on 23-12-2014 12:12 PM
As a seller, if I owned a real shop and people came in to "watch" or browse my products, I would be called a lousy business person with poor service if I didnt approach the potential buyer and asked them if I could help with their visit.
Many watchers on Ebay may not be certain about an item or the seller and may be too embarrassed to ask a simple question.
So, wouldnt it be good if we could send the watchers a polite message..."Hi, thanks for watching, do you need more info about this item? etc.
Ebay has slowly become impersonal, stating privacy issues are the cause. This is a simple process that could "reconnect" people.
merry Xmas.
on 23-12-2014 12:22 PM
Yes, I can see that in some cases the ability to connect with a watcher may be a good thing but the problem there is that people 'watch' for a whole variety of reasons, quite apart from an interest in actually buying the item.
It could be that they are:
1. sellers interested because they are selling similar items and are curious to see how a rival auction pans out.
2. simple browsers interested because they themselves own such an item.
3. only vaguely interested buyers who don't wish to search again at a later stage for the same item.
I routinely watch quite a number of items, without any intention to buy.
Some people consider it good customer service in retail stores when a salesperson approaches you and asks if they can help while you are just generally looking. I personally get irritated by it and just want to be left alone, until I have a specific question to ask or give a clear indication that I would like help. That's just me, though. Others no doubt feel differently.
On ebay, as a seller, I wait until I get a question sent to me. Then I know the prospective buyer really wants to hear from me !!
on 23-12-2014 12:30 PM
Another site I use allows you to see who is watching and to contact them with special offers etc, IF the watchers opts to be visible. If they don't want such attention they can opt remain anonymous.
on 23-12-2014 02:43 PM
i'm watching almost 200 items, all for different reasons. some i have the same items and i'm interested in the sale price just for reference. some are 'i'd like to buy that if i had some spare cash' items. some are waiting till the auction ends to bid on if they arnt allready beyond my budget. none of them do i require help with. i think if a seller gives a good description theres no need for help, but i have often made enquiries when more info was needed.as a seller i cant see sending messages to every 'watcher' would do much except give the seller more time consuming work.as a buyer the contact seller feature works perfectly for me and i'd prefer not to have 200 emails asking me to hurry up and buy/bid before it sells. but then i'm one of those real shop buyers who hates having shop staff running up wanting to assist me.
on 23-12-2014 03:33 PM
I agree with you Frank, I find it frustrating when you see 21 people watching an item you are selling then it doesnt sell once the auction expires!!
on 23-12-2014 04:09 PM
I wouldn't want to be contacted by any seller about watching there items.
I would never contact members watching my items.
Too me it's a bit like being 'that' pushie salesman, turn's me completely off.
on 23-12-2014 04:18 PM
99.9% of watchers are the opposition anyway not potential buyers
on 23-12-2014 04:24 PM
I know.
on 23-12-2014 04:26 PM
on 23-12-2014 04:27 PM