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How do I deal with rude staff at my local post office?

Community Member

Hi folks


This is not the first time I have raised the issue but could not find the previous post.


I am in a situation where my local post office has rude/unfriendly staff. During weekdays I am limited to

this Post Office. No matter what day, what time - even during the quietest times - the staff there can

barely utter a friendly word, a smile or even a thankyou.


Regardless I try to be courteous and organized. Seems to make no difference.

This alone is putting me off selling on ebay. I can't get my head around it. I have had enough

and this week when one of them told me bluntly to move aside I told them there was

"no need to be rude and you are always rude". They did not even look at me or respond,

completely ignored me.


Am at the point where I would like to lodge a complaint but not sure where? This is not a stand alone

Post Office, it is an agency/newsagent combined. Who are they accountable/answerable to -

Australia Post or is there a district manager who oversees these places?


Any help would be appreciated!


In the meantime I am thinking of having one posting day (Saturdays) and travelling to another

Post Office. Because I am not keen to give a single cent to my local one with their attitude.


Thanks in advance.

Message 1 of 74
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Re: How do I deal with rude staff at my local post office?

The Post Office section at my local subagency/newsagent is also staffed by the people (husband and wife) who own the business, and that was the case with the previous owners.  Are the people you have to deal with only staff or are they also the owners (or family members)?


Thankfully at the sub agency I use they are wonderful people.  It's some of the staff at my closest Post Office that are horrible.


If it was me, I'd definitely lodge a complaint with AP.  It might get lost in the shuffle....or you might be one of many complaints about the service.  Maybe even enough for AP to do something about it and give the contract to someone else.

Message 21 of 74
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Re: How do I deal with rude staff at my local post office?

Community Member

My advice...

If it was me, Id stop making comments - pointless and it just makes you look like a nag. Theyve already demonstrated they dont care.. they are probably rolling their eyes thinking youll be back tomorrow to nag again. If other customers hear you, it makes you look inappropriate - they may not feel the same way as you (and even if they do... )


These outposts are called CPA's (Community Postal Agents). They are contracted to AusPost, the contracts can be worth quite a bit of money, and they are renewed every two years. They can be terminated by AusPost for breech of contract, including customer service standards.


Complain to AusPost. Do it in writing, and state you require a response that details what actions they are going to take to stop this behaviour. If you feel comfortable, address the letter to Ahmed Fahour (director / CEO of AusPost) or someone like that (State head?).. dont just send it to customer complaints, they probably get a million a day. Not as stupid as is sounds - in a public company, most mail is "required" to be delivered to the office of the person it is addressed to, or nominated person who looks after it. It will get MUCH better attention this way.


If it was me though, Id put it on social media. Facebook - post to their page so others can see it. And post every. single. day. til it gets a reply. AND Twitter. Twitter is the best thing for getting attention. You can be anonymous and its more "visible" to the world than a Facebook post. Tweet multiple times over a few days, name the agency, tag @Auspost so they can see the tweet, and encourage replies by asking questions "How many people have experienced the RUDE @auspost agency staff at blahnewsagency??", "has blahnewsagency inlalatown every trained their @auspost ppl in customer service? DISGUSTING!" 

Also give examples of their behaviour.

Companies are well aware of the power of social media to seriously tarnish a brand in a matter of days. They will want you happy ASAP.


From experience in being responsible for large teams over multiple sites and looking after complaints, these are the best/ fastest two ways to get something fixed.



Message 22 of 74
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Re: How do I deal with rude staff at my local post office?

Chezzy, you should absolutely lodge a complaint with Australia Post as I can assure you that they take these matters very seriously indeed. Case in point, the licensees at my local LPO (Marsden, Qld) were Chinese, and two of the rudest, nastiest individuals I've ever had the misfortune to deal with, and it seemed that they actually went out of their way to alienate everybody.

This went on for a few months and I know for a fact that I was only one of many locals who complained to AP about these horrible people, then one day I walked in to do my mail and there was a young Vietnamese couple behind the counter, and right from the first day they've been the nicest, friendliest and most helpful people you could possibly imagine.

Several months later we're now on first name terms and while we were discussing the previous licensees one day, they told me that AP had revoked their contract due to numerous complaints from the public about their demeanour, so I think it would be a very good idea if you were to lodge a complaint with AP, as yours may just be the one that tips the scales and forces AP to terminate their contract and award it to somebody else.

Message 23 of 74
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Re: How do I deal with rude staff at my local post office?

Having to face up to the AP staff attitude every day would get you down after awhile. I have a couple of P.O,s I avoid if I can. One single owner is a bit of a grump and not really up with international postage etc. and the other one employs a lady who gets flustered if I roll up with my suitcase on wheels full of parcels. It can take half an hour for her to work it all out. ( with customers banking up behind )


I had the situation reversed today. My usual PO is staffed by some very helpfull, friendly people. A customer came in who was absolutely off her tree on something pretty nasty. She was highly agitated, snapping at staff, making unreasonable demands in a loud voice and generally being highly aggressive. ( probably smoked too much ice. ). After five minutes of them politely trying to keep her calm and assist her, she swore at staff and stormed out of the building yelling all of the way. The poor staff where all a bit shaken by the experience.



Message 24 of 74
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Re: How do I deal with rude staff at my local post office?

I stopped at a PO on the way home from work one arvo with about 6 parcels to lodge. It was around the time that Click and Send first became available. I noted with interest how the Asian man behind the counter was courteous and pleasant to the 2 people he served ahead of me, with a Hi, and thank you, your most welcome. My turn, I put the parcels on the counter. Said "Hi, I'd like to lodge these please?" He very rudely ignored my hi and instead gave me a mere sigh. When he had finished scanning the parcels I said thank you very much, got no reply. As I reached the door I heard, "yeh and what do I get out of it". I turned around and said "Pardon?" . "Nothing" was his reply. So I thought, I've had this. I'm am sick to death of rude people. I went home, called AP Customer Service and lodged a complaint. They actually rang me back to advise that they had spoken with him and basically said "you get xxx for each parcel you lodge". What he won't get, is my business anymore!
Message 25 of 74
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Re: How do I deal with rude staff at my local post office?

my local post office is a combined newsagency & tatts outlet. It gets quite busy but the staff are fantastic, so friendly and helpful. When all the stuff about proving postage came up, i started printing out a copy of the letters i was posting. They happily stamp it for me as prove of postage. However when i tried the same at the main post office, the lady in charge wouldn't do it, and was quite rude about it.

I have had problems with her in the past, so i don't go to that post office anymore.

Message 26 of 74
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Re: How do I deal with rude staff at my local post office?

Community Member

You need to look up their phone number, and make a complaint.

I had mail go missing several times, and I rang the post office, and they took the complaint very seriously.

It's the same if you get attitude at the counter. And especially if it's regular.

I would just make a call to Australia Post. Let them know the address of the post office.

They will know who runs it, and will take it up with them. I promise you Australia Post take it seriously.

Give them approximate dates, and if you know the name of the person doing it, and what it's doing to your

business, in that you don't want to go in their etc. They will address it.

good luck

Message 27 of 74
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Re: How do I deal with rude staff at my local post office?

Just because they asked you to move aside doesn't mean you have to do it, I would have just stood my ground and yold them I would be happy to move as soon as they had finished serving me.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 28 of 74
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Re: How do I deal with rude staff at my local post office?

@gtx305 wrote:

My advice...

If it was me, Id stop making comments - pointless and it just makes you look like a nag. Theyve already demonstrated they dont care.. they are probably rolling their eyes thinking youll be back tomorrow to nag again. If other customers hear you, it makes you look inappropriate - they may not feel the same way as you (and even if they do... )



Hi gtx305

Just to clarify - a nag would be someone who goes on and on. I have been to this PO agency numerous times since I arrived in the area and have always been courteous. Have never nagged or said anything negative. I think I have masked my frustration pretty well but this time I finally got the courage to say something!! (straw that broke the camel's back and all that).


The rest of your post has given me good food for thought. Thankyou! Am not really on social media. Have a lightly used facebook account but don't do twitter. Not sure how I feel about 'naming and shaming' via those methods. I do feel I need to have some plan of attack in addition to 'taking my business elsewhere'.

Message 29 of 74
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Re: How do I deal with rude staff at my local post office?

@cq_tech wrote:

Chezzy, you should absolutely lodge a complaint with Australia Post as I can assure you that they take these matters very seriously indeed. Case in point, the licensees at my local LPO (Marsden, Qld) were Chinese, and two of the rudest, nastiest individuals I've ever had the misfortune to deal with, and it seemed that they actually went out of their way to alienate everybody.

This went on for a few months and I know for a fact that I was only one of many locals who complained to AP about these horrible people, then one day I walked in to do my mail and there was a young Vietnamese couple behind the counter, and right from the first day they've been the nicest, friendliest and most helpful people you could possibly imagine.

Several months later we're now on first name terms and while we were discussing the previous licensees one day, they told me that AP had revoked their contract due to numerous complaints from the public about their demeanour, so I think it would be a very good idea if you were to lodge a complaint with AP, as yours may just be the one that tips the scales and forces AP to terminate their contract and award it to somebody else.

Hi cq

Thanks for taking the time to respond - your post has also given me food for thought. In my case I don't think I am dealing with an LPO, I am not sure. It is a newsagent that happens to have an Australia Post counter, Australia Post products etc. This is why I wasn't sure where to direct any complaint. I have dealt with some wonderful little POs (some of the little LPOs run rings around 'proper' Post Offices too with their almost country-like good old fashioned customer service). I will pursue what you suggested too.

Message 30 of 74
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