Very HappySmiley Very Happy How you read about the neg FB makes sense to me and made me feel much better! Thanks!! Maybe that's the same way other buyers will think about when they read the FB. 


Well, I've done what I could as a seller, tried to help him resolve, but apparently what he wanted was not that I could provide (keep the item and get his money back as well). I've done the right thing, and I've got nothing to be ashamed of. But thanks again for being there for meHeartSmiley Very Happy

Message 19 of 25
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Re: Buyer refused to return the item, but requested refund, eBay favored the buyer

I've checked the buyer's profile, he's left several neg FB for other sellers as well in the past year. Maybe similar cases in which he couldn't get what he wanted as well.


I agree with you on the fact that we'll get different responses from eBay's customer agents, so yep maybe I'll give it another go later. But talking to the agents sometimes also makes me frustrated, and wastes me time as well Smiley Frustrated

Message 20 of 25
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