Is eBay Paying its Fair Share of Australian Tax?

Australian sellers are paying more in fees than ever before yet, if the eBay invoices are anything to go by, it seems the money we pay to eBay goes off shore to eBay International Helvetiastrasse 15/17 3005 Bern Switzerland. How is it that eBay runs it's commercial operations from an Australian au server, operates as if it's an Australian company, yet it doesn't use Australian Tax Invoices and presumably doesn't pay the same tax like the rest of us? Last financial year, eBay cleared over $7,000,000 profit per day. Is it not right that they should pay Australian taxes at the same rate we pay given we're all doing business in Australia? I would have thought this was especially important when billing Australians for goods and services supplied in Australia.

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Re: Is eBay Paying its Fair Share of Australian Tax?

My question, sweatshop, is how YOU know what polocross knows or thinks. They have made unsubstantiated allegations, which don't really count as knowledge. So the only way you could KNOW what they know is if you are polocross, bolstering your own assertion.


A definition of somebody who lives under a bridge, btw.


Besides, the Government announced measures in the Budget to address the EXACT situation you and polocross are complaining about.


So, it is being addressed.

Message 31 of 52
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Re: Is eBay Paying its Fair Share of Australian Tax?


    How on Earth after reading my idiotic post can you even ask me this question? Did I forget to say "I THINK" Because i think I did not! In fact I think I said I think I know which says I do not know. I think. I realise some people may be confused by this but I certainly have not said "I KNOW" So how do you know that I think I know?

   Oh and by the way I do know think I know what both polocross and I think we know but I do not need you to know what we think e know in order to know that we think it. I think.

Message 32 of 52
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Re: Is eBay Paying its Fair Share of Australian Tax?

I Know. I think I should proof read my posts before posting them.

Message 33 of 52
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Re: Is eBay Paying its Fair Share of Australian Tax?

Oh and by the way unless i should cause more confusion. I am both movie_models and thirdworldsweatshop. But i am not polocross. I havent bolstered anything that i know of and I though Trolls lived under bridges.

Message 34 of 52
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Re: Is eBay Paying its Fair Share of Australian Tax?

For heavens sake, how do you know ebay is not meeting it's tax obligations according to Australian law.  You only think you know and thinking is not proof.


I have been thinking the same thing. The only people who would know the answer to this question are the ATO officers. They are bound by secrecy provisions within the legislation and are not at liberty to divulge this sort of information anyway.


The "government" don't tell the ATO who to target for investigation, that is an internal process.


Most companies, and individuals will find all legal means to reduce or minimise their tax liabilities. Discretionary trusts are an example of this where income splitting occurs which isn't an option available to wage earners who derive their income from personal exertion. I wouldn't call these fair and equitable to all taxpayers.


If ebay are complying with their tax obligations, and the legislation is flawed as it is not capturing tax revenue that it should be capturing, then it is the legislation that is the issue.

Message 35 of 52
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Re: Is eBay Paying its Fair Share of Australian Tax?

 I though Trolls lived under bridges.



Message 36 of 52
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Re: Is eBay Paying its Fair Share of Australian Tax?

"Besides, the Government announced measures in the Budget to address the EXACT situation you and polocross are complaining about"


Just for the record I never did complain about this...? I was just being an idiot. Usually Id be busy working with my sales. But as I now have virtually none I have some extra time on my hands and have been amusing myself. There are a lot of issues with Ebay I have been complaining about. whether or not they pay thei taxes is way down on the list.

Message 37 of 52
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Re: Is eBay Paying its Fair Share of Australian Tax?

"Besides, the Government announced measures in the Budget to address the EXACT situation you and polocross are complaining about"


Just for the record I never did complain about this...? I was just being an idiot. Usually Id be busy working with my sales. But as I now have virtually none I have some extra time on my hands and have been amusing myself. There are a lot of issues with Ebay I have been complaining about. whether or not they pay thei taxes is way down on the list.


I think many of us sellers are in a similar position movie models. The alarm bells rang for me about 2 years or so ago when "best match" came into place. Overnight sales vanished for me and many others. Ebay could not explain how it all worked as it was apparently "complex". I don't think that was an apt description at all.....


Yet again it is a case of survival of the fittest; adapt or sink. Every time a change is implemented the same occurs and we have to jump through some hoops, ride it out and do what we are told to do. Sadly over time many good sellers are vanishing from the site.


I hope that very soon your sales pick up again.

Message 38 of 52
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Re: Is eBay Paying its Fair Share of Australian Tax?

I was just being an idiot.


I doubt you will get too many members disagreeing with you on that.

Message 39 of 52
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Re: Is eBay Paying its Fair Share of Australian Tax?

Does ebay have shareholders?


Don't they have to do some sort of yearly financial report and wouldn't that show the taxes paid?


Why would the Dept of Fair Trading have any control over ebay?

Surely that would be the job of the ACCC?


They might be dumb questions for some but I honestly don't know the answers.


If everyone is so worried about missed taxes then maybe we should ban buyers from buying overseas because those items don't have any gst on them.

Message 40 of 52
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