Ebay Scam. Sellers Beware

Warning to all Sellers about a Scam that I believe has happened to me. I posted an item for sale on Ebay and accepted an offer from an Ebay member. Immediately I received an email asking to send item asap as he was moving house to which I did go out of my way to send it as soon as I could via Aust Post Express registered.


Within a couple of days I received an angry email claiming that the item was damaged and he demanded his money back immediately. The purchaser then filed a dispute without giving me any time to reply. I have accepted his return and requested that the item is to be returned to me by Express registered postage same as item sent.


Shortly afterwards I have received a very angry reply demanding money now. As a novice seller and with fear of getting negative feedback I have made the mistake of refunding the money. I have then requested a copy of the postage receipt as soon as item posted. The purchaser has sent me a poor image of a receipt of regular postage with no tracking.


Many weeks later and lots of Emails to purchaser (Replied "Not my problem"), Australia Post and Ebay I have still not received my item and i am out of pocket a couple hundred dollars. I don't agree with Ebays policy but as I had accepted the refund and paid him the money the dispute was resolved and Ebay can't do anything about it.

The warning signs were there of a very pushy customer and very over the top aggressive emails. I have exhausted all my avenues of getting my money back but at least I can warn other Sellers to Not make the same mistake as I did and wait until item is returned before refunding any money. I would rather my $200 and dispute over a negative feedback.      


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Re: Ebay Scam. Sellers Beware



As you know now, you should never refund before receiving the item, except in cases where you don't want the item to be returned and are happy to refund the customer anyway. That might be an expensive lesson... but... let's see if there's anything you can do.


I think you may want to contact the buyer once last time. This should be done in the most official way you can manage. (I would actually send a formal request - registered letter, signature on delivery - and don't have anything on the envelope to signal what it is to avoid the buyer from refusing to sign for it) to have the item returned via express registered post, with proof of postage provided within 48 hours. You don't know any friendly solicitor who'd write up the letter...?) Explain that failing this, you will be reporting the buyer to ACORN. If you don't receive a response within 48 hours, immediately make a report to ACORN.




Here's some suggested wording if you're not sure how to word it - but I admit that it's a little confrontational in tone. I could make it friendlier, giving the buyer some wriggle room for claiming that they "found" the "posted" item in the back of their car, and they were sure they'd sent it, but it must have slipped behind the seat, etc.,etc., - but what you've posted indicates that this was cold-bloodedly planned by a "buyer" who is a well-seasoned scammer. In that case, a friendly approach would only signal weakness; I would suggest that a tough approach may be your only hope that they would return the item. In any case, were I you, I would be reporting the buyer as threatened in the letler.


Dear [buyer]


This is a letter of demand in respect of the [item], item number [xxx], purchased by you on [date] from me on the online platform, eBay.


The item was sent to you by Australia Post Express Registered parcel. Delivery was recorded [date].


On [date] you advised me that the item was damaged, and filed a dispute through eBay's resolution process, without providing me with any proof of damage (such as photos). I accepted your request to return the item for a refund on [date].


Subject to your further communications, you were issued by a full refund by me before I had received the item. You were instructed to return the item via a tracked method. You failed to provide any evidence of having sent via a tracked method, and upon my requesting that you provide a copy of the postage receipt, you included a poor resolution image of something sent by regular postage. The details of the postage were impossible to see, and upon my further communications to you where I asked for details, you failed to provide those details.


The item has not been received, and there is to date no evidence that you sent this item back to me. It is now taken, ipso facto, that given that the item was not delivered to me, you have failed to return the item and that you have received a refund under false pretences.


Failing to return an item for which you have been given a full refund is fraud (refund theft). You are hereby advised that you have 48 hours to return the item in the condition in which it was sent, by a trackable method, as per the agreement under which you were issued with a full refund. The address to which the item is to be sent is the same address shown at the top of this letter. You are required to provide me with proof of trackable postage, and the item will be inspected upon arrival in the presence of an authorised witness.


Alternatively, you may return the full refunded amount to me rather than returning the item.


If you fail to comply with the above, your details will be provided to the Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network (ACORN), and legal action may be taken to recover the funds or the goods, as determined by our legal advisor.


You may contact me on the phone number (above) to discuss this, and to provide evidence to my satisfaction of having posted the item to my email address (also above).


Yours faithfully,




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Re: Ebay Scam. Sellers Beware

No matter how angry a buyer is and "demands" their refund, there are procedures that need to be followed for the return to go smoothly.


when you accept a return, you can either send the buyer PayPal or Bank Transfer funds for the cost of the return postage,


- Ask the buyer if they wouldn't mind using the PayPal Return Postage method (buyer needs to "opt in" on the PP return postage page on PP's website), photograph the  postage receipt and the package showing the return address. Upload these in the Postage refund request and PP will reimburse them within 5 business days (seems like a lot to do but it's relatively easy, and no one ends up paypaing return postage.



But NEVER refund until you receive the item back, because once you do the likelihood of you getting your item back is pretty much zero as you have found out.


have a look on eBay and see if the buyer is re-selling the item. If this is the case you could try reporting them to ACORN, the Aust Cyber Fraud Squad. 

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Re: Ebay Scam. Sellers Beware

M&D, I think most of us pay a price somewhere along the way during our ‘innocent period’ here. Some much more than others unfortunately. I’m sorry you guys have been a part of what looks like a healthy case of buyer opportunism at best.


You’vejust received two great pieces of advice. In future, don’t be frightened to come here FIRST when you feel something is a bit off. I promise, although it can be a bit forthright at times, the best advice, and yes, much better than eBay’s, is right here, but ask before you do anything. You’ll always get the ‘right’ information that will assist you in avoiding the ‘many’ pitfalls here.


I wish you well.






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Re: Ebay Scam. Sellers Beware

Thank you for all the advise. Yes unfortunately it has been a lesson learnt and I will cop it on the chin.


I have thought about taking it further ie solicitor etc but unfortunately I have been loosing sleep over the matter and getting anxious about it so I am happy to take it as a lesson and move on. 


During my conversations to Ebay I raised the fact that even though this has happened I can not leave negative feedback on his profile to warn other members. 


Any way I have said my piece and feel better that I can warn others through this forum.

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Re: Ebay Scam. Sellers Beware

Sellers haven't been able to leave negs or neuts for years.


As you now know, stick to the procedure. It's there to protect both parties.


Besides good things come to good people and karma will have it's day. Smiley Wink

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