Ebay refunds system NOT FAIR for sellers....

Recently we sold an item on here to a customers on here for $130.00 POST FREE via overnight shipping. Anyhow 2 and a bit weeks later we recieve a 'return request' via Ebay from the buyer who claimed the item he purchased 'didn't work' and they weren't upto his standards even though we've sold this particular item to 100's of fellow aussies.


So after assuming perhaps it was a defunct product we agreed to accept the return including the freight via an Ebay return label we finally got the item back this morning and guess what? 


The items were used, had grease all down the tooling, all the wrappers were off. Clearly had been used and played around with. 


I just contacted Ebay and inquired about what we do here and guess what they tell me? There's no proof that the product you sent them in the first place wasn't damaged.. I said you have got to be kidding me. Feedack rating of 99.9% with over 14,500 feedback and that is the response I get. 


She then proceeded me to work it out with the buyer, in which I replied we had left messages with no response other then the responses left via the ebay returns procedure. I then asked her finally so once we refund him his $130.00 for our $25.00 for our returned unsellable product does he have the right to leave us a negative feeback as I don't want to be back on the phone again today... she said yes they can but you can call us and make a dispute for it but we can't guarentee it will be removed...


SELLERS BEWARE we just bit the bullet and refunded the buyer because we don't wanna deal withe hassles but I can only image when the buyer has all the power and Ebay sets these new procedures then things like this will occur more often. 

Message 1 of 21
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Re: Ebay refunds system NOT FAIR for sellers....

Ebay have taken away the option to give buyers negative feedback!
Message 11 of 21
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Re: Ebay refunds system NOT FAIR for sellers....

@herveybaybloke wrote:
Ebay have taken away the option to give buyers negative feedback!

Read my reply again. I said that if the buyer negs the seller, the seller should reply to the neg as is his legal right, with an explanation as to what happened, and also refer to the buyer by name, as many of us are now doing, as it's the only way to identify him in order to warn other sellers.

Message 12 of 21
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Re: Ebay refunds system NOT FAIR for sellers....




Message 13 of 21
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Re: Ebay refunds system NOT FAIR for sellers....

And it's only taken you 6 months to work this out? Or more, if you take into consideration when this policy came in.


Btw, all caps is considered shouting and generally gets a post marked down for relevance.

Message 14 of 21
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Re: Ebay refunds system NOT FAIR for sellers....

I utterly hate this new ebay buyer protection program.  It's totally fraught with problems and relys on the buyer, casual or not, to both understand the system at a level far greater than the average casual buyer ever would and ties up the sellers money in refund processes that may never be finished off.  I currently have two ''refund requests'' I just can't get off my books.

The first is one where a lady requested a return and refund but later decided to keep the dress and I can't get her to close the request and I can't do it as the seller and ebay tell me they can't do it either!  What the heck is that?  In the mean time paypal hold the money and tell me they can't do anything about it either as it's an ebay issue.

The second one is a lady in Spain who bought a swimsuit and requested a return due to choosing the wrong sizing,  As such she dosn't get her postage back but the UK system that covers spain can not seem to understand that and nor can the staff I've rung to discuss the case with in the uk.  The buyer did not ever say it was wrongly discribed but their system things it does even though I can see at this end it says wrong size or does not fit.  So I have refunded her the cost of the item after it was returned and neither of us can close out the refund/return request.  What a stup

@3415len wrote:

Recently we sold an item on here to a customers on here for $130.00 POST FREE via overnight shipping. Anyhow 2 and a bit weeks later we recieve a 'return request' via Ebay from the buyer who claimed the item he purchased 'didn't work' and they weren't upto his standards even though we've sold this particular item to 100's of fellow aussies.


So after assuming perhaps it was a defunct product we agreed to accept the return including the freight via an Ebay return label we finally got the item back this morning and guess what? 


The items were used, had grease all down the tooling, all the wrappers were off. Clearly had been used and played around with. 


I just contacted Ebay and inquired about what we do here and guess what they tell me? There's no proof that the product you sent them in the first place wasn't damaged.. I said you have got to be kidding me. Feedack rating of 99.9% with over 14,500 feedback and that is the response I get. 


She then proceeded me to work it out with the buyer, in which I replied we had left messages with no response other then the responses left via the ebay returns procedure. I then asked her finally so once we refund him his $130.00 for our $25.00 for our returned unsellable product does he have the right to leave us a negative feeback as I don't want to be back on the phone again today... she said yes they can but you can call us and make a dispute for it but we can't guarentee it will be removed...


SELLERS BEWARE we just bit the bullet and refunded the buyer because we don't wanna deal withe hassles but I can only image when the buyer has all the power and Ebay sets these new procedures then things like this will occur more often. 

id stupid system.  Funds are still frozen though.  Both of these are from June!!!

Message 15 of 21
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Re: Ebay refunds system NOT FAIR for sellers....

@robinsonmarineparts wrote:

The trouble is the poor old seller can't prove what condition he sent the item in. Smiley Sad


I sent a fuel pump to a buyer, it allegedly arrived broken so the buyer told EBAY that i sent a broken item to him, so i had to copped the financial loss plus a defect.

Whats to stop buyers from using this as a free changeover system and sending you back the replaced part, unless you evidence of unique item markings, which is unlikely.


Message 16 of 21
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Re: Ebay refunds system NOT FAIR for sellers....

You are 100% right Lane Ends.


 This totally bizzare one-way sytem has no checks or balances.

 It believes buyers claims no matter how ridiculous and places all the bias against the seller.


 I have read many times the above scenario where by a seller sends a new unit, used/user damaged/user sick of it altogether/different item is returned unit is returned as the buyer curiosty is satisfied or they used it once or whatever and the eBay comes up with te pat line

" you have no proof what condition the item was sent it"

 SO even a seller sitting on 99.9% with a huge number of feedbacks who pays hundereds or thousands every month to eBay, even this person their word is completely disregarded and considered value-less vs a repeat offended dodgy buyer every time.


 It is just nonsense. There is nothing to stop dodgy people using eBay as a free parts changeover service or free tool rental service and is is extremely unfair.

Message 17 of 21
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Re: Ebay refunds system NOT FAIR for sellers....

to lane works both ways

Message 18 of 21
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Re: Ebay refunds system NOT FAIR for sellers....

Surf said.

The second one is a lady in Spain who bought a swimsuit and requested a return due to choosing the wrong sizing,  As such she dosn't get her postage back but the UK system that covers spain can not seem to understand that and nor can the staff I've rung to discuss the case with in the uk.  The buyer did not ever say it was wrongly discribed but their system things it does even though I can see at this end it says wrong size or does not fit.  So I have refunded her the cost of the item after it was returned and neither of us can close out the refund/return request.  What a stup



It surprises me that an item such as a bathing costume can be returned at all unless it is faulty in some way.

I know your case was in Spain so perhaps it is different there but I am pretty sure that due to health regulations here (unless things have changed), if you were to buy bathers in a shop you would not be able to return them.

Message 19 of 21
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Re: Ebay refunds system NOT FAIR for sellers....

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