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Can I send an item thinner than 20mm with the Registered Post Letter or does it have to be docs?

I want to sell this flat peice of item below 20mm.


I don't want to send it with a normal Large letter because no tracking is included, but with the Registered Post Letter there is tracking.


I was wondering if I can put a flat item inside the registered post letter anhd send it or does it have to be documents inside only?

Message 1 of 22
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Re: Can I send an item thinner than 20mm with the Registered Post Letter or does it have to be docs?

Crows, that's all wrong.    You need a different PO


Obviously they're interpreting the guidelines differently

Message 11 of 22
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Re: Can I send an item thinner than 20mm with the Registered Post Letter or does it have to be docs?



Hi Clarry

AP can be very picky when they want to be.. I have sent Trading Cards Registered and because it was not paper "They were in Plastic Holders" in the envelope I got charged Parcel rates after I purchased the Registered Envelope FROM THE SAME PO. The weight was under 125 grams. thickness was not a problem  about 5 mm so where is the logic.....The Plastic Holder was what cos the problem.


Seems like every PO make up their own rules.

The one I used at the time was a franchise one rather than a corporate.

If that would make any difference.

Message 12 of 22
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Re: Can I send an item thinner than 20mm with the Registered Post Letter or does it have to be docs?

@salesblock wrote:

Hey! I was just wondering, are you from Australia

@go-tazz wrote:

You can put anything that's legal to post in one of those envelopes.


It even states some examples on the Registered letter.


Just make certain you secure it with cardboard or similar so that it can't bunch up and become over size.


Items I send by letter rate are always put in a freezer bag and then secured to cardboard if needed.

and is this the envaope your talking about ?


I just want to be extra sure we're on the same boat before I start buying ๐Ÿ™‚

That's a 250 gram envelope that Australia Post has and it has different rules,(the ones I bought were the


500 gram ones).


I used to post them in Portland,(in South West Victoria) before moving back up here and  they also concurred


that you can post anything in them as long as it doesn't breach the guidelines posted on the envelope,good.gif


If you're still hesitant then check at your Post Office,ok.gif

Message 13 of 22
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Re: Can I send an item thinner than 20mm with the Registered Post Letter or does it have to be docs?

@1997crows1998 wrote:



PS From what I am led to believe a normal registered envelope if it is under 5 mm must only contain Paper if is is between 5 mm and 20 mm and contains something other than paper then it becomes a parcel.



The official criteria for a small letter (aside from max. length and height dimensions, because I can never remember those), is no more than 5mm thick, must be flexible, and weigh no more than 250g - those will only ever cost 1 x stamp. 


Large letters don't have to be flexible (some AP information makes it look like they do, but if you read the official letters guide, it clearly only applies that requirement to small letters, and Australia Post still sell rigid mailers for things like CDs, which have that they go as large letters printed on them), they can be up to 20mm thick, and can contain anything (within AP's acceptable items). I won't link to the letters guide since it's a PDF, but it's very google-able. 


Technically, however, paper envelopes are supposed to contain paper items, since they automatically go to the sorting machines, and non-paper, or at least non-flexible, items can cause problems with the machines. Other types of envelopes (eg tough bags, padded mailers, rigid mailers) are sorted differently. 

Message 14 of 22
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Re: Can I send an item thinner than 20mm with the Registered Post Letter or does it have to be docs?

Some of the items I sell get sent as large letter. I offer "free" standard postage for those, plus registered and express which the buyer has to pay for. Sometimes a buyer will pay for registered. I package it up in the padded mailer bag, pop the 2 stamps on, then take it to the PO where they put the red registerd sticker on it, then scan it. I then pay (I think) $3.50 over the counter.


For express, only paper items can go for the cheaper rate, even items under 20mm. All non paper items have to be sent at parcel express rate.

Message 15 of 22
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Re: Can I send an item thinner than 20mm with the Registered Post Letter or does it have to be docs?

In addition to DG's post, I believe that it is express letters that require the article to be paper.  This might be where the misunderstanding about registered letter rates comes from.  I got burned once not realising this. I was told by my PO that you have to buy the special envelopes to get express post letter rate (unlike parcels where you can pay the extra and they just put tape all over).


From the website:


Prepaid Express Post envelopes are the ideal choice for delivery of your urgent letters and documents. The items that you send are delivered next business day*, within our guaranteed next day delivery network.

Express Post envelopes are for letters and documents up to 500g and 20mm thick. (My bold)


Would be happy to hear if anyone knows any different that I could use to argue with my PO (nicely).

Message 16 of 22
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Re: Can I send an item thinner than 20mm with the Registered Post Letter or does it have to be docs?

TIPPY is correct

Put it in whatever you want, pay for the stamps required, then get them to put a registered label on it for an extra $3.00
Message 17 of 22
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Re: Can I send an item thinner than 20mm with the Registered Post Letter or does it have to be docs?

@*tippy*toes* wrote:



For express, only paper items can go for the cheaper rate, even items under 20mm. All non paper items have to be sent at parcel express rate.

Just to be contrary.... Smiley LOL


A lot of AP staff will say "paper only" in express envelopes, because only documents are allowed in them, but that's because they don't understand what AP actually define as a document. In the guides, they state explicitly that anything which contains reproducible data is considered a document (that actually is quite vague and applies to many, varied things ๐Ÿ˜„ but they provide examples like compact discs and memory cards). 


The staff at my PO swore blind express was paper only, so (at their request, I'm on very good terms with them....AFAIK ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ™‚ ) I printed out the page and brought it in to show them what the guide said. 


Message 18 of 22
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Re: Can I send an item thinner than 20mm with the Registered Post Letter or does it have to be docs?

You can also use the same envelopes you normally would without needing to use the special (prepaid) registered ones, just notify the person at the counter you want it sent registered/signature on delivery and they will put a Registered Post sticker with the tracking number on it (you will also receive the same tracking number and/or sticker on your receipt, so don't throw it out). In my case, the total cost was $3.70 rather than $7.45 you'd normally pay with Parcel Post.

I recently sent a 5c piece (off-centre minting error) registered from VIC to QLD in the tiniest envelope I had (almost credit card-sized), all I did was add cardboard to toughen the envelope and there were no issues.
Message 19 of 22
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Re: Can I send an item thinner than 20mm with the Registered Post Letter or does it have to be docs?

So instead of me paying $4.50 for a registered envalope, I can just use this small letter for 70c then ask for a registered stick and it'll add up to $3.50 ?


Do I need any other sticker along with the registered sticker ? This is my first time posting with an envalope.


This is the small letter im talking about.

Message 20 of 22
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