on 24-11-2023 01:32 PM
How do we compete with a seller who sells at a loss, I purchased a pair of earrings to see how they package/post them, cost $1.99 aud, when the earrings arrived, the postage was $2.20 aud add ebay fees onto that your looking at maybe $2.50 aud so they losing $0.50 per sale, there is no way I can compete, and they have over 10,000 listings on ebay with 195k items sold, i checked their feedback history and most people buying the $1.99 earrings and not the more expensive to even out the so called sales. Ebay stated that they have other accounts with more expensive items to even out the sales......again how is this fair to the rest of us??
They litterly have a monopoly so why should I sell on ebay and is this happening with other items??
How can we compete with this????
Solved! Go to Solution.
on 25-11-2023 02:01 PM
Well - that is interesting.
Perhaps littlemiddy kept the packaging - could be interesting to run the stamps by Aust Post.
Otherwise - we'll all have to buy buck 1.99 earrings for the stamps. lol
on 25-11-2023 02:06 PM
yes I did keep the packaging they are these series of stamps
on 25-11-2023 02:10 PM
The article says December 2021 - the stamps with Native Animals are 2022 - I think.
OK back to the drawing board.
on 25-11-2023 02:12 PM
do auspost change the quality of their stamps?
on 25-11-2023 02:23 PM
In what way - paper - printing. ??
Have noticed they have those tiny triangles cut out - making the stamp difficult to remove from the backing.
No I don't think so - do the stamps look different to you ??
on 25-11-2023 02:33 PM
i have 5 different stamps here, including ones i purchased from AP and others on mail I recieved, and the paper quality is definitely different between those and the "suspect ones"
this is a interesting read
“Creating an unfair playing field”
“We will allege this man was forging stamps to create a financial advantage for himself,” AFP Detective Superintendent David Berston said. “He was able to entice customers to his business and away from his competitors because the free postage made his products cheaper, creating an unfair playing field” he continued. |
on 25-11-2023 02:34 PM
Get yourself off to Aust Post with them then.
on 25-11-2023 04:02 PM
Wow! We all keep saying that there is " no such thing as free postage".
Turns out we were wrong!
Hope AFP and Oz post get better at catching the bustards responsible!
on 25-11-2023 06:01 PM
@domino-710 wrote:Would that be 2,000 stamps per month. ??
No Dom, they would be selling far closer to 10,000 items per month, than 1,000, and that is just on one account
on 25-11-2023 06:58 PM
Just curious - what other accounts. ??
How do you know of other accounts. ??