How to find Paypal fees charged

I've rummaged around Paypal and can't figure out how to do this:


For accounting purposes I want a report of all my Paypal payments this financial year, with the fees listed separately. I read somewhere that the Paypal History has a separate column for fees, but I don't see that. All I see is Net Amount - not even the full payment amount. I don't want to go into each payment individually to find the fees. I need a summary list.


Also, with Paypal Reports is there a way to download all Payments Received as a csv report file without all the extra lines that prevent me summing the column in Excel? For example, when I download the report, a single transaction might looks like this:


Joe Blow .... PayPal Express Checkout Payment Sent .... USD -13.07

From Australian Dollar .... Currency Conversion .... USD 13.07

To US Dollar .... Currency Conversion .... AUD -13.22


All three lines refer to the same transaction and all I care about is the last one. I can't sum the column when there are so many repeated lines.

Message 1 of 27
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Re: How to find Paypal fees charged

@kbclassicproducts wrote:

Added April 2017


There are 5 steps to print your Monthly or Annual PayPal Fees Reports.

Easy to forget the process leading to these reports. 


Hoping the following is helpful to you and others.



1. Select ACTIVITY in Paypal A/C
3. Select Reporting Centre
4. Select Monthly Financial Summary
5. Select Date Range / View Report

6. Select Print or Download

I was with you up to Point 2, but from then on....


You missed out a step between point 2 and 3 - you need to choose Statements (on the top of the transaction amounts), and under that you can choose Reporting Centre.


Thank you for describing how non-store holders can get the information on Paypal fees.

Message 21 of 27
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Re: How to find Paypal fees charged

@davewil1964 wrote:



Really helpful, given that nobody seems to have had the issue, on this thread at least, in that time. At least not to the extent of resurrecting it from it's blissful sleep.

Keep looking Dave....there are threads being resurrected that are FIVE years old.Smiley Frustrated

Message 22 of 27
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Re: How to find Paypal fees charged

Nothing works but to call PayPa directlyl ! - Jan.20th 2019 

You'll get an excel from PayPal via your registered emial address within 72 hours ( I am on day 1 still wating to get my report) it will filtered the information which you'll need. eg. " fees"   


BTW - There's no longer an option to download monthly statement directly with PayPal, everyting need to call PayPal & departments call waiting time is rediculously long : ( 



Message 23 of 27
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Re: How to find Paypal fees charged

Nothing works but to call PayPa directlyl ! - Jan.20th 2019
You'll get an excel from PayPal via your registered emial address within 72 hours ( I am on day 1 still wating to get my report) it will filtered the information which you'll need. eg. " fees"

BTW - There's no longer an option to download monthly statement directly with PayPal, everyting need to call PayPal & departments call waiting time is rediculously long : (
Message 24 of 27
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Re: How to find Paypal fees charged

I hope you're not going to answer everyone individually, who asked the question




I think they may have found a solution in that time.

Message 25 of 27
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Re: How to find Paypal fees charged

This is ridiculous! I can't believe they no longer have a report with fee's included in it!


I have the same report, 'All Transactions', saved from December 2017 and that included every little detail you could ever need to get from your transactions in Paypal.


Now they have limited it to just the very basic info.

Message 26 of 27
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Re: How to find Paypal fees charged

If the information was available in 2017 and isn't in 2019, that has nothing to do with a problem that was happening in 2013.

Message 27 of 27
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