I am in tears. I am trying to find the contact number for Tim MacKinnon How do you talk to someone w

I thought it would be nice to make my items available internationally in case someone would like them there.

A lady purchsed something from the UK and just recebntly filed a "not received" thing.


Ebay estimatesd that her parcel should have been there by the 16th

Australia POST (the actual POST OFFICE) says it takes 10 21 business days which would make it the 25th.






If they refund her money tomorrow I am out of money and in all likley hood it still have days that it could arrive there.




I have beenb on the chat to eBay fro over an hour and a half asking NUMEROUS times to be escalated because they couldn't  understand this simple premise.


I hasve been searching franticly EVERYWHERE for the nuymber and even considered calling the main head off ice in the United States!


WE try SO SO SO hard to do the right thing, and this is what we get???











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I am in tears. I am trying to find the contact number for Tim MacKinnon How do you talk to someone w

No CEO is going to provide special rules 



Ego stroking and head patting is not helpful nor will it stop the same thing happening over and over when selling



Most people here give honest and to the point answers based on real world eBay 


You also had plenty of sympathy but still chose to be nasty and abusive to replies that were not the ones you wanted to the point a moderator had to step in and remind of the rules



Like I said originally, it does not sound like eBay is the right place for you, eBay is nowhere near a bed of roses for sellers and that is what it sounds like you need and expect 






Message 51 of 65
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I am in tears. I am trying to find the contact number for Tim MacKinnon How do you talk to someone w

So it's improper on community threads to be polite to take the time to thank everyone that helped me?
Is being thankful wrong?
wow the world is upside down
Message 52 of 65
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I am in tears. I am trying to find the contact number for Tim MacKinnon How do you talk to someone w

thank you for your reply and the time you took to write this.
a lie is a lie to me. I'm not asking anyone else not to lie,and equally, I would think it respectyful not to bully shame me into lying.
I saty and took the time to reply to each post because they took the time to reply to me and I was grateful for that.
Like in the old world where people value someones time and effort and I was deeply humbled that there were kind people and I felt bad I did not know there were notifications until today.
I thanked everyone, even the ones who were nasty to me.
please read my replies with an biased view.
I;m sorry I don;t agree with you on the lying, but I value your time and thank you for it, please don't let what my morals are upset you.
Message 53 of 65
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I am in tears. I am trying to find the contact number for Tim MacKinnon How do you talk to someone w

@imagineorioums wrote:
 There is no bold or highlighting so in order to covey the gestalt of the post without the reading of it in it'[s entirety I needed to highlight key things and in the absence of the above I used caps.

Ah, it depends on how you are surfing the internet. I am on a computer and on it, messages give options of Bold, italics and underlining etc. If you're posting on a phone, it may not offer the same.


I was reading lyndal's reply and I think if you go away with nothing else, take her words to heart.

It sounds to me as if you are a decent, caring sort of seller and you're feeling hurt partly because you feel you were trying to do all the right things and you feel the system is punishing you.


Ebay is an enormous corporation and you're not going to be able to change it overnight. You have to work within the ebay system and it is an imperfect system.

One of the imperfections is their estimated times of arrival. They are not totally in synch with the Australian post office or any other. Not all sellers use Aus post in any case, so ebay can't be giving a totally accurate ETA for every courier. They give an estimate.


Your job when you list is to make sure you give yourself a more reasonable ETA. It may involve extending your handling time. It won't be lying or misleading your buyers, you need to work within the current system to give a more accurate estimate, with a little leeway built in. As lyndal said, if you still post off asap, buyers will often get the items a little quicker than ETA but that is okay.

The aim when selling is to have transactions go as smoothly as possible, without glitches and headaches, and an unrealistic estimate is just going to cause disappointment.

Message 54 of 65
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I am in tears. I am trying to find the contact number for Tim MacKinnon How do you talk to someone w

@imagineorioums wrote:

Unfortunately I have had to go to the top many times about things that are wrong.
If it's wrong it's wrong it doesn;t matter how many people do it, it takes someone making it known how it works to the people that can, can fix it. It's not an ego problem, it's "see a problem" and hopefully let the right people know to fix it.
If you see the CEO of ebay as someone at the top who can "fix" the very flawed system then I fear you have misread things very badly.
A lot of the replies to me had no values ie: were anything but honest and to the point" they were nasty and "grow up" etc etc with no revelance to anything.
If that is honestly what you have read into the posts on this thread then you need to reread them.  I see your values as rather screwed up if you cannot see that extending your handling time is not lying to your customers. This advice was given by ebay, as well as several experienced sellers.....surely that must mean something?
The moderator stepped in because I reported some of the more nasty ones, whilst I may be ok with people being nasty now, if I were a weaker person or another frame of mind I would have been quite distressed.
Good to know that you are happy to report posts that are not to your liking even if they are honest.  However, the Moderators warning was addressed to you, not to other posters on here.  My reading of your OP is that you were more than "quite distressed".
some of the people that replied to this post and equally with your haughty reply were filled with venom and replied for no other reason but to make me feel bad.
I have been on Ebay for almost 20 years on different accounts all of which I have never had such drama.
The drama on this thread was entirely of your own creation....you did a great job.  But if you see venom and making you feel bad then maybe yu need to ask why.
And thankyou for your opinion, but I choose to focus on the good people and I have had nothing but good experiences from customers when I have always been honest.
Honesty works for me and I am sorry that you find Ebay something other than a bed of roses.
We all do things for different reasons, it's a tyranny to expect other people to be like us.
I live life honestyly and respectfully and am nice to people and it's always been ok, it;'s only the angry ones that have a problem with it and I feel bad for them.
This post seems like I am talking about my character rather than the thread, and it is because it is replying to your attack on m\one.
Every sentence is an attack on who you THINK (in caps because it is highlighted) I am.
This is the end of it.
I was polite and replied and now I am done and wish you to go in peace.


Message 55 of 65
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I am in tears. I am trying to find the contact number for Tim MacKinnon How do you talk to someone w

International selling these days is a risk.I tell my buyers they can expect delays up to 3 months ,I track register  and insure any oversees items .Buyer pays for this.If they want item bad enough They'll pay extra postage.


I only do international selling because Most of my sales are to buyer outside Australia.



If items are registered and insured it allso gives you your money back if Ebay  does decide to refund.


So far I have had no refunds on international mail this year.


I keep in contact with my buyer if items are taking any extra time to get to them.


This keeps them happy  and they dont go for a refund.

Message 56 of 65
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I am in tears. I am trying to find the contact number for Tim MacKinnon How do you talk to someone w

If ebay refunds a buyer as your parcel is showing as undelivered if it finally arrives insurance will be of no use. I have a 30 day handling time for items I mostly sell overseas. I doubt this deters many buyers as the chinese sellers have been doing this for years but it gives me enough time up my sleeve to allow for delays, I hope.

Message 57 of 65
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I am in tears. I am trying to find the contact number for Tim MacKinnon How do you talk to someone w

This is my first problem in 20 years 🙂
I offer international because I like to make it available to people that may really like it. :
Give new things a second life and make available things that people ordinarily wouldn;t find, It's a lot of hassle and you make no money because postage is so high and I live a little away from a post office so it costs petrol to go in, but it's such a beautiful thing to feel and hear happy people.
I love making people happy.
The parcel, thankfully still arrived in the post office recommended times, the lady was confused because EBay promised it 10 days earlier and I screenshot and linked the post office and also the tracking, she was very nice and understood once she was explained everything. 🙂
It seems there are two sides to ebay now, the one when I started which was more like marketplace,and now this new cutthroat (exaggeration) kind of one where people are profit driven.
Maybe I'm just old and have old values.
I did not know that it came out of Ebays pocket if they refund, the email I received when it was close to the date that Ebay recommended was that I would get a bad name and it would come out of my pocket, of course I can't remember the exact wording , but it is what (I took to it to be) and hence the panic as all of it was mainly postage and this time of year, every penny counts. Thank you for that information jj
Hope you have a wonderful new year xx
Message 58 of 65
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I am in tears. I am trying to find the contact number for Tim MacKinnon How do you talk to someone w

Why are you making up rubbish about others?


Do you understand the meaning of handling time ?



It means the maximum amount of time you can take, not how much time you do or have to take


You are the only one pretending it makes someone a liar if their handling time says for example 5 days but they post after one day


5 days is the maximum amount of time that seller can take


they might post within the same day or 1,2 or 3 days


Saying 5 days does not make them a liar so stop twisting it that way


You have been far from polite many times, attacked others with personal remarks many times and then cried victim 


The moderator was talking to you and only you


And you continue to abuse other people


You are the only one that has been attacking people's characters and twisting people's words to suit yourself 



Leave your 'God' out of it

Message 59 of 65
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I am in tears. I am trying to find the contact number for Tim MacKinnon How do you talk to someone w

@imagineorioums wrote:
I don't know what to say to you pebbles.
Unfortunately I have had to go to the top many times about things that are wrong.
If it's wrong it's wrong it doesn;t matter how many people do it, it takes someone making it known how it works to the people that can, can fix it. It's not an ego problem, it's "see a problem" and hopefully let the right people know to fix it.
A lot of the replies to me had no values ie: were anything but honest and to the point" they were nasty and "grow up" etc etc with no revelance to anything.
The moderator stepped in because I reported some of the more nasty ones, whilst I may be ok with people being nasty now, if I were a weaker person or another frame of mind I would have been quite distressed.
Where was ai nasty and abiuse? Is is "nasty and abusive" to tell other people they are being nasty to me?
In this upside down world I should just take the disrespect? Is that what you are saying????
Ebay was marketed at "sell you old things, have stuff lying around, sell it"
It was marketed at everyday people like me. I never expect anything, I take things as they come.
some of the people that replied to this post and equally with your haughty reply were filled with venom and replied for no other reason but to make me feel bad.
I have been on Ebay for almost 20 years on different accounts all of which I have never had such drama.
And thankyou for your opinion, but I choose to focus on the good people and I have had nothing but good experiences from customers when I have always been honest.
Honesty works for me and I am sorry that you find Ebay something other than a bed of roses.
We all do things for different reasons, it's a tyranny to expect other people to be like us.
I live life honestyly and respectfully and am nice to people and it's always been ok, it;'s only the angry ones that have a problem with it and I feel bad for them.
This post seems like I am talking about my character rather than the thread, and it is because it is replying to your attack on m\one.
Every sentence is an attack on who you THINK (in caps because it is highlighted) I am.
This is the end of it.
I was polite and replied and now I am done and wish you to go in peace.

Not sure that it is actually the  OP  posting,  the highlighted  quote ( In delicate Pink)  does not  seem to fit with the distress of their opening post.   Multiple personalities or multiple persons?

By the way had they spent a mere fraction of the time they have spent on this thread, actually communicating with the buyer (a lovely lady, apparently)  rather than wasting their time looking for the  CEO's phone number, then perhaps this whole scenario and thread could have simply been avoided. 


Message 60 of 65
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