on 05-07-2016 02:36 PM
If Ebay Australia is going to allow overseas sellers(predominately Chinese) to sell on Ebay this is fair enough,but I believe Ebay should be more fairer to Australian sellers by making that all Australian seller listings appear first in the list when a person types in a search word.
The way the system is now,a person has to go to the left side of screen and click "Australia only" to only see Australian listings and this is a lot of effort and causes a great disadvantage to Australian sellers.
If Ebay made it that that Australia seller listing appeared first,then this would help Australian sellers to compete better and at the same time it wouldn't be too much of a disadvantage to Chinese (or other) sellers as they still could sell on Ebay and Ebay would still make money from their listings/sales.
Can I get your opinions please?
on 06-07-2016 12:14 PM
@bettyboopsadaisy wrote:Don't want to labour the point (I will, anyway !!), but there IS such a word as 'fairer'.
The mistake is saying 'more fairer', a double comparative. The word 'more' in this instance should not be included.
See post #7 Betty. Already explained.
on 06-07-2016 12:17 PM
*tippy*toes* wrote:.I'm glad no-one suggested using the distance option to eliminate OS sellers altogether. That would mean having to type in multiple things rather than tick a single box.
And according to another thread on the boards it does not work....there are plenty of overseas listings still appearing from countries such as Japan.
on 06-07-2016 12:48 PM
Maybe Ebay company could somehow "lock in in" so that if a person is in another country they couldn't use a fake Australian address like Darwin?
Perhaps they could make it so their system picks up if the computer being used is based overseas..
For example,when i had my Paypal hacked the Paypal team could tell that someone in Indonesia had accessed my account.
on 06-07-2016 01:05 PM
That is also not very reliable. A seller can be in another country but still have the items in Australia ready for dispatch.
Many Chinese sellers have warehouses here.
on 06-07-2016 01:08 PM
The only "argument" i have is that people should support local businesses where possible and the same goes for in China or US etc.
Some people,like yourself i gather,dont agree with that and thats ok.
I should also reiterate that I'm not suggesting for China based etc sellers to not be allowed to sell on Ebay Australia.Im simply wanting to level the playing field so that Australian based sellers get better exposure instead of being relegated to page 2,3,5 or whatever that some viewers may not have the patience to scroll through all the listings to eventually get to.
If Australian sellers listings were to receive more exposure and they were actually seen by the potential buyer and then if the buyer stlll chose to buy from the Overseas seller then so be it.
Im not referring to entitlement,Im simply refering to fair play.
on 06-07-2016 01:27 PM
@character_parties_aus wrote:Luxegems....I still haven't seen a coherent and logical argument as to why Australian sellers should appear before others such as Chinese in search engine listings on the eBay AU site. The only argument I have seen is that it's an Australian site so Australians should appear before anyone else ( which it isn't its a global site with an Australian slant provided by an American company) ...which I do feel is a very a-typical Australian attitude migrant or otherwise!
If people truly want to sell this way which is of course their choice, they should sell on an Australian only site like Gumtree ( although still owned by the same American company that owns eBay!) or build their own website like me ( and it was built by an Australian!!).
Ok lets forget about what we want as sellers. Lets look at what I want as a buyer I, like a lot of other buyers, want to buy from Australian sellers for several reasons I want to support the country I live in, I would rather help support an Aussie family than send the money out of the country, there is a lot better chance of getting good support from someone living in Australia than someone in China who just uses a storage/delivery service here.
I always try to check if a seller is an Australian seller before buying but I sometime forget I purchase 2 items last night 1 I checked and is from an Aussie seller one was a purchase to compliment the first one and I forgot to check that is coming from a Chinese seller. A little while a go I wanted to purchase a garlic press and could not find an Aussie seller and ended up getting it at the super market.There is a large sections of good Aussie just can not compete with the Chinese. This is eBay Australia and Aussie should get a fair go at selling here. At the moment it is hard to to get a good placement and even if you do your competing with half a dozen Chinese sellers.
You are starting a website, good luck with that I hope it goes well. I have been running websites for nearly 20 years and one thing you will learn is the best traffic is Search engine followed by new people. These are people are a lot more likely to buy and impulse buy no for these people to become loyal customers they need to be treated right which is less likely with an overseas seller than a good local seller, it just can not be done. If local (Aussie sellers) are not given the chance to get customers from the start and grow. Buyers do and always will get second rate customer service and that is not good for anyone.
on 06-07-2016 01:36 PM
on 06-07-2016 01:55 PM
I also find it annoying that it doesnt stay as the default option.
It would even be more ideal if there was the option to view items from overseas based on the country.
For example,sometimes i might leave it on "worldwide" because i might want to see items from Thailand,England or Sri Lanka etc but i find it hard to come across those items due to the sheer number of Chinese seller items.
Im guessing Ebay has allowed this "oversupply" of low quality Chinese items due to the large business they have received from it but at the same time what they don't realise (or have neglected) that this has accumulated in Ebay now having a reputation as a low quality,cheap price buying platform and many Australian busineses/designers (particularly fashion and jewellery designers) won't list/sell their items here because they think it wil give their brand a bad reputation of being sh@t quality.
I guess this business model works for them financially so thats why they are sticking with it:/
on 06-07-2016 02:05 PM
Maybe they do with the larger items such as Electrical goods but to be honest, I dont think many do dispatch from Australia when referring to small items such as jewellery,womens clothing,tea's and cosmetics.
Ive bought probably easily over a thousand things from Chinese sellers and they are 90% of the time marked from Chinese postal services-sometimes with fast postage due to EMS and sometimes with slow postage (as expected for free or low cost shipping price) so I don't think there should be too much issue with this except maybe with more bulky goods.
on 06-07-2016 02:16 PM
I have actually had quite the opposite experience.
Some years ago I was looking for a large quantity of plastic CD/DVD sleeves. They were not time critical...the only criteria was CHEAP.
I was searching by item plus postage cheapest first and naturally all the listings were from China with free postage and the same price (or within a few cents). I found a listing that also had Best Offer and was supposedly in Australia. I took the location with a grain of salt and put in a best offer for a number of the same item.
The offer was accepted, I paid late in the afternoon and settled back to wait for however long it took to arrive from China. I nearly collapsed when it was handed to me at 7am the next morning by my AP contractor having been sent from the Sydney suburb mentioned in the listing.
Could not get better than that IMO. I have since bought more from that seller and the service has never varied.