on 15-10-2012 01:35 AM
I know express post used to not cover by paypal seller protection but then I saw this.
I always use the click and send for my listing suggested by
so I'm protected
so anyone know where I can get a clarification whether express post can be cover by paypal protection?
Thank you everyone 🙂
on 17-10-2012 04:11 PM
I take all photos of all parcels that buyers do not pay for tracking..
But I take the photo after the post office put their sticker on it.
Paypal should except that as proof.. but not except photos with just of the parcel with an address on it.
I had one postal employee complain that I was holding up the line.. but I said if you be responsibly for any loss I be happy not to take the photos.
on 17-10-2012 05:48 PM
Maximum cover for click & send is $100 so that is why I use registered with extra cover.
As for taking a photo of the parcel with the PO stamp I sincerely hope Paypal would not allow that as proof, it would be extremely easy to address the parcels to a friend and then photoshop the buyer's address in it's place before sending the pic to Paypal.
As far as offering express for ebay purposes is concerned if I bothered about that sort of thing I would offer platinum express with a hefty handling fee so hopefully nobody would ever use it 😉
on 17-10-2012 11:25 PM
I'm wondering what is TRS?
BTW how can I quote here?
on 17-10-2012 11:41 PM
I'm wondering what is TRS?
BTW how can I quote here?
After you click reply on the post you want to quote, click the " symbol in the series of icons on the top of the box.
TRS stands for Top Rated Seller. I can't guarantee it, obviously, but the way I took eBay's announcment about changes to the TRS program, you won't lose it if you don't offer express etc, but for sellers that do qualify for Top Rated status, listings that comply with their "Best Listing Practices" get an additional boost in best match (so, free post, 14+ day money back return policy, 0-1 day handling time).
Just in regard to express, when buyers have requested it I've used my standard packaging and and just paid for the express service at the PO. It's probably going up on the 22nd, but it was $9.55 last time I used it and you have to fill in a form with the recipient's name and address that's stamped by the PO etc. The staff have queried why I didn't just use a satchel, but as the package was under 500gm and I barely used more packaging (in terms of expense) than I would have if I used a satchel, I just found it easier.
Anything can be modified with the right know-how - if I were unscrupulous - and any of my buyers actually had to open a PP claim - I could dishonestly defend against it as easy as I'm typing this post. 😮 :8}
And no, of course I won't say how!
on 18-10-2012 12:00 AM
thank you digital*ghost 🙂
I'm a TRS, but I didn't offer express. I can't remember when i was given the TRS status.
Do you still have the link regarding TRS by any chance?
I could dishonestly defend against it as easy as I'm typing this post. 😮 :8}
And no, of course I won't say how!
It's actually mentioned a bit here.
To be honest, Paypal system can be easily beaten.
But no point for sellers to do it (time wasting, neg FB,.. etc), on the other hand, buyer can easily do it by making a claim if the sellers are not careful.
Tell you guys something, I once heard of a small time seller who use regular post to sell some small item and told me that he can use the post office invoice to defend if the buyer make a PP claim. The reason he told me was the invoice will show the postcode. It seems not sufficient to be proof of address I think.
on 18-10-2012 12:01 AM
fail quote !!! 😛
on 18-10-2012 01:18 AM
Maximum cover for click & send is $100 so that is why I use registered with extra cover.
Why not just get the extra cover on the Click and Send parcel? ?:|
on 18-10-2012 02:20 AM
It's actually mentioned a bit here.
To be honest, Paypal system can be easily beaten.
But no point for sellers to do it (time wasting, neg FB,.. etc), on the other hand, buyer can easily do it by making a claim if the sellers are not careful.
Tell you guys something, I once heard of a small time seller who use regular post to sell some small item and told me that he can use the post office invoice to defend if the buyer make a PP claim. The reason he told me was the invoice will show the postcode. It seems not sufficient to be proof of address I think.
No worries. 🙂
The general information about Top Rated Sellers is here: http://pages.ebay.com.au/help/sell/top-rated.html but also check here http://pages2.ebay.com.au/Hub/May_2012_seller_changes/Other_changes/Changes_for_2013#updates to find out more about the changes being made next year.
PayPal have stated a postal receipt that at least shows the recipient's postcode is one of the documents they will accept as proof of postage, but last I checked it was in the 'general' information on-site and if you look through the user agreement and read the information provided there as well as at the links within the agreement itself, it states the documents must show the buyer's delivery address, and the statement that the just the receipt with a postcode is a relatively recent addition (I saw it there some months ago, but for several years prior it was deemed unacceptable entirely).
I don't know of anyone that has attempted to use a receipt with a postcode, let alone whether they were successful, so I can't even offer any anecdotal evidence one way or the other, unfortunately. I will say that if a seller loses an Item Not Received case, such a receipt would at least aid an appeal to a higher authority.
on 18-10-2012 02:21 AM
Oh, well there goes my quote cred.
If indeed I ever had such a thing. :^O
on 18-10-2012 03:40 AM
Why not just get the extra cover on the Click and Send parcel?
You cannot buy increased cover on C&S. It is $50 without signature and $100 with.